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Thu June 4th


HP Indigo 100K Installed With Bennett Gr...

Bennett Graphics is absolutely one of the more amazing printing companies we have visited. Not only is it a family-owned printing company, but it also prides itself with hundreds of awards and prizes for being the best printer. The awards come from hard work and dedication, as well as the will and ability to invest in the newest and latest technology. You see the newest Scodix, Highcon, and HP equipment along with offset presses and binding equipment. Great company, great people - and this film were made in a very special way. More about that on INKISH.NEWS. Thanks to Adair Hall and Adam Seiz for making this together!

Thu February 2nd

Fr En Fr

HP et sa ‘première’ Latex 27...

Présentation de la nouvelle machine HP Latex 2700W (Blanche) par le spécialiste produit Thierry Martin. Comme nous le faisons toujours dans notre série de "présentations-walkthrough", nous vous proposons un aperçu rapide des nouveautés de la solution. Nous passons la scène à Thierry Martin.

Thu September 24th


HP Digital Solutions (Part 2 Demo) · Tim...

How can printing companies use HP Digital Solutions software to drive business - by Kirk Lewis and Tim Webster demoing the use of HP Siteflow.

Thu September 24th


HP Digital Solutions · Tim Webster · Sma...

How can printing companies use HP Digital Solutions software to drive business - by Tim Webster HP Solutions with Ulrich Schätzl, Simon Smogur, Jon Tolley, and Chris Knighton.

Thu February 2nd

Fr En Fr

HP a fait de nouveaux pas en avant à C!P...

HP relève le défi écologique avec ses imprimantes latex de 4ème génération et ses encres à base d'eau. Sébastien Tison nous donne un bon aperçu et explique comment HP veut aider à relever ce défi, que beaucoup dans l'industrie recherchent. La recyclabilité est un enjeu important, donc il y aura de très bonnes discussions.

Wed March 1st


HP · Yale Goidis · Hunkeler Innovationda...

In this short interview, Editor Morten B. Reitoft asks HP's Yale Goidis about curing and bonding/pre-treatment to optimize print and speed. Interesting observations!

Wed February 7th

En Fr-FR

HP · Michael Boyle · C!Print Lyon 2024

La direction internationale de l'impression grand format HP a décidé de venir à Lyon pour prendre la température de ce qui se cuisine en France. Nous rencontrons un Mike Boyle très enthousiaste et de bonne humeur, qui reste à l'écoute de l'évolution de l'industrie graphique et de ses activités. C'est toujours agréable de pouvoir parler aux décideurs et de les entendre directement. Je suis sûr que nous aurons davantage d'occasions de nous rencontrer et d'entendre dans un avenir proche, car ils ont un certain nombre de choses en préparation. INKISH vous gardera bien entendu au premier rang lorsque la nouvelle sera annoncée. —- The international management of HP large format printing has decided to come to Lyon to take the temperature for themselves of what is cooking in France. We meet a very enthusiastic and good-natured Mike Boyle, who keeps his finger on the pulse of how the global graphics industry is changing and going about its business. Always nice to be able to talk to decision makers and hear from them directly. I'm sure we'll have more opportunities to meet and hear in the near future as they have a number of things in the pipeline. INKISH will of course keep you in the front row when the news is announced.

Thu February 2nd

Fr En Fr

HP – l’entreprise “tech” la ...

Bel entretien avec Marion Amélineau. Marion Amélineau est la Directrice Marketing d'Indigo & HP PageWide Inkjet France et elle répond à la question de savoir si le marché en France est prêt pour une nouvelle vague de numérisation accrue. Il y a évidemment plusieurs réponses, mais un modèle hybride, combinant l'analogique et le numérique, semble de plus en plus populaire aujourd'hui. HP souhaite être l'entreprise technologique la plus écologique d'ici 2030. Nous vous invitons à écouter certaines des idées que HP a en tête.

Mon September 19th


How Would you Label Pat McGrew? · Pat Mc...

