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Sun September 15th


Matteo Cardinotti · Head of Bobst Narrow...

Matteo Cardinotti discusses the success of BOBST's DM340 digital press since its launch two years ago and the benefits BOBST Connect can bring to label and packaging converters.

Sun December 3rd


Matteo Cardinotti · CEO BOBST Firence · ...

At the NON-EVENT23, we combined presentations with fireplace chats - and Matteo Cardinotti from BOBST Firence was the first to enter the fantastic scenery in front of the huge fish tank at the Blue Planet in Copenhagen. Super nice conversations with interesting takeaways, but listen for yourself - only on INKISH :-)

Tue April 26th


Matt Burton · Sales Director · A B Graph...

At DURST Expo Label 2022 we got the chance to meet with Matt Burton from ABG. ABG is one of the most recognized suppliers of finishing equipment, embellishment, laser cutting, and software. Hard work, clever innovations, and close and trustful relationships are part of the secret sauce. For Burton, who is now the 4th generation, the growth is something to be proud of, but nothing is taken for a given, and we would be surprised if AGB wouldn't continue to see growth. Watch the interview yourself - it's a good one! LinkedIn Profile:

Fri October 27th


Matt Brooks · AGFA · FEFCO Technical Sem...

SpeedSet 1060 is probably the fastest inkjet printer on the market right now - and still water-based and in high quality - with more than 11,000 B1 sheets an hour - beat that! Obviously, Matt Brooks and his AGFA team are proud of the effort, and judging from the samples and the plan to push the machine to market, why not? It's super interesting to see how inkjet technology keeps evolving and narrowing the gap between analog and digital - I'm looking forward to seeing the machine!

Thu December 8th


Matt Bennett · Business Unit Director, N...

Matt Bennett is the Business Unit Director for North America, which means he is responsible for a significant part of BOBST's market in North America. Our 'Conversations' format has always been popular as it gives employees, customers, and even competitors a chance to get to know the person behind the leader in a company that influences people, customers, and the future of our industry. Matt Bennett is no exception - he has a clear objective of chasing growth for BOBST and is not afraid of being measured against his results. Interesting conversation. Enjoy!

Tue February 27th


Mathias Erlandsson · PreDrupa FEB27TH

The text is from a live broadcast involving technical difficulties and discussing technology, automation, and partnerships. Initially, audio issues prevented Matthias from hearing the host, leading to a delay in the live broadcast. Once the connection issues are resolved, they discuss the technological challenges and Matthias's absence from a previous event despite promising to attend. Matthias explains his decision to attend the next event not as an exhibitor but in partnership, highlighting the importance of showcasing full automation in the industry through collaborations with machine manufacturers, software providers, and other partners. He mentions that these partnerships are still being finalized, focusing on automation, positioning, workflows, and hardware. The conversation underscores the complexities of modern technology and the significance of integrated solutions in the automation sector.

Fri November 27th

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Mathias Erlandsson · Over The Skype · OM...

When we talk about the smart factory approach in the print sector, the starting point is a functioning ERP system that is specifically geared towards future requirements. State-of-the-art cloud technologies open up completely new perspectives, as Mathias Erlandsson, founder and CEO of Omikai Systems AB explains in an Over the Skye conversation with Andreas Weber, CEO INKISH D-A-CH. "The requirements in Sweden are very similar to those in the DA-CH region“, explains Matthias. It depends on ease of use, transparency in all areas and a kind of omnichannel availability of the structured data that is dedicated to the needs of a successful and sustainable print business. It’s not only about production, but also management and administration, and above all about a much better go-to-market. The most important thing is not to have to deal with technology any more, but rather to develop the right digital mindset: Open, flexible. thinking ahead, geared towards the context and collaboration. The two conversation partners consequently open a dialogue that anyone interested can join. --- Wenn wir über Smart Factory im Print-Sektor sprechen, so ist der Ausgangspunkt ein funktionierendes, ganz spezifisch auf zukünftige Anforderungen ausgerichtetes ERP-System. Hier ergeben sich durch zeitgemäße Cloud-Technologien ganz neue Perspektiven, wie Mathias Erlandsson, Gründer und CEO von Omikai Systems AB im Over the Skye-Gespräch mit Andreas Weber, CEO INKISH D-A-CH, erläutert. „Die Anforderungen in Schweden sind denen in der D-A-CH-Region sehr ähnlich“, legt Matthias dar. Es komme auf Einfachheit bei der Nutzung, Transparenz in allen Bereichen und eine Art Omnichannel-Verfügbarkeit der strukturiert aufbereiteten Daten an, die beim Geschäft mit Print anfallen. Und das nicht nur in der Produktion, sondern auch in Management und Administration, und vor allem beim Go-to-Market. Das Wichtigste sei nicht, sich noch mehr mit Technologie beschäftigen zu müssen, sondern den richtigen Digital Mindset zu entwickeln: Offen, flexibel, vorausdenkend, auf den Kontext und auf Kollaboration ausgerichtet. Die beiden Gesprächspartner eröffnen folgerichtig einen Dialog, dem sich alle Interessierten anschließen können. LinkedIn Profile:

Wed April 6th


Mathias Erlandsson · Omikai from Sign &#...

