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Mon April 29th


Hans Gut · Hunkeler · Sheetfed Starbook ...

At Innovationdays #HID23, the Starbook line was born—but for continuous fed production. Now, Hunkeler introduces the Starbook Sheetfed edition, enabling cut sheet production. Hans Gut from Hunkeler explains how the solutions work and the benefits in this session with Editor Morten B. Reitoft. Great!

Thu June 6th


Hans Gut · CMO · Hunkeler · Reporting fr...

In this film, CMO Hans Gut from Hunkeler presents the new stacker with a new Robot arm - as always delivered to perfection :-) LinkedIn Profile:

Tue May 21st


Hans Gut · Chief Marketing Officer · Hun...

Here's a detailed walkthrough of the new Hunkeler Starbook Cutsheet solution. The duration shows how much we dive into details—it's good to learn from! LinkedIn Profile:

Tue May 21st


Hans Gut · Chief Marketing Officer · Hun...

You'll find Hunkeler in Hall 8A at drupa, but you will also find Hunkeler with nine different partners - one of the strengths of Hunkeler. The machines can be integrated with many printing machines and output many different types of applications - remember to check out the Hunkeler solutions when you visit print OEMs like Ricoh, Canon, HP, and more. LinkedIn Profile:

Tue May 21st


Hans Gut · Chief Marketing Officer · Hun...

Even for CMO Hans Gut, the Müller Martini acquisition of Hunkeler came as a surprise but was a logical step in a time when consolidations are part of company growth. With a vast potential for both companies, the future is bright. Hans Gut, several times in the interview, emphasizes that Hunkeler will keep also working with competitors to Müller Martini - respecting the legacy and the people - and, of course, once again, a firm commitment to Hunkeler Innovationdays that takes place next time as an even bigger event in February 2025. Great talking to Hans Gut and also getting some commitments for the future.

Sun June 9th

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Hans Boerkamp · Rainbow Solutions · the ...

Interview in English - subtitles in Dutch. As a distributor of the Danish PrintVis software in the Benelux, Rainbow is the point of contact to explain the strengths of this solution. How do they see the graphics market in the Benelux and what solutions do they propose? The INKISH/VIGC talks give the various strategic partners the unique opportunity to tell their story during the long-awaited and largest trade fair in the graphics industry. -- NL -- Als distributeur van de Deense PrintVis software in de Benelux is Rainbow hét aanspreekpunt om de sterke punten van deze oplossing toe te lichten. Hoe zien zij de grafische markt in de Benelux en welke oplossingen stellen zij voor? De INKISH/VIGC talks geven de verschillende strategische partners de unieke kans om hun verhaal te vertellen tijdens de langverwachte en grootste vakbeurs in de grafische industrie. Wij luisteren naar de uitleg van Hans Boerkamp.

Tue February 8th


Handing over the Presidency with Pride ·...

In this interview, former President of FESPA, Christian Duyckaerts, talk with Jacques Michiels from INKISH.BENELUX and a great question are what Christian Duyckaerts, particularly, look back on with pride. Exciting results - but listen for yourself!  

Thu February 2nd


Hand’s on President for FESPA · Ch...

The best sailing ship is where the captain knows the details to get you safely home. Meeting Christophe Aussenac at C!Print was a lovely experience, and FESPA couldn’t hope for a better global President. Christophe Aussenac operates a printing company himself and knows the industry. In this interview with Editor Morten B. Reitoft, Christophe Aussenac explains FESPA and how the organization gives back the profit from the FESPA shows to its members. FESPA has many different offerings, though the shows are the ones known best.

Sat April 25th

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Hamilton Costa · Over The Skype · ANCons...

Hamilton Costa has a long and fascinating history in the Latin American printing industry. Practically born into the printing industry in his father's printing company, being involved with printing companies of all sizes, has given Hamilton Costa a great background for being what he is today. He knows the industry, he knows the trends, and he for sure is a capable speaker and writer. Enjoy the insights from this Over the Skype with Hamilton Costa. As with all our ‘Over the Skype’ interviews, quality is limited to bandwidth, web-cams, and ability to literally LIVE mix the conversations. However, it works, and with Over the Skype, we will bring you more than 20 exciting people, and angles on the industry as it is right now. Enjoy!

Tue May 7th


Haim Veig · VP Product · Highcon · Walkt...