It's difficult not to be impressed by the amazing opportunities you can do with a label press. Of course, you can print labels, and sometimes you choose analog and sometimes digital, and VERY often you mix offset, flexo, digital, varnishes, and embellishment - exactly what makes labels so impressive. However, if you have presses like the Screen 350UV or the new Screen PAC830F you can also produce pouches that extend your business opportunities like never before. But as usual host, Pat McGrew takes you through a wealth of inspiration in this Print Sample TV episode!

Thu September 24th

How will Robots support the Industry 4.0...

Will, the printing machines in the future, be fully automated, and how will the robots support that mission? - By Henrik Christiansen, HCH Graphics.

Thu September 24th

En En Nl-BE

How to start and what steps to take · Lu...

How to start and what steps to take in order to grow a Smart Factory & can it be a game changer in the printing industry? By Luc Peeters, Drukkerij Peeters nv.

Mon February 22nd


How to choose best printing solution amo...

BOBST leads the digitalization of label production with one label portfolio, including narrow flexo printing machines, all-in-one / all-inline solutions (flexo and inkjet), and digital printing presses. The innovative MouventTM Cluster technology deployed in BOBST digital portfolio opens new horizons for label converters, combining high-quality printing, high productivity, and the right economics. It is answering the growing demand for short runs, faster time-to-market, versioning, and seasonal products. Discover how one of our customers in optimizing their production floor with limitless, profitable digital label production.

Mon August 21st


How Technology Drives · Brandon Boyers ·...

When planning trips that involve many printing companies in many states or countries, we, from time to time, get last-minute cancelations as a PSP can be too busy, machines are not ready, or simply days in between without work. This time, Editor Morten B. Reitoft had a stop-over in Louisville before heading back to Denmark, and we called Steve Wuerdeman from HP, as he lives in Louisville, to hear if he could recommend a printing site to visit - and lucky us - we got to meet Brandon Boyers and Jen Von Almen from Vivid Impact in Jeffersontown. A super interesting company with so many capabilities, from offset to digital, and the production of beautiful applications like covers for vinyl albums to children's books with amazing effects, a company that once again shows how things can be done differently. What you see is a printing company, but speaking to Brandon Boyers, you realize that the production is merely a tool enabling the real business - data-driven communication, where print is "just" a part of it. But listen for yourself and enjoy!

Wed August 22nd


How Public Procurement is done in Antwer...

Public Procurement is complicated and tedious, and many printers simply have given up on selling to public companies and organizations. Things are not always easy and here is an insight into how Public Procurement is seen from the buyer's side and how the city of Antwerpen has streamlined their buying process. Here Director of Media & Communication Joris Heirbaut presents the route from then to now - enjoy!

Mon February 22nd


How Post Composition Print Tools will Dr...

It is a new year and you are looking for that edge as a Print Service Provider (PSP). You may even consider yourself a Marketing Service Provider (MSP). In any case, you need fresh ideas for how to drive success for your operations through optimisation, remote working and, ultimately, cost savings. For your offerings, your print shop needs to take more orders into the print workflow. That work needs to have personalisation as an option and the security of tracking and reporting to ensure it is delivered. More than delivery, you also need a process that ensures billing accuracy, so none of your print shop profits stays on the table. In 2021, the way to drive your print shop’s boost in success can come from an unlikely player—post-composition print workflow solutions. We invite you to join a lively discussion with the mission to benefit Print Service Providers (PSPs) and their associated print shops. By taking on the right tools and making sure that those tools can grow and shrink easily with your needs, the door to new opportunities is set to open. Analysts tell us that these themes will endure throughout 2021: · larger number of orders with smaller quantities · need for personalisation · requirement for fast production and delivery · requirement for competitive pricing. To support your customers, your print shop will need to be at the top of its optimisation game. You will need to have your cost savings strategy dialled in. We believe you will want to leverage post-composition print workflow tools so you can improve print-ready files coming in from customers. Moreover, we believe having a great relationship with experts in this area will bring you less stress and boost your success. Join us for the conversation and accelerate your 2021 print shop success.