We have on several occasions covered the Swedish company OMIKAI and the company's founder Mathias Erlandsson - so please welcome him back on INKISH. OMIKAI is a browser-based MIS system that has the flexibility to it that enable users on all levels to use it. In this interview, Mathias Erlandsson explains the new roll-our OMIKAI but also talks about how the company got international distributors for its software. Learn!

Thu May 25th


Mathew Faulkner · Director of Marketing ...

Canon @ Fespa 2023, where we get a detailed and personal look at their beautiful and colorful booth. Our guide is Mathew Faulkner, Canon's Director of Marketing and Innovation, Wide Format Printing. You join me on this comprehensive tour, from new large-format printing solutions to new software and back.

Tue May 14th


Mathew Faulkner · Canon · PreDrupa LIVE ...

Mathew Faulkner and Morten B. Reitoft discuss the upcoming Drupa event and the significance of print technology. Faulkner expresses excitement about Drupa and praises the printed materials being produced for the event. Both reflect on the evolution and impact of inkjet technology, noting its importance and versatility in the industry. Faulkner highlights Canon's advancements in wide-format printing, particularly the UV gel technology and the ability to produce both gloss and matte finishes in one workflow. He discusses the growth potential in digital print for interior decor, packaging, and other applications, emphasizing the opportunities for short runs, customization, and on-demand printing. They also touch on the importance of automation and workflow efficiency in handling personalized print jobs and the role of Web2Print solutions. Mathew Faulkner explains Canon's booth at Drupa, which will feature a sensory experience showcasing the power of print to evoke emotions and transform businesses. Faulkner delves into the emotional impact of print, referencing psychological theories and how print can create meaningful customer journeys. Reitoft appreciates Canon's innovative applications and encourages attendees to visit Canon's booth at Drupa. The conversation ends with Faulkner expressing his enthusiasm for the event and its opportunities for the print industry.

Wed June 12th


Matej Kitka · Company Director · Exprest...

Eight years ago was very different for Expresta and owner Matej Kitka - "Now I am a big boy," he says with a smile as we meet him at Ultimate Tech's booth in Hall 8B at Drupa. The company has grown, and with it the need for automation. Reported by Jacques Michiels.

Wed July 24th


Mass Personalization is here NOW · Print...

The Symeta-story continues, and in this 32nd episode of Print Sample TV, Pat McGrew continues to explain the power of the personalization. Symeta is a company that has specialized in data-driven communication. We love this sequel of information about Data-driven print, personalization, and the advantage of using digital print. Watch, Like, and Share

Tue July 14th


Martin Ludovic · Over The Skype

This new video "OVER THE SKYPE" is the opportunity for us to interview one of the best consultants on Web-to-print, Ludovic Martin. During this interview, Ludovic shares his vision on the evolution of the online printing market and the economic changes taking place in Web-to-print. He gives advice on how to stop making Web-to-print a concern for "traditional" printers. He discusses the discreet but increasingly visible arrival of marketplaces such as Amazon or Alibaba on the online printing market and why it may be relevant to take advantage of these "market" platforms for certain products. He answers the difficulties of approaching the B2C market, but also the markets that still need to be conquered and developed in Web-to-print, particularly via personalisation such as packaging, textiles, etc. He discusses the services that are so important to accompany a Web-to-print order. And finally, he gives us his crush of the week on a recent Web-to-print initiative that he particularly impressed us with. Cette nouvelle vidéo « OVER THE SKYPE » est l’opportunité pour nous d’interviewer l’un des meilleurs consultants sur le Web-to-print, Ludovic Martin. Durant cette interview, Ludovic nous partage sa vision sur l’évolution du marché de l’impression en ligne et les mutations économiques en cours dans le Web-to-print. Il donne des conseils sur comment ne plus faire du Web-to-Print un sujet d’inquiétude pour les imprimeurs « traditionnels ». Il revient sur l’arrivée discrète, mais de plus en plus visible des places de marché comme Amazon ou Alibaba sur ce marché de l’impression en ligne et pourquoi il peut être pertinent de profiter de ces plateformes « marché » sur certains produits… Il répond sur les difficultés à aborder le marché B2C, mais également sur les marchés qui restent encore à conquérir et à développer dans le Web-to-print notamment via personnalisation comme le packaging, le textile … Il s’arrête sur les services si importants qui doivent accompagner une commande Web-to-print. Et enfin, il nous donne son coup de cœur de la semaine sur une initiative récente dans le Web-to-print qu’il l’a particulièrement épatée.

Sun June 9th

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Martijn van den Broek · SCREEN · the VIG...