It takes time to develop new technology, and most people, of course, understand that what you see at drupa and other shows has been under development for years - we also understand that what's currently in development isn't shown to many - however, here you get a chance to look into what is expected to be ready for drupa 2028 - the new Highcon Vulcan (working title) - it's a gigantic laser die-cutter (no dies, of course) 140-170 cm width, four lasers and 3,000 sheets an hour - and here Haim Veig gives us an introduction to what's being developed - Interesting, right?

Sun June 9th

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Guy Desmet · ECO3 · the VIGC talks from ...

Interview in Dutch - subtitles in English. Agfa verkocht in 2023 haar Offset divisie aan de Duitse Private Equity groep Aurelius, die er wel nog een mooie toekomst in zien. Guy Desmet is de Head of Marketing & Application Worldwide, we vragen hem wat zij naar Drupa meebrachten, hoe zij duurzaamheid zien evolueren en wat de status is van hun hoofdactiviteiten. De productie van (digitale) offsetplaten blijkt nog steeds hun hoofdfocus te zijn. We bespreken ontwikkelingen op dit gebied (on press / off press) en meer. Eco3 is vastbesloten om haar markt en klanten verder te bedienen en blijft trouw aan de grafische industrie. -- EN -- In 2023, Agfa sold its Offset division to the German Private Equity group Aurelius, which still sees a bright future in it. Guy Desmet is the Head of Marketing & Application Worldwide, we ask him what they brought to Drupa, how they see sustainability evolving and what the status of their main activities is. The production of (digital) offset plates still appears to be their main focus. We discuss developments in this area (on press / off press) and more. Eco3 is determined to further serve its market and customers and remains loyal to the graphics industry.

Wed July 24th


Gutenberg Shows Off · Print Sample TV · ...

In this 20th episode from Pat McGrew's Print Sample TV, she presents a very cool print sample made by the Museum of Printing in Massachusets. It's in many ways a very uncommon print job with a lot of different techniques used. Even the design must have required a lot of work, but take a look, watch, and listen to your very own Pat McGrew.

Thu November 16th

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Günter Thomas · Verpackung, Auswahl, Pol...

Navigating Challenges and Innovations in the Printing Industry: Insights from Andreas Weber and Morten Reitoft's Discussion with Günter Thomas Introduction This article offers an in-depth look at the printing industry's current state and future prospects, guided by a conversation with industry veterans Andreas Weber, Morten Reitoft, and Günter Thomas (GT). It highlights critical issues such as market challenges, innovation, quality, sustainability, and public perception in the context of the German printing industry. Section 1: The State of the Printing Industry The discussion begins with examining the German printing sector's struggles, particularly the impact of rising costs and stiff international competition. Günter Thomas points out the difficulties in transferring increased operational costs to product pricing. He also mentions the burden of political decisions on the industry, such as policies affecting electricity prices directly impacting production costs. Section 2: Innovation and Quality in Printing Thomas emphasizes the importance of innovation in maintaining high-quality standards in printing. The conversation discusses the need for closer collaboration between designers and printers to optimize potential outcomes. According to Thomas, the lack of such interactions hampers the industry's ability to double its knowledge sharing and advance collectively. Section 3: The Role of Packaging Printing The dialogue shifts to packaging printing, a significant and challenging sector in Germany. Thomas discusses how medium-sized companies struggle to keep up with global corporations' capital and scale. He notes that despite its challenges, the luxury sector remains a vital area of focus, especially in terms of quality and innovation. Section 4: Sustainability and the Future of Printing Sustainability is a central theme, with Thomas advocating for environmentally friendly practices in printing. He critiques the general demonization of packaging and urges the industry to demonstrate the beauty and necessity of printed products. He also highlights the need for the industry to consider the lifecycle of products, from production to disposal. Section 5: Engaging with the Public and Industry Image Thomas and Weber discuss the importance of enhancing the printing industry's public image. They suggest that the industry should more actively showcase its technological advancements and the intrinsic value of printed materials. The conversation underscores the need for the industry to step out of the shadows and assert its significance in the global market. Conclusion The discussion concludes with a call to action for the printing industry to embrace innovation, uphold quality, pursue sustainability, and engage more publicly. The industry faces significant challenges but also possesses the potential for growth and adaptation. The key to future success lies in balancing economic pressures with the drive for innovation and environmental stewardship, ensuring that the printing industry remains vibrant and relevant in the years to come.

Tue May 19th


Günter Thomas · Over the Skype · GT Tre...

