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Mon March 29th

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Over The Skype · Hector Castro · Müller ...

In this Over the Skype we talked to Héctor Castro, Managing Director of Müller Martini Latin America, who tells us about the wide portfolio of finished solutions, as well as the importance of automation. En este Over the Skyple platicamos con el Ing. Héctor Castro, director general de Müller Martini Latino America, quien nos platica acerca del amplio portafolio de soluciones en terminados, así como la importancia de la automatización.

Sun February 28th

Julie Watson · Over The Skype · Ultimate...

Your humble editor was late for this interview, but despite that, this conversation with CEO Julie Watson from Ultimate TechnoGraphics was really GREAT. The Canadian-based company, founded in 1989, is the developer behind the widely used software Impostrip. In this 'Over The Skype' session, CEO Julie Watson and editor Morten Reitoft speak about the newly released update of Impostrip, APIs, workflow/automation, the industry, and of course, where Julie Watson sees the future for her company. Great session - enjoy!

Fri February 26th

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José Luis Bezaury · Over The Skype · Lit...

In this "Over the Skype" we talked to José Luis Bezaury, Managing Director of Litoplas, who tells us about the wide portfolio of solutions he offers in labels and packaging, as well as what has been the success factor of his company in 25 years of experience. En este "Over the Skype" entrevistamos a José Luis Bezaury, director general de Litoplas, quien nos habla acerca del amplio portafolio de soluciones que ofrece en etiquetas y empaques, así como cuál ha sido el factor de éxito de su empresa en 25 años de trayectoria.

Tue December 8th

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Jacob Aizikowitz · Over The Skype · XMPi...

Beyond printing technology innovations a lot of great things happened in the last two decades since the year 2000. Jacob Aizikowitz, founder and til June 2019 President of XMPie, became a pioneer and visionary for print in the digital age. His topic was always to synchronize or align print and digital communication, what we call today cross media or omnichannel. Andreas Weber, CEO of INKISH D-A-CH, picked-up Jacob’s current article on ”Why is Print Not Frequently Used in Enterprise Marketing?“, published by American Printer end of October 2020, to set up a great conversation. See: So this are the topics to talk about: There is a big gap between the print industry's praising of print's value and the reality of print's infrequent use by enterprises' marketing. — What makes you think that? Does personalization and customization may have different meanings to technology providers, printers and marketeers? If so, what could we do to solve the dilemma? At least: is omnichannel a linear-organic further development of direct marketing? Or is it more or less a disruptive approach, as things change completely for enterprises? Which areas/markets in the world are ahead or behind? Do PSP’s already use omnichannel for their own purpose? And finally something personal: thinking back 20 years ago, would you have expected things to turn out the way they did? Or could it have been different? As always in those COVID-19 times we had to use Skype to set up the conversation between Jacob’s home town Haifa, Israel, and Frankfurt am Main, Germany, where Andreas lives and works. So apologize if there is any disturbance caused by weak bandwidth etc. LinkedIn Profile:

Fri November 27th

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Mathias Erlandsson · Over The Skype · OM...

When we talk about the smart factory approach in the print sector, the starting point is a functioning ERP system that is specifically geared towards future requirements. State-of-the-art cloud technologies open up completely new perspectives, as Mathias Erlandsson, founder and CEO of Omikai Systems AB explains in an Over the Skye conversation with Andreas Weber, CEO INKISH D-A-CH. "The requirements in Sweden are very similar to those in the DA-CH region“, explains Matthias. It depends on ease of use, transparency in all areas and a kind of omnichannel availability of the structured data that is dedicated to the needs of a successful and sustainable print business. It’s not only about production, but also management and administration, and above all about a much better go-to-market. The most important thing is not to have to deal with technology any more, but rather to develop the right digital mindset: Open, flexible. thinking ahead, geared towards the context and collaboration. The two conversation partners consequently open a dialogue that anyone interested can join. --- Wenn wir über Smart Factory im Print-Sektor sprechen, so ist der Ausgangspunkt ein funktionierendes, ganz spezifisch auf zukünftige Anforderungen ausgerichtetes ERP-System. Hier ergeben sich durch zeitgemäße Cloud-Technologien ganz neue Perspektiven, wie Mathias Erlandsson, Gründer und CEO von Omikai Systems AB im Over the Skye-Gespräch mit Andreas Weber, CEO INKISH D-A-CH, erläutert. „Die Anforderungen in Schweden sind denen in der D-A-CH-Region sehr ähnlich“, legt Matthias dar. Es komme auf Einfachheit bei der Nutzung, Transparenz in allen Bereichen und eine Art Omnichannel-Verfügbarkeit der strukturiert aufbereiteten Daten an, die beim Geschäft mit Print anfallen. Und das nicht nur in der Produktion, sondern auch in Management und Administration, und vor allem beim Go-to-Market. Das Wichtigste sei nicht, sich noch mehr mit Technologie beschäftigen zu müssen, sondern den richtigen Digital Mindset zu entwickeln: Offen, flexibel, vorausdenkend, auf den Kontext und auf Kollaboration ausgerichtet. Die beiden Gesprächspartner eröffnen folgerichtig einen Dialog, dem sich alle Interessierten anschließen können. LinkedIn Profile:

Fri November 27th

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Jeroen van Drunen · Over The Skype · Jub...

After the Over the Skype conversation with XMPie Founder Jacob Aizikowitz it was interesting to gain insight to the real meaning of omnichannel related to a print innovation and marketing services business. So a number one candidate for a follow-up conversation is Jeroen van Druenen in Amsterdam, NL. Beside his job as CEO of Jubels — claim: smart printing. smart solutions. — Jeroen is as well member of the global Xerox Premier Partner network and President of the XMPie Unsers Group. Andreas Weber, CEO INKISH D-A-CH, raised some important questions because omnichannel is not a natural part of the DNA of printing companies. Jeroen shared some fantastic insights which are relevant to all of us in the D-A-CH region as well as in the rest of the world. --- Nach dem Over the Skype-Gespräch mit XMPie-Gründer Jacob Aizikowitz war es interessant, einen Einblick in die wahre Bedeutung von Omnichannel im Zusammenhang mit dem Geschäft mit Druckinnovationen und Marketingdienstleistungen zu erhalten. Ein Nummer-eins-Kandidat für das Folgegespräch ist Jeroen van Druenen aus Amsterdam, NL. Neben seiner Tätigkeit als CEO von Jubels — Motto: Smart Printing. Intelligente Lösungen. — Jeroen ist außerdem Mitglied des globalen Xerox Premier Partner-Netzwerks und Präsident der XMPie Unsers Group. Andreas Weber, CEO von INKISH D-A-CH, stellte einige wichtige Fragen, da Omnichannel kein natürlicher Bestandteil der DNA von Druckunternehmen ist. Jeroen teilte einige fantastische Erkenntnisse, die für uns alle in der D-A-CH-Region sowie im Rest der Welt relevant sind. LinkedIn Profile:

Wed November 11th

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Juriaan van Beelen · Over The Skype · PR...

In this 'Over the Skype' session Chief Co-creation Juriaan van Beelen of the online printing player - - talks with Jacques Michiels from INKISH Benelux about their business strategy, their focus on the professional market of Printers and print shops. offers online printing services in a "closed platform" and with App Connectivity. We talk about how see their own future and that of their customers, the Printers and Print providers in the BENELUX and the surrounding countries. All very interesting considerations and evolutions! We keep you Up to date! --- In deze 'Over the Skype' sessie spreekt Chief Co-creatie Juriaan van Beelen van de onlinedrukwerkspeler - met Jacques Michiels van INKISH Benelux over hun bedrijfsstrategie en hun focus op de professionele markt van drukkerijen en printshops. biedt online drukwerkservices in een "gesloten platform" en met App Connectivity. We praten samen over hoe zij hun eigen toekomst zien en die van hun klanten, zijnde de drukkerijen en Print providers in de BENELUX en haar omringende landen. Allemaal interessante overwegingen en evoluties! Hou dus samen met ons de vinger aan de pols!