Fri May 7th


How Paper is Supposed to be Presented · ...

Print Sample TV is about - well print samples - but in this episode, Pat McGrew showcases the MONDI Color Copy sample book and explains why Mondi as a paper vendor is successful in the inkjet print space. The samples show the paper types and give you examples of print, embossing, and other enhancements in a handy format. As Pat McGrew explains, this is the collection that every production manager should have in his large pockets!

Tue September 12th


How LED-UV continues to pave the way for...

IST Metz sells UV-curring for other OEMs and offers customers retrofitting opportunities, not only retrofitting of LED-UV in IST's mercury housings but even competitors' housings, making it extremely easy for customers to choose IST. Volker Selg is good at explaining how LED-UV works and what advantages it gives the customers - one to see.

Thu August 10th


How IPIA supports the British Printing I...

Brendan Perring and IPIA have become synonymous with the British Printing Industry, and as many may mostly see the public events, such as The IPIA Big Breakfast online event or excellent award shows, Editor Morten B. Reitoft realized in this interview how important IPIA and the work the federation does supporting the British industry. In the conversation that lasts 40 minutes (so make sure to have plenty of coffee), you will learn how IPIA made a difference to the negotiations in Downing Street 10 and how IPIA continues to evaluate itself to stay relevant and worth the membership fee. Great story, and add to that, a beginning that takes you to how Brendan Perring got involved with print. You'll like it!

Thu September 24th


How IoT will support the Smart Factory​​...

How IoT will support the Smart Factory - Yasuo Taketsugu, Horizon International.

Thu September 24th


How Industry 4.0 will change ​​​​​​​your...

How Industry 4.0 will change your business model? The Business Model Canvas helps you to understand its impact – let’s see how.

Sun December 6th


How Industry 4.0 will change your busine...

How Industry 4.0 will change your business model? The Business Model Canvas helps you to understand its impact – let’s see how.

Thu October 5th

En Pt-BR

How Hunkeler helped Forma Certa transfor...

Finally, we are ready to show you our films from Brazil and Argentina, and the first is from Gráfica Forma Certa and COO Francisco Souza. Forma Certa is an amazing printing company that has almost entirely been transformed into one of Brazil's leading digital printing companies. Having a company that used to supply other printing companies with plates and is now so dedicated to IT development, digital books, and all the amazing things the company does is amazing. The perspective is even more challenging for US and European people as buying technology and getting into Brazil is considerably more difficult than in our countries. Francisco Souza explains how his three HP T-series are configured with three Hunkeler finishing lines - an amazing company and a super interesting story. The language is in Portuguese but, of course, with subtitles in English. Enjoy!

Wed January 26th


How Hunkeler has taken Bridgeport Nation...

In 1947 Bridgeport National Bindery was founded. Times were different, but Bridgeport served books of one despite all the commercial and technical differences. The product wasn't a finished book but library binding, handled in small runs. Today Bridgeport National Bindery is a modern printing- and binding company still focusing on small print runs down to copies of one. We got the chance to meet with Bruce Jacobsen, who gave us a tour of an amazing company producing beautiful hard- and softcover books. They produce 20,000 unique titles per day in peak seasons, and only possible because of their HP and Screen presses + the Hunkeler setup creating perfect book blocks! Books of one are for sure one of the mega-trends in book printing, and it's been fantastic to see how different, same equipment is utilized with different printing companies. Stay tuned for more films like this, soon on INKISH :-) LinkedIn Profile: Bruce Jacobsen Richard Healy

Wed September 14th


How Esko Makes its CTP super efficient ·...

Esko has a significant market share in CTP for flexo, and in this film, Business Development Manager, Julian Fernandez, explains how Esko achieves faster and better results with the CTP. One of the reasons is that the process is simplified with fewer processes which increases not only the speed but also the quality. Enjoy!