Today's guest of Andreas Weber, CEO/Country Manager INKISH D-A-CH, is a very special disciple of Gutenberg: Günter Thomas, in short: GT, founder and owner of GT Trendhouse 42. Live from Gelsenkirchen, in the middle of the Ruhr area. The range of topics has it all and reflects the high level of creativity, passion, sensuality and above all the love of print at the highest level. Original GT: “I was not born just to make paper colorful. That would have been too little for me. In our industry, you have to be weird and look over your own horizon. I try to live that. " The discussion takes place, for example, through discounter Aldi as a showroom for special effect printing for brands, print & rock roll. Everything GT does is very positive. "Why are you like you are - always full of joy and love, new ideas and still entrepreneurially successful?" Why is print considered a premium and not a commodity? How can you be highly creative and at the same time a clever inventor and tech savvy to the power of ten in one. How do you get by as a premium print shop without sales? How do customers from all over the world become real friends? As with all our ‘Over the Skype’ interviews, quality is limited to bandwidth, web-cams, and ability to literally LIVE mix the conversations. However, it works, and with Over the Skype, we will bring you more than 20 exciting people, and angles on the industry as it is right now. Enjoy! -- German -- Der heutige Gast von Andreas Weber, CEO/Country Manager INKISH D-A-CH, ist ein ganz besonderer Jünger Gutenbergs: Günter Thomas, kurz: GT, Gründer und Inhaber von GT Trendhouse 42. Live aus Gelsenkirchen, mitten im Ruhrgebiet. Das Themenspektrum hat es in sich und spiegelt die hohe Kreativität, Leidenschaft, Sinnesfreude und vor allem die Liebe zu Print auf höchster Ebene wieder. O-Ton GT: „Ich bin nicht auf die Welt gekommen, einfach nur um Papier bunt zu machen. Das wäre mir zu wenig gewesen. In unserer Branche muss man schräg sein und über seinen eigenen Horizont blicken. Das versuche ich zu leben.“ Das Gespräch führt zum Beispiel über Discounter Aldi als Showroom für Special Effect Printing zu Brands, Print & Rocken Roll. Alles was GT tut, fällt auf Positivste aus dem Rahmen. „Warum bist Du wie Du bist — immer voll Freude und Liebe, neuen Ideen und trotzdem unternehmerisch erfolgreich?“ Warum gilt Print als Premium und nicht als Commodity? Wie kann man hoch-kreativ sein und gleichzeitig ein ausgefuchster Tüftler und Tech Savvy hoch zehn in einem. Wie kommt man als Premium-Druckerei ohne Vertrieb aus. Wie werden aus Kunden aus aller Welt echte Freunde? Hinweis: Wie bei allen unseren "Over the Skype"-Interviews richtet sich die Bild-/Ton-Qualität nach verfügbarer Bandbreite und den jeweiligen Web-Cams aus sowie der Möglichkeit, die Konversationen buchstäblich LIVE zu führen. Es funktioniert trotz allem erstaunlich gut und mit Over the Skype bringen wir bis dato mehr als 50 besondere Persönlichkeiten zusammen und geben Einblicke in die Branche, wie sie derzeit ist. Viel Spaß!

Tue April 30th


Günter Korbacher · Geschäftsführer / CE...

In this intriguing story with and about Günter Korbacher and Weilburger Graphics' journey, James Quirk asks the right uuand interesting questions about products, services, sustainability, the future, and why an investment in new technology was instrumental for Weilburger Graphics' current position in the coating business. LinkedIn Profile:

Wed December 6th


Günter Huber · Head of Business Unit Equ...

BHS is one of the world's largest manufacturers of corrugating machines, and Günter Huber is the head of the business unit responsible for its development and production. BHS is working hard to deliver on the Box Plant 2025 vision that will give BHS and its customers new business opportunities, adapting to a more and more digital world - and now also adding the huge Jetliner to its product line, enabling digital print in high-quality on the liner before the currogator - amazing to witness.

Tue November 3rd

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Gunilla Saltin · Over The Skype · Mondi ...