Wed November 11th

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Jeff Zellmer · Over The Skype · Kodak

In this 'Over the Skype' session Carla Menéndez from INKISH.Mexico talks with Global VP of Sales and Strategy, Jeff Zellmer from Kodak. Of course, they talk about Kodak as a company, and, of course, they talk about the next line of Inkjet presses recently announced. Enjoy!

Tue November 3rd

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Denis Ochanine & Marie Paya · Over ...

Denis OCHANINE, President of AGG Print and Marie Paya, Head of Marketing & Communication of AGG Print reveal the strategy and business model of this pioneering and visionary company, which draws its inspiration from society's consumption patterns to anticipate its customers' expectations and offer them differentiating visual communication. Denis and Marie use Alexander Osterwalder's and Yves Pigneur's strategic canvas to describe their market segments, their value propositions and the channels that are very often at odds with the current market. They then explain to us the key activities and resources that support their strategy that allows them to be successful with their clients. This interview illustrated by a slide show, is a source of inspiration for many companies who wish to reflect on their business model.... So, don't hesitate and take advantage right away of the unique vision and expertise of Denis OCHANINE and Marie Paya of a beautiful digital printing company AGG Print --- Denis OCHANINE, président de AGG Print et Marie Paya, responsable Marketing & Communication de AGG Print nous révèle la stratégie et le business model de cette entreprise précurseur et visionnaire qui s’inspire des modes de consommation de la société pour anticiper les attentes de ses clients et leur proposer une communication visuelle différenciant. Denis et Marie nous décrivent à l’aide du canevas stratégique d’Alexander Osterwalder et d’Yves Pigneur, leurs segments de marchés, leurs propositions de valeur et les canaux très souvent en rupture avec le marché actuel. Ils nous expliquent alors les activités et les ressources clés qui supportent leur stratégie qui leur permet de rencontrer le succès auprès de leurs clients. Cet entretien illustré par un diaporama est une source d’inspiration pour beaucoup d’entreprises qui souhaitent réfléchir à leur business model …. Alors, n’hésitez pas et profitez tout de suite de la vision unique et de l’expertise de Denis OCHANINE et Marie Paya d’une très belle imprimerie numérique AGG Print

Tue November 3rd

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Gunilla Saltin · Over The Skype · Mondi ...

Even in the difficult Corona times, there are bright spots and real great moments. As part of the INKISH@Work Tour in Switzerland, Andreas Weber, CEO INKISH D-A-CH, had an Over the Skype conversation with Gunilla Saltin, CEO of Mondi Uncoated Fine Paper, based in Vienna, Austria. The top manager, who comes from Sweden, inspires us with her smart and clever messages that have not yet been heard in this form in the print and paper sector. Here at a glance what we were talking about: Focus 1: Innovations What are in your POV the core results of the virtual Press Conference from Tuesday September 22nd, 2020 (what is new, special, groundbreaking?) Focus 2: Management What is the special challenge for you in person and what is the most interesting thing about your job as CEO of Mondi UFP? How do you set accents for the employee and company culture in the context of the Mondi Group? What does your approach mean for customer orientation and go-to-market at Mondi? Focus 3: Outlook What trends do you see coming? Or how will the importance of print develop from your point of view? ---- Selbst in schwierigen Corona-Zeiten gibt es Lichtblicke und wirklich großartige Momente. Im Rahmen der INKISH@Work Tour in der Schweiz führte Andreas Weber, CEO von INKISH D-A-CH, ein Over the Skype-Gespräch mit Gunilla Saltin, CEO von Mondi Uncoated Fine Paper. Die aus Schweden stammende Top-Managerin inspiriert uns mit ihren smarten und klugen Botschaften, die im Druck- und Papierbereich noch nicht in dieser Form zu hören waren. Hier auf einen Blick, worüber wir gesprochen haben: Fokus 1: Innovationen Was sind aus Ihrer Sicht die Kernergebnisse der virtuellen Pressekonferenz vom Dienstag, dem 22. September 2020 (was ist neu, speziell, bahnbrechend?) Fokus 2: Management Was ist die besondere Herausforderung für Sie persönlich und was ist das Interessanteste an Ihrem Job als CEO von Mondi UFP? Wie setzen Sie Akzente für die Mitarbeiter- und Unternehmenskultur im Kontext der Mondi-Gruppe? Was bedeutet Ihr Ansatz für die Kundenorientierung und Markteinführung bei Mondi? Fokus 3: Ausblick Welche Trends sehen Sie? Oder wie wird sich die Bedeutung des Drucks aus Ihrer Sicht entwickeln?

Fri October 30th

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Robert Godwin · Over The Skype · Rent-A-...

I must admit that I have given up counting how many 'Over the Skype' interviews I have done since the COVID-19 pandemic took over the world - BUT - I love each and every interview I have done. In this 'Over the Skype,' I am talking to Robert Godwin - an American who now lives in Chile. I was curious about one of his businesses,, but I believe it was almost the only thing we didn't talk about in this 48 minutes long conversation. Robert Godwin has such great storytelling skills and knowledge that I am sure you will love every second.

Wed October 28th

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Bruno Barbier · Over The Skype · ImpriFr...

This session "Over The Skype" is the opportunity to discover IMPRIFRANCE, a network of independent French printers spread over the whole territory which gathers 68 members including 1 school of graphic and multimedia professions. Bruno Barbier, its president, describes the profiles of the printers within IMPRIFRANCE, how new members are recruited, and the advantages for a printer to be part of such a group. Buno Barbier also presents us with a summary including the update of the website and a brief review of current actions... This session is also an opportunity to understand, thanks to Bruno Barbier's analysis, the primary concerns of IMPRIFRANCE printers in this context of health, economic and social crises following the Covid 19 pandemic which is still raging in France, to learn how IMPRIFRANCE, particularly through its collective strategy, its partnerships within the group, provides support and solutions to the network's business leaders. Bruno Barbier concludes by giving us his vision of the printing industry with the increasing importance of the cash flow, whether in the short term for the survival of printing companies or in the medium term to relaunch the return to activity once the crisis is over, but also the importance of becoming increasingly agile for these companies, especially to respond to the new behaviors of customers who will emerge from the crisis with an even stronger negotiating power. This interview is very rich in information as the groups are important today to enable printing companies to respond to the current crisis and the challenges of tomorrow. So don't miss this interview and the fascinating analysis of Bruno Barbier!!! --- Cette session « Over The Skype » est l’opportunité de découvrir IMPRIFRANCE, réseau d’imprimeurs français indépendants répartis sur l’ensemble du territoire qui regroupe 68 adhérents dont 1 école des métiers graphiques et pluri média. Bruno Barbier, son président, nous décrit les profils des imprimeurs au sein d’IMPRIFRANCE, comment se font les recrutements des nouveaux adhérents, et les avantages pour un imprimeur à faire partie d’un tel groupement. Buno Barbier nous présente également un résumé notamment la mise à jour du site et un bref bilan des actions en cours… Cette session est aussi l’occasion d’appréhender, grâce à l’analyse de Bruno Barbier, les préoccupations premières des imprimeurs IMPRIFRANCE dans ce contexte de crises sanitaire, économique et sociale suite à la pandémie du Covid 19 qui sévit toujours au sein de l’hexagone, d’apprendre comment IMPRIFRANCE, notamment par sa stratégie collective, ses partenariats au sein du groupement, apporte son soutien et des solutions aux chefs d’entreprise du réseau. Bruno Barbier conclut en nous donnant sa vision de l’imprimerie avec une importance de plus en plus grande de la trésorerie que ce soit à court terme pour la survie des imprimeries ou à moyen terme pour relancer le retour à l’activité une fois la crise passée, mais aussi l’importance de devenir de plus en plus agile pour ces entreprises notamment pour répondre aux nouveaux comportements des clients qui sortiront de la crise avec un pouvoir de négociation encore renforcé. Cette interview est très riche d’informations tant les groupements sont aujourd’hui importants pour permettre aux imprimeries de répondre à la crise actuelle et aux défis de demain. Alors, ne manquez pas cette interview et l’analyse passionnante de Bruno Barbier !!!