Interview in Dutch - subtitles in English. Screen is een klinkende naam in het grafische landschap, maar deze maakt eigenlijk slechts 15% uit van de omzet van deze Japanse tech-gigant. We vragen naar de inzichten met betrekking tot onze thuismarkt België en Nederland. Vlotte babbel met een ervaren Martijn van den Broek. -- EN -- Screen is a household name in the graphics landscape, but it actually only makes up 15% of the turnover of this Japanese tech giant. We ask for insights regarding our home market Belgium and the Netherlands. Great chat with an experienced Martijn van den Broek.

Mon November 18th


Martijn Eier & Mogens Winther · Clo...

API crash course – How printers can benefit from API.

Sun June 9th

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Martijn Brandse · Visualize Expo · the V...

Interview in Dutch - subtitles in English. Print & Sign in Gorichem klingt als een klok en bekend in de oren bij de meesten uit de branche uit de Benelux. Velen onder ons zijn er wel al eens geweest of plannen dat te doen in 2025. Maar - and pay attention here ! - , naamwissel naar “Visualise Expo”… Een nieuwe naam dus, en ook een nieuw gezicht van de drager van deze grafische vakbeurs. Wij ontmoeten samen Martijn Brandse. -- EN -- Print & Sign in Gorichem sounds like a bell and is familiar to most people in the industry in the Benelux. Many of us have already been there or are planning to do so in 2025. But - and pay attention here! - , name change to “Visualize Expo”… A new name, and also a new face of the head of this graphic trade fair. Together we meet Martijn Brandse.

Wed February 14th


Marrs – the Eagle Has Landed · Joh...

Marrs is a super interesting company, producing luxury packaging. Besides the Eagle Systems Cold Foiler and the two Koenig & Bauer Rapida 106 presses, Marrs is equipped with everything needed to produce beautiful boxes. They even produce all the dies inhouse - and to give you an idea of how much they produce, they have two people employed to only produce die forms - and seeing how the dies are prepared for the die-cutting machines is super nice. The family-owned company is VERY pleased with their second investment in the Eagle foiling system, and it's being used almost all the time. Super interesting to meet the next generation (cousins) John Brigsby and Andrew Marrs - and, of course, also talking to Ricardo Lopez, who's worked in offset for years - after giving up his dream of being a professional football player many years ago. A truly nice company with a convincing family spirit.

Wed December 6th

Markus Winkler · Head of Business Unit L...

Markus Winkler is the Head of Business Unit Life Cycle/Service for BHS Corrugated - and as service and lifecycle obviously are important, his role is interesting and important. In this interview, he also explains how BHS offers solutions to essentially manage plants entirely on behalf of their customers - that can be for shorter/longer time. It's amazing how business models have changed everything these years!

Wed November 1st

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Markus Weiss von HP Industrial Printing ...

German language - English subtitles In this Weber Reitoft - already our 5th edition - we have invited General Manager Markus Weiss of HP Industrial Printing EMEA to talk about HP from a German perspective, but also based on whether we in Europe and Germany in particular can learn from the Americans. The inspiration came from an interview Editor Morten B. Reitoft did with Marc Johnson from HP in San Diego, who interviewed at HP's PrintAhead event in Alpharetta, Georgia. Super interview with English subtitles - so dig in.

Sat March 23rd


Markus Weiss · PreDrupa Event · HP

How does HP gather data from customers to understand future needs and requirements? Listen to what the head of HP Deutschland, Markus Weiss, explains at the HP PreDrupa event in Indianapolis.

Wed June 26th


Markus Klopf · Team Leader R&D · We...

Markus Klopf is today the Team Leader of Weilburger Graphics R&D department. He has been with Weilburger Graphics for many years and finds the job very interesting - as he explains, it's about developing new coatings for packaging and label converters. About 70% of the production is water-based coatings, and the rest is UV-based. Interesting behind-the-scenes film - enjoy! Interview by James Quirk Filmed by Jan Majnik Edited by Jack Fisher

Thu June 23rd


Markus Hoffmann · KURZ · KURZ Label Week...

Markus Hoffmann is the Senior Vice President of Industrial and Applications, and a member of the board with Leonhard Kurz. In this interview, Markus Hoffmann talks about the broader perspective of competition, business models, future investments, and what drives him in his leadership position. Good to learn from!

Wed February 9th


Marko Martinovic explain the differences...

Roughly FESPA is divided into Machines, Substrates, and Software - and then all the other things, of course. In this short interview, European Sales Manager Marko Martinovic explains to Jacques Michiels the difference in the offerings Kaspar Papir offers.

Fri October 7th

Marketing Workshop with Nils Petter Nord...

INKISH.TV made an interview with Nils Petter Nordskar at the annual meeting in Trondheim in September - an interesting interview, claiming that the printing industry have a great potential selling more.. The Norwegian Federation of Printers is now inviting their members for a two day seminar. We have made a small teaser for the event. Enjoy and click link below to get more to know!