Even in the difficult Corona times, there are bright spots and real great moments. As part of the INKISH@Work Tour in Switzerland, Andreas Weber, CEO INKISH D-A-CH, had an Over the Skype conversation with Gunilla Saltin, CEO of Mondi Uncoated Fine Paper, based in Vienna, Austria. The top manager, who comes from Sweden, inspires us with her smart and clever messages that have not yet been heard in this form in the print and paper sector. Here at a glance what we were talking about: Focus 1: Innovations What are in your POV the core results of the virtual Press Conference from Tuesday September 22nd, 2020 (what is new, special, groundbreaking?) Focus 2: Management What is the special challenge for you in person and what is the most interesting thing about your job as CEO of Mondi UFP? How do you set accents for the employee and company culture in the context of the Mondi Group? What does your approach mean for customer orientation and go-to-market at Mondi? Focus 3: Outlook What trends do you see coming? Or how will the importance of print develop from your point of view? ---- Selbst in schwierigen Corona-Zeiten gibt es Lichtblicke und wirklich großartige Momente. Im Rahmen der INKISH@Work Tour in der Schweiz führte Andreas Weber, CEO von INKISH D-A-CH, ein Over the Skype-Gespräch mit Gunilla Saltin, CEO von Mondi Uncoated Fine Paper. Die aus Schweden stammende Top-Managerin inspiriert uns mit ihren smarten und klugen Botschaften, die im Druck- und Papierbereich noch nicht in dieser Form zu hören waren. Hier auf einen Blick, worüber wir gesprochen haben: Fokus 1: Innovationen Was sind aus Ihrer Sicht die Kernergebnisse der virtuellen Pressekonferenz vom Dienstag, dem 22. September 2020 (was ist neu, speziell, bahnbrechend?) Fokus 2: Management Was ist die besondere Herausforderung für Sie persönlich und was ist das Interessanteste an Ihrem Job als CEO von Mondi UFP? Wie setzen Sie Akzente für die Mitarbeiter- und Unternehmenskultur im Kontext der Mondi-Gruppe? Was bedeutet Ihr Ansatz für die Kundenorientierung und Markteinführung bei Mondi? Fokus 3: Ausblick Welche Trends sehen Sie? Oder wie wird sich die Bedeutung des Drucks aus Ihrer Sicht entwickeln?

Thu October 20th


Guided Tour with Matt Thackray · VP ...

Kongsberg Precision Cutting Systems recently employed Matt Thackray as the VP and General Manager of Kongsberg Americas. In this film, we did a guided tour of the huge booth and got the chance to see the equipment but also get to know Matt and understand his approach to the growth he expects!

Wed September 28th


Guided TOUR by Marisa Dütsch · Knowledge...

Seeing is believing, and Marisa Dürtsch delivers an excellent guided tour in English and German at Finishing First event. On these tours, she takes you to the Stitchliner Mark V and the amazing BQ500 series with all the bells and whistles you can think of. But don't take my word for it - watch this approx 12 minutes guided tour and enjoy!

Thu March 21st

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Grzegorz BŁażkowski · LFP Industrial Sol...

Interviewed by Poligrafika, Anna Naruszko Produced by INKISH

Mon May 17th

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Growing Towards more and more Digital · ...

Not many years luxury labels weren't exactly what you expected with digital - but the combination of HP Indigo and the KURZ DM-Jetliner seems to be a real game-changer. In this film, we talk to Managing Director David Richards from Amberley Labels. He appraises the opportunities - so if you are interested in new technology, labels, and how to add value to your label production - this is a good starting point. Enjoy!

Fri July 30th


Growing Competition Fuels Growth · Shayn...

This was - to be honest - a very funny interview to do. Shayne Huston and Pam Deacon interviewed in this film from MGC, Des Moines, Iowa, made it a blast to do - even though editor Morten Reitoft interviewed them remotely. Mail Communications Group started as a mail sorting service, and today MCG is a full-service communications company that essentially helps its customers succeed. Solimar delivers one of the core products and the backbone of the IT infrastructure. INKISH and Solimar have done many projects together, and what continues to - well - not surprising, but emphasize, is the very close and personal relationship Solimar has with their customers. Enjoy.

Sat June 8th


Greg Woods · President & CEO · Astr...

Almost impossible to imagine, but AstroNova started with a 4-color ribbon print and is today a recognized supplier to the label/printing industry. At Drupa 2024, the neighboring booth, MTEX from Portugal, was acquired by AstroNova very recently - moving AstroNova into a new league of printers. Super interesting chat also allows us to learn about organic and non-organic growth! LinkedIn Profile:

Wed February 1st


Great Event with many Attendees · Bonjou...

C!Print 2023 in Lyon is, by all measures, already a success. The EuroExpo Center in Lyon was filled up with guests, and most of the day, it seemed very busy. There was a good mood, and we got some excellent interviews from many exciting people. In this Bonjour! Jacques Michiels and Morten B. Reitoft share impressions from the first day and expectations for our last day at C!Print. Enjoy, and remember to see our interviews on INKISH.TV. We already have many films online, and all are now uploaded with English subtitles (the French language editions!)