Wed October 28th

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Eli Grinberg · Over The Skype · Scodix

In this Over the Skype episode, CEO Eli Grinberg from Scodix talks about how Scodix got started and the ambitions of replacing analog enhancement technologies. Of course, we also got the chance to talk about how Scodix sees the current market situation and why they are launching six new machines. I have known Eli Grinberg for many years, but this was the first time we finally got time to sit down and talk - GREAT - enjoy!

Thu October 22nd

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Sophie Viel · Over The Skype · printecom...

I am delighted to invite today Sophie Viel, President of Printecom, for this "OverThe Skype" session, in particular as part of the initiative launched in the United States by the famous print ambassador Deborah Corn, the “Girls Who Print” initiative, which aims to support companies, initiatives and projects led by women in the Graphic Industries worldwide. This year “GirlsWhoPrint” Day will take place on October 22nd and INKISH will be happy to support this event. Sophie Viel tells us about her career, the creation of her company Printecom 4 years ago and today her news, the launch of her platform: Through this interview you will discover the genesis of this project, the targeted markets and the 4 universes that make it up: Printebrand : objects, events, print, signage, etc. Printegreen: Plant communication, Made in France, Eco-friendly textiles and promotional items... Printedeco : personalized corporate decoration (frames, promotional carpets, personalized decorative objects) and corporate furniture with logo ... Printeprotec : Safety at work: reflective objects, first aid kits and Anti-Covid protection, etc. Sophie Viel stresses the importance of the support and personalized advice that accompanies her Internet store. Sophie ends this interview by sharing with us the next evolutions of her platform with an enlarged catalog and product range, an online order follow-up, a reinforced quality control, ... Take advantage of the experience, energy and professionalism of Sophie Viel, a Girl Who Print in France and visit her online ordering platform now: --- Je suis ravi d’inviter aujourd’hui Sophie Viel, présidente de Printecom, pour cette session "OverThe Skype" ce, notamment dans le cadre de l’initiative lancée aux Etats-Unis par la célèbre ambassadrice du print Deborah Corn, l’initiative Girls Who Print, qui vise à soutenir les entreprises, les initiatives, les projets menés par les femmes des Industries graphiques dans le monde entier. Cette année, la journée "GirlsWhoPrint" aura lieu le 22 octobre et INKISH sera ravi de soutenir cet événement. Sophie Viel nous raconte son parcours, la création de son entreprise Printecom il y a 4 ans et aujourd’hui son actualité, le lancement de sa plateforme A travers cet entretien vous découvrirez la genèse de ce projet, les marchés ciblés et les 4 univers qui la composent : Printebrand : objets, événementiel, Print, signalétique… Printegreen : Communication végétale, Made in France, Textiles Ecolo et objets publicitaires écologiques… Printedeco : décoration d’entreprise personnalisée (cadres, tapis promotionnel, objets déco personnalisés) et mobilier d’entreprise avec logo… Printeprotec : Sécurité au travail : objets réfléchissants, kits premiers secours et protection Anti-Covid… Sophie Viel insiste sur l’importance de l’accompagnement et les conseils personnalisés qui accompagne sa boutique Internet. Sophie finit cet entretien en nous partageant dès à présent les prochaines évolutions à venir de sa plateforme avec un élargissement du catalogue et de la gamme des produits, un suivi de la commande en ligne, un contrôle qualité renforcé, … Profitez de l’expérience, de l’énergie, du professionnalisme de Sophie Viel, a Girl Who Print in France et visitez dès à présent sa plateforme de commande en ligne :

Mon October 5th


Ellen Manning · Over The Skype · Eagle S...

In this 'Over the Skype' session, we talk to VP Marketing & Sales, Ellen Manning, from Eagle Systems. You will get the insides from how Ellen Manning got into the printing industry - and yes, it was on a drupa show. More importantly, we get the chance to talk about why foiling becomes more and more important for printers around the world. As you can see already from the cover photo, Ellen Manning is a 'sparkling' woman - fun and always good to hear engaging stories from engaged people! Enjoy this one!

Sat October 3rd

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Andreas Weber & Jacques Michiels · ...

Over The Skype with Jacques Michiels, CEO INKISH Benelux The INKISH webinar series on #SmartFactory / Industry 4.0 in the team of Yves d'Aviau de Ternay, CEO INKISH France, Morten B. Reitoft, INKISH HQ and Jacques Michiels, CEO INKISH BENELUX, sets standards. Indeed, the experts have made a lot of plans to develop future scenarios for the print industry. The conversation was about the following questions: - What is it that drives you? How do you get it? - Where are we standing? Where do we have to go? - What exactly is important about the #SmartFactory? What is it all about? - What are the benefits for print shops? - What are the total findings from the webinar series? - What are the most important recommendations for action that can be derived? The webinar concept is very extensive and quite complex. But it's not just a topic from experts for experts. What is the best way to get started in order to optimally deal with the situation? Our colleague Rainer Wagner from LATAM noted that the topic of AI / artificial intelligence was neglected. Is that correct? Is it still too far from thinking in the print industry? How will you and Yves follow up on the topic? What happens next? The answers are extremely conclusive and extremely interesting. But see for yourself! --- Over The Skype mit Jacques Michiels, CEO INKISH Benelux Die INKISH Webinar-Reihe zu #SmartFactory / Industrie 4.0 im Team von Yves d'Aviau de Ternay, CEO INKISH France, Morten B. Reitoft, INKISH HQ und Jacques Michiels, CEO INKISH BENELUX, setzt Massstäbe. Die Experten haben sich in der Tat viel vorgenommen, um Zukunfts-Szenarien für die Print-Branche zu entwickeln. Das Gespräch rankte sich um folgende Fragen: - Was treibt Euch an? Wie kommt ihr drauf? - Wo stehen wir? Wo müssen wir hin? - Was genau ist am Thema #SmartFactory wichtig? Was verbirgt sich dahinter? - Welcher Nutzen entsteht für Druckereien? - Was sind die Erkenntnisse aus der Webinar-Reihe in Summe? - Welches sind die wichtigsten Handlungs-Empfehlungen, die sich ableiten lassen? Das Webinar-Konzept ist sehr umfangreich und durchaus komplex. Aber es sit ja nicht nur ein Thema von Experten für Experten. Wie findet man am besten den Einstieg, um sich mit der Sachlage optimal auseinanderzusetzen? Unser Kollege Rainer Wagner aus LATAM merkte an, dass ihm das Thema AI / Künstliche Intelligenz zu kurz gekommen ist. Stimmt das? Ist es vielleicht noch zu weit weg vom Denken in der Print-Branche? Wie werden Yves und Du das Thema weiterverfolgen? Was passiert als nächstes? Die Antworten sind äußerst schlüssig und hochinteressant. Aber sehen Sie selbst!

Wed September 30th

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Abel Ben Hamou · Over The Skype · Artési...

INTRODUCTION TO FILM Web-to-print is not only for the pure players. Abel Ben Hamou, Sales and Marketing Director of the Artésienne printing company interviewed by INKISH France tells us how this beautiful commercial printing company, constituted in the form of a "Société Coopérative de Production" (SCOP) since 1967, is approaching online printing without any complexes, recently in B2C with the first bricks of their online shop "Impri'Scop" offering masks, protective visors and other products enabling companies to meet the constraints and requirements of distance... or in B2B by developing microsites in the colours of the charter of its major corporate customers. He explains to us how the company approaches these different projects, whether in the choice of technological solutions and/or in the management of the change so important in the success of such projects. This interview is very rich in lessons for a "traditional" printing company that wishes to understand this online order taking channel that is more and more requested by customers whether they are individuals, VSEs, SMEs or large accounts. Take advantage of the Artésienne’s lessons and visit the first floor of its rocket's online Web-to-print shop: INTRODUCTION AU FILM Le Web-to-print n’est pas réservé aux seuls pure players du web. Abel Ben Hamou, directeur commercial et marketing de l’imprimerie l’Artésienne interviewé par INKISH France nous raconte comme cette belle imprimerie de labeur constituée sous forme de SCOP depuis 1967 aborde l’impression en ligne sans complexe, récemment en B2C avec les premières briques de leur boutique en ligne "Impri'Scop" offrant masques, visières de protection, et autres produits permettant aux entreprises de répondre aux contraintes et exigences de distanciation... ou en B2B par le développement de microsites aux couleurs de la charte de ses clients grands comptes importants. Il nous explique comment l’entreprise à aborder ces différents projets que ce soit dans le choix des solutions technologiques et/ou dans la conduite du changement si importante dans la réussite de tels projets. Cet entretien est très riche d’enseignements pour une imprimerie « traditionnelle » qui souhaite appréhender ce canal de prise de commandes en ligne de plus en plus sollicité par les clients qu’ils soient des particuliers, des TPE, des PME ou des grands comptes. Profitez des enseignements de l’Artésienne et visitez le premier étage de la fusée de sa boutique en ligne Web-to-print :

Wed September 30th


Michael Poulin · Over The Skype · Canon ...

In this 'Over the Skype' session, we talk to Director, Product Marketing, Michael Poulin from Canon Solutions America. As you can hear in the conversation, we have spoken with Michael Poulin at the last Printing United - LIVE from the Canon booth - about partner programs, etc. In this session, we also touch upon partners, but of course, more about the inkjet devices from Canon iX-series, color-stream, and pro-stream - and, of course, all the important things to know before investing in inkjet. Great talking to Michael Poulin again.

Mon September 14th

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Christophe Dudit · Over The Skype · Impr...

This session "Over The Skype" is the opportunity to discover ImpriClub, one of the most important group of printers in France. Christophe Dudit, its president, describes the profiles of printers within ImpriClub, how new members are recruited, the advantages for a printer to be part of such a group. Christophe Dudit also gives us a summary and a brief review of the actions underway and what companionship within ImpriClub means. This session is also an opportunity to learn how the printers within ImpriClub apprehend the crisis and even the health, economic and social crises following the Covid 19 pandemic which is still raging in France and to understand their primary concerns today. Christophe Dudit concludes by giving us his opinion on the initiatives of certain major clients, ordering parties to repatriate their printing to France and his vision of tomorrow's printing industry in the short and medium term. This interview is very rich in information as the groups are so important today to enable printing companies to meet the challenges of tomorrow. So don't miss this exciting interview! Cette session « Over The Skype » est l’opportunité de découvrir ImpriClub, l’un des groupements d’imprimeurs les plus importants en France. Christophe Dudit, son président, nous décrit les profils des imprimeurs au sein d’ImpriClub, comment se font les recrutements des nouveaux adhérents, les avantages pour un imprimeur à faire partie d’un tel groupement. Christophe Dudit nous présente également un résumé et un bref bilan des actions en cours et ce que ce que signifie le compagnonnage au sein d’ImpriClub. Cette session est aussi l’occasion d’apprendre comment les imprimeurs au sein d’ImpriClub appréhendent la crise voire les crises sanitaire, économique et sociale suite à la pandémie du Covid 19 qui sévit toujours au sein de l’hexagone et d’appréhender aujourd’hui leurs préoccupations premières. Christophe Dudit conclut en nous donnant son avis sur les initiatives de certains grands donneurs d’ordre à rapatrier leurs impression en France et sa vision sur l’imprimerie de demain à court et à moyen terme. Cette interview est très riche d’informations tant les groupements sont aujourd’hui importants pour permettre aux imprimeries de répondre aux défis de demain. Alors ne manquez pas cette interview passionnante !!!

Sun September 13th

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Jack Strimber · Over The Skype · Kornit ...

In this "Over the Skype" session, we speak with Jack Strimber, General Manager for Latin America at Kornit. Kornit is a company dedicated to textile printing that seeks to enter the Mexican market. Jack spoke about the benefits of direct-to-garmet printing, as well as the trends in this sector. En esta sesión "Over the Skype", hablamos con Jack Strimber, Gerente General para América Latina en Kornit. Kornit es una empresa dedicada a la impresión textil que busca ingresar al mercado mexicano. Jack habló sobre los beneficios de la impresión directo a tela, así como de las tendencias que marca este sector.

Sun September 13th


Jos Steutelings · Over The Skype · VIGC...

In this Over the Skype session, Jacques Michiels from INKISH Benelux talks to an exciting gentleman, Jos Steutelings. Jos Steutelings is the Managing Director of VIGC, who, among other things, does events that have become very popular. In this interview, we discuss the Hackaton event; an event developed together with Ernst & Young. Innovation for the industry, and due to the COVID-19 virtual. Virtual enables this to be an event with a broader potential, so listen to the exciting conversation, and prepare yourself for a great event.

Sat August 29th


Erik Holdo · Over The Skype · Konica Min...

Erik Holdo works for Konica Minolta Business Solutions USA. In this 'Over the Skype' session, we get the chance to talk about technology, printing companies, the COVID-19 pandemic, exhibitions, and maybe also how new technology can offer everybody new ways to experience products in the future. Great session that we really enjoyed!

Thu August 20th

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Tatiana Duarte · Over The Skype · Andigr...

Tatiana Duarte is the Executive President of Andigraf - Colombian Association of Graphic Communication With a background for working to government export agency and also in private companies she was contracted by Andigraf 18 months ago to promote the transformation of the association in requirement to the printing industry market transformation as well. Along with a new board of directors componed of owners and managers coming from companies working in new growing markets as functional printing, visual communication and labels, mixed with traditional printers and relevant suppliers, Tatiana is developing a very good job in developing a new way of communication and promoting relevant content. In the same way Andigraf has taken an important role during the Covid pandemic in generating information and new opportunities to all members. This includes the first virtual trade show they promoted at the end of June with a very successful vendors and attendees participation. Tatiana maybe represents the way Printing Industry Association must transform to thrive in a challenging times like we are living now with serious effects in our industry. So, we are proud to present Tatiana Duarte to our Inkish audience. Along with her we also introduce our new partner in Inkish South America, Carlos Silgado Bernal. A very skilled and recognized professional in Latin America printing industry

Wed August 12th

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David Benoit · Over The Skype · Grafoc

In this 'Over the Skype' session, Manager Advice, Marketing & Communication David Benoit of talks to Jacques Michiels of INKISH Benelux about the most recent developments in the graphic labor market in Flanders. Important and interesting topics that concern all Printers and graphic companies in Flanders include: How to find or train operators for Web to print/digital printing machines/inkjet presses? Impact of Covid19 on our graphics sector from a GRAFOC standpoint. - Information from the sector regarding vacancies, possible upward or downward spiral with regard to employment and challenges for the sector. What bonuses can a graphics company obtain for training Workers PC130 (sectoral training bonus)? How do graphic training centers deal with the partial switch from traditional graphic (offset) machines to digital tools and production resources? The various services and (subsidy) possibilities via GRAFOC to support the graphics industry. And much more… Watch, Like, and Share as usual. (NL) In deze 'Over the Skype'-sessie spreekt Manager Advies, Marketing & Communicatie David Benoit van met Jacques Michiels van INKISH Benelux over de recenste ontwikkelingen op de grafische arbeidsmarkt in Vlaanderen. Belangrijke en interessante onderwerpen die alle Drukkerijen en grafische bedrijven in Vlaanderen aanbelangen en aan bod komen zijn onder andere: Hoe vinden of opleiden van operatoren voor bv. Web to print/digitale drukmachines/inkjet persen ? Impact van Covid19 op onze grafische sector vanuit standpunt GRAFOC. - Info uit sector ivm vacatures, mogelijke op- of neerwaartse spiraal mbt tewerkstelling en uitdagingen voor de sector. Welke premies kan een grafisch bedrijf bekomen voor opleiding van Arbeiders PC130 (sectorale opleidingspremie)? Hoe gaan de grafische opleidingscentra om met de gedeeltelijke switch van traditionele grafische (offset)machines naar digitale tools en productiemiddelen ? De diverse diensten en (subsidie)-mogelijkheden via GRAFOC ter ondersteuning van de grafische industrie. En meer… Kijk, “like” en deel zoals gewoonlijk!

Mon August 10th

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Xavier De Coker · Over The Skype · Drukk...

In this 'Over the Skype' session, Manager Xavier De Coker from Drukkerijgroep AlbeDeCoker talks with Jacques Michiels from INKISH Benelux about the challenges and preparations for a “generational change” within a medium-sized graphic company. A tough subject that many printing companies are confronted with or will face in the (near) future. Xavier also provides insights into what he believes can be important distinguishing factors for a modern graphics company in which a win-win model in pursuit of cost savings and efficiency are important. Furthermore, the purchasing philosophy adapted by AlbeDeCoker regarding Sustainability and Green and Lean Supply chain / suppliers is up for discussion AND becoming a part of their strategy, even further than, for example, FSC and PEFC certified raw materials. An important signal / message to the graphics supply industry ?! Watch, like and share as usual ! In deze 'Over the Skype'-sessie spreekt Manager Xavier De Coker van Drukkerijgroep AlbeDeCoker met Jacques Michiels van INKISH Benelux over de uitdagingen en voorbereidingen van een “generatiewissel” binnen een middelgroot grafisch bedrijf, een pittig onderwerp waar vele drukkerijen mee geconfronteerd worden of zullen worden in de (nabije) toekomst. Xavier geeft verder nog inzichten in wat volgens hem belangrijke onderscheidende factoren kunnen zijn voor een moderne grafisch bedrijf waarin een win-win model bij streven naar kostenbesparing en effeciëntie belangrijk zijn. Verder staat de door AlbeDeCoker aangepaste inkoopfilosofie met betrekking tot Duurzaamheid en Groene en Lean Supply chain / leveranciers ter discussie als onderdeel van hun strategie, zelfs verder dan de FSC en PEFC gecertificeerde grondstoffen. Een belangrijk signaal / bericht naar de grafische toeleveringsindustrie ?! Kijk, “like” en deel zoals gewoonlijk!

Tue July 28th

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Over The Skype · Aviram Vardi · Twine So...

In this 'Over the Skype' session, you can hear more about Twine Solutions. Twine is an Israeli company that has specialized in digitally coloring yarns that can be be used for almost any applications thinkable. Product Marketing Manager Aviram Vardi explains very well the amazing opportunities and why this still is just the tip of the iceberg in digital print. Great conversation - enjoy!

Tue July 21st

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Sergio Castro · Over The Skype · AGFA Me...

In this "Over the Skype" session, we spoke with Sergio Castro, Country Manager of Agfa Mexico. In this episode, we talked about Sergio's beginnings in the industry, the services that the company has offered their clients during the pandemic, as well as the evolution of the industry towards new markets that have proven essential, as well as the potential of e commerce. En esta sesión "Over the Skype", hablamos con Sergio Castro, Director General de Agfa México. En este episodio, hablamos sobre los inicios de Sergio en la industria, los servicios que ha ofrecido la empresa a sus clientes durante la contingencia, así como la evolución de la industria hacia nuevos mercados que han demostrado ser esenciales, así como el potencial del comercio electrónico.

Tue July 14th

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Luis Gerardo Sanchez · Over The Skype · ...

In this ‘Over the Skype’ session, we talked to Luis Gerardo Sanchez, Administrative Manager at Papelera Progreso. Papelera Progreso is a Mexican paper distributor that has been 16 years in business. In this episode, we talk about Luis Gerardo’s beginings at the age of 10, how Papelera Progreso is handling the pandemic and how the printing industry can get ahead in this new normality. En esta sesión "Over the Skype", hablamos con Luis Gerardo Sánchez, Gerente Administrativo de Papelera Progreso. Papelera Progreso es un distribuidor mexicano de papel que lleva 16 años en la industria de la impresión. En este episodio, hablamos sobre los comienzos de Luis Gerardo a la edad de 10 años, cómo Papelera Progreso está manejando la pandemia y cómo la industria de la impresión puede avanzar en esta nueva normalidad.

Tue July 14th


Martin Ludovic · Over The Skype

This new video "OVER THE SKYPE" is the opportunity for us to interview one of the best consultants on Web-to-print, Ludovic Martin. During this interview, Ludovic shares his vision on the evolution of the online printing market and the economic changes taking place in Web-to-print. He gives advice on how to stop making Web-to-print a concern for "traditional" printers. He discusses the discreet but increasingly visible arrival of marketplaces such as Amazon or Alibaba on the online printing market and why it may be relevant to take advantage of these "market" platforms for certain products. He answers the difficulties of approaching the B2C market, but also the markets that still need to be conquered and developed in Web-to-print, particularly via personalisation such as packaging, textiles, etc. He discusses the services that are so important to accompany a Web-to-print order. And finally, he gives us his crush of the week on a recent Web-to-print initiative that he particularly impressed us with. Cette nouvelle vidéo « OVER THE SKYPE » est l’opportunité pour nous d’interviewer l’un des meilleurs consultants sur le Web-to-print, Ludovic Martin. Durant cette interview, Ludovic nous partage sa vision sur l’évolution du marché de l’impression en ligne et les mutations économiques en cours dans le Web-to-print. Il donne des conseils sur comment ne plus faire du Web-to-Print un sujet d’inquiétude pour les imprimeurs « traditionnels ». Il revient sur l’arrivée discrète, mais de plus en plus visible des places de marché comme Amazon ou Alibaba sur ce marché de l’impression en ligne et pourquoi il peut être pertinent de profiter de ces plateformes « marché » sur certains produits… Il répond sur les difficultés à aborder le marché B2C, mais également sur les marchés qui restent encore à conquérir et à développer dans le Web-to-print notamment via personnalisation comme le packaging, le textile … Il s’arrête sur les services si importants qui doivent accompagner une commande Web-to-print. Et enfin, il nous donne son coup de cœur de la semaine sur une initiative récente dans le Web-to-print qu’il l’a particulièrement épatée.

Tue July 14th

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Rafael Mari · Over The Skype · Realisapr...

During this "OVER THE SKYPE" interview, Rafael Mari, one of the co-founders of Realisaprint, tells us about the beginnings of this online printing company, which today competes with the main players in the market. He tells us about the particularity of his company, the origin of its success, its family spirit. He also reveals to us how confinement has strengthened the ties and team spirit of the members of this family to meet the new expectations of customers and to continue despite the current context the ambitious development of this very beautiful “niçoise” online printing company. An interview that makes you feel good, so don't hesitate to watch this video. Durant cet entretien « OVER THE SKYPE », Rafael Mari, l’un des cofondateurs de Realisaprint, nous raconte les débuts de cette imprimerie en ligne qui rivalise aujourd’hui avec les principaux acteurs du marché. Il nous raconte la particularité de cette entreprise, l’origine de son succès, son esprit de famille. Il nous révèle aussi comment le confinement à renforcer les liens et l’esprit d’équipe des membres de cette famille pour répondre aux nouvelles attentes des clients et poursuivre malgré le contexte actuel le développement ambitieux de cette très belle imprimerie en ligne niçoise… Un entretien qui fait du bien au moral, alors n’hésitez pas à visionner cette vidéo.

Wed July 8th


Fernando Alperowitch · Over The Skype · ...

The very first Over the Skype interview from INKISH South America - couldn't be happier, and with 50 minutes of great information about HP, Indigo, Labels, and of course also touching upon Alon Bar-Shany's exit from HP you will get plenty of great information in this session with Business Director, HP North America - Graphic Solution Business, Fernando Alperowitch. Great interview by Hamilton Costa and Tânia Galluzzi.

Wed July 8th


Antoine Roux · Over The Skype · PrintOcl...

During this "OVER THE SKYPE" interview, Antoine Roux, founder of PrintOClck, tells us how his printing online company succeeded in making masks during the confinement period, when stocks were running out all over France, how this health crisis impacted 1/ the behaviour of its customers, 2/ the working methods of its teams and 3/ the reactions of its suppliers and partners. It gives its opinion on the "MADE INFRANCE" put forward by the French authorities and public opinion following the repercussions that such a pandemic had on the French economy and on French printing comapnies in particular. He reveals the criteria for meeting the success of today and tomorrow that are essential in online printing, in Web-to-print, and moreover in this context of health and economic crises triggered by the covid-19. Enjoy! Durant cet entretien « OVER THE SKYPE », passionnant Antoine Roux, fondateur de PrintOClck, nous raconte comment PrintOClock a réussi le tour de force de fabriquer des masques pendant la période de confinement, alors que partout en France les stocks étaient en rupture, comment cette crise sanitaire a impacté 1/le comportement de ses clients, 2/les méthodes de travail de ses équipes et 3/ les réactions de ses fournisseurs et partenaires. Il donne son avis sur le « MADE INFRANCE » mise en avant par les autorités et l’opinion publique suite aux répercussions qu'une telle pandémie a eues sur l’économie et sur les imprimeries françaises en particulier. Il nous révèle les critères pour rencontrer le succès d’aujourd’hui et de demain indispensables dans l’imprimerie en ligne, dans le Web-to-print qui plus est dans ce contexte de crises sanitaire et économique déclenchées par le covid -19. Profitez-en !

Tue June 23rd


Tim Cox · Over The Skype · Vpress

In this 'Over the Skype' session, we get to know more about Tim Cox, the MD of British Vpress. Vpress is the developer of the Coreprint web-to-print solution and also known by many because of the Crown Pub that many may have heard about here during the COVID-19 pandemic. In this episode, we talk about a lot of different things - an episode we really like. As with all our ‘Over the Skype’ interviews, quality is limited to bandwidth, web-cams, and ability to literally LIVE mix the conversations. However, it works, and with Over the Skype, we will bring you more than 20 exciting people, and angles on the industry as it is right now. Enjoy!

Mon June 15th


German Sacristan · Over The Skype · Keyp...

In this 'Over the Skype' session, German Sacristan from Keypoint Intelligence share his insights about the printing market. Many good subjects. More interesting is the conversation about how printing companies should become relevant - but listen for yourself. As with all our ‘Over the Skype’ interviews, quality is limited to bandwidth, web-cams, and ability to literally LIVE mix the conversations. However, it works, and with Over the Skype, we will bring you more than 20 exciting people, and angles on the industry as it is right now. Enjoy!

Mon June 15th


Thomas Heininger · Over The Skype · MBO...

Over the Skype with Thomas Heininger, CEO, MBO Postpress Solutions GmbH During the current Over the Skype conversation by Andreas Weber, CEO / Country Manager INKISH D-A-CH, the focus is on a special and elementarily important topic that is usually dealt with in passing: postures solutions. Thomas Heininger, CEO of MBO Postpress Solutions GmbH, which has recently become part of the KOMORI family, answers questions in a fantastic way and shred cool insights. It can be seen that many discussions in the print industry are overlaid by COVID-19, by the lockdown and crisis mood scenarios. However, there is a spirit of optimism and confidence at MBO. Because the closing for the takeover of MBO by KOMORI Corporation has been successfully completed since May 1, 2020. And shows success straight away. If you dive deeper into the subject, you can see that topics such as IoT, automation, networking and connectivity are top priorities at MBO and KOMORI. True to the motto: what comes to the end (in the production chain) can be at the forefront. Driven by digitalization. A really exciting and insightful conversation. Erratum: In the live conversation, Thomas Heininger said that 48 data managers were on the market; the number he mentioned was a mix-up with another MBO product. Note: As with all of our “Over the Skype” interviews, the picture / sound quality is based on the available bandwidth and the respective web cams as well as the possibility to literally conduct the conversations LIVE. Despite everything, it works amazingly well and with Over the Skype we have brought together far more than 60 special personalities so far and give insights into the industry as it currently is. Enjoy! Over the Skype mit Thomas Heininger, CEO, MBO Postpress Solutions GmbH ---- Heute rückt beim Over the Skype Gespräch von Andreas Weber, CEO/Country Manager INKISH D-A-CH, ein besonderes und elementar wichtiges Thema in den Fokus, das normalerweise eher am Rande behandelt wird: Die Weiterverarbeitung. Thomas Heininger, CEO der MBO Postpress Solutions GmbH, die seit neuestem Teil der KOMORI-Familie geworden ist, steht Rede und Antwort. Es zeigt sich: Viele Diskussionen in der Print-Branche sind von COVID-19 überlagert, vom Lockdown und Krisen-Stimmungs-Szenarien. Bei MBO herrscht aber Aufbruchstimmung. Denn das Closing zur Übernahme von MBO durch KOMORI Corporation ist seit 1. Mai 2020 erfolgreich abgeschlossen. Und zeigt auf Anhieb Erfolge. Taucht man tiefer ein in die Materie, zeigt sich, dass Themen wie IoT, Automatisierung, Vernetzung und Konnektivität bei MBO und KOMORI ganz oben stehen. Getreu der Devise: Was (in der Produktionskette) zum Schluss kommt, kann ganz vorne sein. Getrieben durch die Digitalisierung. Ein wirklich spannendes und aufschlussreiches Gespräch. Erratum: Im Live-Gespräch sagte Thomas Heininger, dass 48 Data Manager im Markt wären; die von ihm genannte Zahl war eine Verwechslung mit einem anderen MBO Produkt. Hinweis: Wie bei allen unseren “Over the Skype”-Interviews richtet sich die Bild-/Ton-Qualität nach verfügbarer Bandbreite und den jeweiligen Web-Cams aus sowie der Möglichkeit, die Konversationen buchstäblich LIVE zu führen. Es funktioniert trotz allem erstaunlich gut und mit Over the Skype bringen wir bis dato weit mehr als 60 besondere Persönlichkeiten zusammen und geben Einblicke in die Branche, wie sie derzeit ist. Viel Spaß!

Wed June 10th


Bernhard Cantzler · Over the Skype · MON...

Over the Skype with Bernhard Cantzler, Head of Marketing & Innovation UFP, Mondi Group Based in Vienna, Austria, Bernhard Cantzler is an excellent, internationally experienced specialist in print, packaging, marketing & communication in the digital age. During his studies he came into contact with Mondi in Russia. He had his first professional experience at Mondi with paper for digital printing, especially for inkjet productions. Andreas Weber, CEO / Country Manager INKISH D-A-CH, was particularly interested in this over the Skype conversation: Your tasks have expanded considerably in recent years. And especially now with COVID-19: What are you currently doing? How does that affect the market? What does the postponing of drupa 2020 mean for M? How do you see digital and analog? What influence does digitalization have on your work? What trends do you see and what influence does or will it have on Mondi’s offer? Note: As with all of our “Over the Skype” interviews, the picture / sound quality is based on the available bandwidth and the respective web cams as well as the possibility to literally conduct the conversations LIVE. Despite everything, it works amazingly well and with Over the Skype we have brought together far more than 50 special personalities so far and give insights into the industry as it currently is. Enjoy! Over the Skype mit Bernhard Cantzler, Head of Marketing & Innovation UFP, Mondi Group Blick nach Wien: Bernhard Cantzler ist ein exzellenter, international erfahrener Fachmann in Sachen Print, Packaging, Marketing & Kommunikation im Digitalzeitalter. Schon während des Studiums kam er in Russland mit Mondi in Kontakt. Seine ersten beruflichen Erfahrungen machte er bei Mondi mit Papier für den Digitaldruck, gerade auch für Inkjet-Produktionen. Folgendes interessierte Andreas Weber, CEO/Country Manager INKISH D-A-CH, ganz besonders in diesem Over the Skype-Gespräch: In den letzten Jahren haben sich ihre Aufgaben stark erweitert. Und speziell jetzt durch COVID-19: Was beschäftigt Sie derzeit? Wie wirkt sich das auf den Markt aus? Was bedeutet für Mondi die Verschiebung der drupa? In welchem Verhältnis sehen Sie digital und analog? Welchen Einfluss hat die Digitalisierung auf Ihre Arbeit? Welche Trends sehen Sie und welchen Einfluss zeigt oder wird es zeigen auf das Angebot von Mondi? Hinweis: Wie bei allen unseren “Over the Skype”-Interviews richtet sich die Bild-/Ton-Qualität nach verfügbarer Bandbreite und den jeweiligen Web-Cams aus sowie der Möglichkeit, die Konversationen buchstäblich LIVE zu führen. Es funktioniert trotz allem erstaunlich gut und mit Over the Skype bringen wir bis dato weit mehr als 50 besondere Persönlichkeiten zusammen und geben Einblicke in die Branche, wie sie derzeit ist. Viel Spaß!

Tue June 9th


Francois Martin · Over The Skype · BOBST...

In this 'Over the Skype' session, Senior Marketing & Communication Manager François Martin from BOBST speaks with editor Morten Reitoft about the new strategy revealed June 9th, 2020. The focus on IoT, Environment, Connectivity is truly interesting and shows the leadership you see from BOBST. As with all our ‘Over the Skype’ interviews, quality is limited to bandwidth, web-cams, and ability to literally LIVE mix the conversations. However, it works, and with Over the Skype, we will bring you more than 20 exciting people, and angles on the industry as it is right now. Enjoy!

Sun June 7th


Jean Lloyd · Over The Skype · JL Consult...

In this 'Over the Skype' session, we this time visits Jean Lloyd from South Africa. Jean Lloyd has a deep understanding of Inkjet with years of experience. Today she works as an independent consulting with a focus on supporting her customers about Inkjet. As with all our ‘Over the Skype’ interviews, quality is limited to bandwidth, web-cams, and ability to literally LIVE mix the conversations. However, it works, and with Over the Skype, we will bring you more than 20 exciting people, and angles on the industry as it is right now. Enjoy!

Fri May 22nd


Rainer Wagner · Over The Skype

Nothing stays the way it has been! - Experience from the new world: Rainer Wagner is a first-class print expert, with around 40 years of experience at the forefront. Nothing escapes him. And he can immediately classify everything correctly. For over 30 years, the person born and trained in Germany has lived and worked in LATAM, i.e. South and Central America, without losing ties to Germany. For INKISH D-A-CH and Andreas Weber there was a very interesting field of tension between: From old to new. Without compromises! The conversation touches on explosive points: What does the situation on the print market actually look like? What can you learn from LATAM in the D-A-CH region? How do German players arrive in LATAM? And above all: what is the situation in LATAM? What options are there? - What is happening in view of the digital transformation and the corona crisis? - What significance and what form does artificial intelligence have in the print sector? - Is the print technology as good as manufacturers claim? - What is really important from a practical point of view in print shops? - How can you keep the overall view in order to produce high quality and needs-based print products today? Rainer Wagner's answers are clear, unambiguous, precise and certainly surprising for many. Especially for those who want to focus on the old world of print with newly formulated performance promises. Info tip: Rainer Wagner shares his knowledge, experiences and observations in a Spanish-language blog that is heavily frequented in LATAM and beyond. As with all our ‘Over the Skype’ interviews, quality is limited to bandwidth, web-cams, and ability to literally LIVE mix the conversations. However, it works, and with Over the Skype, we will bring you more than 20 exciting people, and angles on the industry as it is right now. Enjoy! --- German edition --- Nichts bleibt so, wie es mal sein wird! — Erfahrungen aus der neuen Welt: Rainer Wagner ist ein Print-Experte allererster Güte, mit rund 40 Jahren Erfahrung an vorderster Front. Ihm entgeht nichts. Und alles kann er sofort richtig einordnen. Seit über 30 Jahren lebt und arbeitet der in Deutschland Geborene und Ausgebildete in LATAM, also Süd- bzw. Mittelamerika, ohne die Bindung an Deutschland zu verlieren. Für INKISH D-A-CH und Andreas Weber ergab sich im Gespräch ein hochinteressantes Spannungsfeld zwischen: Aus Alt wird Neu. Ohne Kompromisse! Das Gespräch berührt brisante Punkte: Wie sieht er die Lage des Print-Markts tatsächlich aus? Was kann man n der D-A-CH-region von LATAM lernen? Wie kommen Deutsche Player in LATAM an? Und vor allem auch: Wie ist die Lage in LATAM? Welche Optionen gibt es? - Was tut sich in Anbetracht der digitalen Transformation und der Corona-Krise? - Welchen Stellenwert und welche Ausprägung hat Künstliche Intelligenz im Print-Sektor? - Ist die Print-Technik so gut, wie Hersteller behaupten? - Worauf kommt es aus Sicht der Praxis in en Druckbetreiben tatsächlich an? - Wie kann man den Gesamtüberblick behalten, um heutzutage qualitätsvoll und bedarfsgerecht Print-Produkte herzustellen? Die Antworten von Rainer Wagner sind klar, eindeutig, präzise und sicher für viele überraschend. Vor allem für solche, die mit neu formulierten Leistungsversprechen die alte Welt des Print in den Fokus rücken wollen. Infotipp: Rainer Wagner teilt sein Wissen, seine Erfahrungen und Beobachtungen in einem spanisch-sprachigen Blog, der in LATAM und darüber hinaus stark frequentiert wird. Hinweis: Wie bei allen unseren "Over the Skype"-Interviews richtet sich die Bild-/Ton-Qualität nach verfügbarer Bandbreite und den jeweiligen Web-Cams aus sowie der Möglichkeit, die Konversationen buchstäblich LIVE zu führen. Es funktioniert trotz allem erstaunlich gut und mit Over the Skype bringen wir bis dato mehr als 50 besondere Persönlichkeiten aus aller Welt zusammen und geben Einblicke in die Branche, wie sie derzeit ist. Viel Spaß!

Tue May 19th


Günter Thomas · Over the Skype · GT Tre...

Today's guest of Andreas Weber, CEO/Country Manager INKISH D-A-CH, is a very special disciple of Gutenberg: Günter Thomas, in short: GT, founder and owner of GT Trendhouse 42. Live from Gelsenkirchen, in the middle of the Ruhr area. The range of topics has it all and reflects the high level of creativity, passion, sensuality and above all the love of print at the highest level. Original GT: “I was not born just to make paper colorful. That would have been too little for me. In our industry, you have to be weird and look over your own horizon. I try to live that. " The discussion takes place, for example, through discounter Aldi as a showroom for special effect printing for brands, print & rock roll. Everything GT does is very positive. "Why are you like you are - always full of joy and love, new ideas and still entrepreneurially successful?" Why is print considered a premium and not a commodity? How can you be highly creative and at the same time a clever inventor and tech savvy to the power of ten in one. How do you get by as a premium print shop without sales? How do customers from all over the world become real friends? As with all our ‘Over the Skype’ interviews, quality is limited to bandwidth, web-cams, and ability to literally LIVE mix the conversations. However, it works, and with Over the Skype, we will bring you more than 20 exciting people, and angles on the industry as it is right now. Enjoy! -- German -- Der heutige Gast von Andreas Weber, CEO/Country Manager INKISH D-A-CH, ist ein ganz besonderer Jünger Gutenbergs: Günter Thomas, kurz: GT, Gründer und Inhaber von GT Trendhouse 42. Live aus Gelsenkirchen, mitten im Ruhrgebiet. Das Themenspektrum hat es in sich und spiegelt die hohe Kreativität, Leidenschaft, Sinnesfreude und vor allem die Liebe zu Print auf höchster Ebene wieder. O-Ton GT: „Ich bin nicht auf die Welt gekommen, einfach nur um Papier bunt zu machen. Das wäre mir zu wenig gewesen. In unserer Branche muss man schräg sein und über seinen eigenen Horizont blicken. Das versuche ich zu leben.“ Das Gespräch führt zum Beispiel über Discounter Aldi als Showroom für Special Effect Printing zu Brands, Print & Rocken Roll. Alles was GT tut, fällt auf Positivste aus dem Rahmen. „Warum bist Du wie Du bist — immer voll Freude und Liebe, neuen Ideen und trotzdem unternehmerisch erfolgreich?“ Warum gilt Print als Premium und nicht als Commodity? Wie kann man hoch-kreativ sein und gleichzeitig ein ausgefuchster Tüftler und Tech Savvy hoch zehn in einem. Wie kommt man als Premium-Druckerei ohne Vertrieb aus. Wie werden aus Kunden aus aller Welt echte Freunde? Hinweis: Wie bei allen unseren "Over the Skype"-Interviews richtet sich die Bild-/Ton-Qualität nach verfügbarer Bandbreite und den jeweiligen Web-Cams aus sowie der Möglichkeit, die Konversationen buchstäblich LIVE zu führen. Es funktioniert trotz allem erstaunlich gut und mit Over the Skype bringen wir bis dato mehr als 50 besondere Persönlichkeiten zusammen und geben Einblicke in die Branche, wie sie derzeit ist. Viel Spaß!

Tue May 19th


Nizam Appas · Over The Skype · YesGo

In this "Over the Skype" session Founder of YesGo Nizam Appas, explains the background for YesGo. YesGo is an institute training students in the use of packaging software. Now the focus is on Esko's solutions. Still, in the session with K.S. Ashik from INKISH India, Nizam Appas reveal that YesGo will support other software solutions in the future as well. We also learn in this session about the expansion plans for YesGo - not only in India but globally. As with all our ‘Over the Skype’ interviews, quality is limited to bandwidth, web-cams, and ability to literally LIVE mix the conversations. However, it works, and with Over the Skype, we will bring you more than 20 exciting people, and angles on the industry as it is right now. Enjoy!

Tue May 19th


Mohit Bansal · Over The Skype · Naph Gra...

In this "Over the Skype" session, K.S. Ashik has a great conversation with Assistant Director Marketing Mohit Bansal from Naph Graphics. Naph Graphics is one of the larger newspaper press vendors in India. In this session, INKISH India leads the conversation about the market, the products, the current, and the future. Why should a customer choose Naph Graphics? You will get at least some of the answers in this Over the Skype session. As with all our ‘Over the Skype’ interviews, quality is limited to bandwidth, web-cams, and ability to literally LIVE mix the conversations. However, it works, and with Over the Skype, we will bring you more than 20 exciting people, and angles on the industry as it is right now. Enjoy!

Fri May 15th


Eric Vessels · Over The Skype · WhatThey...

Do you know why WhatTheyThink! has the name WhatTheyThink!? Did you know that WhatTheyThink! was one of the first media in the printing industry that launched a daily newsletter, and that Eric Vessels and Adam Dewitz was literally chasing news every night to get enough content for their newsletter? So many great and amazing stories, and who's better to tell the story than Eric Vessels who is one of the three owners of WhatTheyThink! WhatTheyThink! is one of the most recognized media in the printing industry, and we are happy to call them friends - thank you for finally getting in front of the camera Eric! As with all our ‘Over the Skype’ interviews, quality is limited to bandwidth, web-cams, and ability to literally LIVE mix the conversations. However, it works, and with Over the Skype, we will bring you more than 20 exciting people, and angles on the industry as it is right now. Enjoy!

Fri May 15th


Wilson Chung · Over The Skype · WYS Syst...

"Over the Skype" has been the INKISH response to the coronavirus crisis, but it has given us tons of opportunities to talk to exciting people from all over the world. In this session, we talk to Wilson Chunk, who works and live in Hong Kong. Wilson Chung works with Idealliance and is a colour specialist and a capacity in both Hong Kong and China. With several books, hardware- and software development, we are sure you will enjoy listening to Wilson Chung's great story here on "Over the Skype." As with all our ‘Over the Skype’ interviews, quality is limited to bandwidth, web-cams, and ability to literally LIVE mix the conversations. However, it works, and with Over the Skype, we will bring you more than 20 exciting people, and angles on the industry as it is right now. Enjoy!

Fri May 15th

Nicola Kopp-Rostek & Dr Martin Dreh...

English (German introduction below the English version) Over the Skype - Premiere in German with DFTA and Andreas Weber, INKISH D-A-CH As guests today, at our premiere for 'Over The Skype' conversations in German, we would like to extend a very warm welcome to Ms Nicola Kopp-Rostek and Prof. Dr Greet Martin Dreher. Nicola Kopp-Rostek is managing director of the DFTA Flexographic Printing Association e.V. Prof. Dr Martin Dreher is a professor for packaging printing at the renowned Stuttgart Media University (HDM). Both are also managing directors of the association's DFTA technology centre. Despite the Corona crisis, the interlocutors were relaxed, level-headed and open to conversation. Topics were a .: What is special about the flexographic printing industry? What does the association do? What is the mood like among the members? What are the prospects? The abbreviation DFTA stands for German-speaking Flexographic Technology Association. The association has existed for 40 years. The statutes provide information on the tasks. Here is an extract of the purpose and tasks of the DFTA: - The DFTA is the professional association of companies, institutions, associations and people who deal with flexographic printing. - The DFTA promotes technical and scientific progress in the areas of packaging printing with a focus on flexo printing. - The tasks of the DFTA are in particular of a technical, business and organizational nature as well as training and further education, public relations and marketing for flexographic printing. - The DFTA supports the work of the DFTA Technology Center. Note: As with all our "Over the Skype" interviews, the picture/sound quality is based on the available bandwidth and the respective webcams as well as the possibility of literally leading the conversations LIVE. Despite everything, it works amazingly well, and with Over the Skype we have brought together more than 50 special personalities so far and give insights into the industry as it currently is. Have fun! --- GERMAN Introduction --- Over the Skype — Premiere in deutscher Sprache mit dem DFTA und Andreas Weber, INKISH D-A-CH Zu Gast heute, bei unserer Premiere für Over The Skype-Gespräche in deutscher Sprache, dürfen wir sehr herzlich Frau Nicola Kopp-Rostek sowie Herrn Prof. Dr. Martin Dreher begrüßen. Nicola Kopp-Rostek ist Geschäftsführerin des DFTA Flexodruck-Fachverband e.V. Prof. Dr. Martin Dreher ist Professor für Verpackungsdruck an der renommierten Stuttgarter Hochschule der Medien, kurz HDM. Beide sind zudem Geschäftsführer des zum Verband gehörenden DFTA Technologiezentrums. Trotz Corona-Krise waren die Gesprächspartner entspannt, besonnen und gesprächsoffen. Themen waren u. a.: Was macht die Flexodruck-Branche aus? Was leistet der Verband? Wie ist die Stimmung bei den Mitgliedern? Welche Perspektiven bestehen? Das Kürzel DFTA steht übrigens für Deutschsprachige Flexographic Technology Association. Den Verband gibt es seit 40 Jahren. Zu den Aufgaben geben die Statuten Auskunft. Hier heisst es auszugsweise zum Zweck und zu den Aufgaben der DFTA: - Die DFTA ist der fachliche Zusammenschluss von Firmen, Institutionen, Verbänden und Personen, die sich mit dem Flexodruck befassen. - Die DFTA fördert den technischen und wissenschaftlichen Fortschritt in den Bereichen des Verpackungsdruck mit Schwerpunkt Flexodruck. - Die Aufgaben der DFTA sind insbesondere technischer, betriebswirtschaftlicher und organisatorischer Art sowie Aus- und Weiterbildung, Öffentlichkeitsarbeit und Marketing für den Flexodruck. - Die DFTA fördert die Arbeit des DFTA Technologiezentrums. Hinweis: Wie bei allen unseren "Over the Skype"-Interviews richtet sich die Bild-/Ton-Qualität nach verfügbarer Bandbreite und den jeweiligen Web-Cams aus sowie der Möglichkeit, die Konversationen buchstäblich LIVE zu führen. Es funktioniert trotz allem erstaunlich gut und mit Over the Skype bringen wir bis dato mehr als 50 besondere Persönlichkeiten zusammen und geben Einblicke in die Branche, wie sie derzeit ist. Viel Spaß!

Wed May 6th

Frank De Jonge · Over The Skypes · Adpho...

Imagine a company born 30 years ago developing technology for space. Imagine a company that enables almost instant drying of ink by using light. Imagine a technology where the substrates aren't heated, and where the dryer vaporizes the water from the ink at the speed of a snap, and enable a green and sustainable curring technology that can be used in all printing technologies where water is part of the ink-process. Ladies, and gentlemen - let me introduce Adphos. In this 'Over the Skype' your humble editor come short; fortunately, Sales Director Frank De Jonge is on solid ground and can explain not only the technology but also the applications where Adphos becomes a game-changer. As with all our ‘Over the Skype’ interviews, quality is limited to bandwidth, web-cams, and ability to literally LIVE mix the conversations. However, it works, and with Over the Skype, we will bring you more than 20 exciting people, and angles on the industry as it is right now. Enjoy!

Wed May 6th


Ford Bowers · Over The Skype · SGIA/PIA...

Friday, May 1st, 2020 SGIA and PIA announced a merger, that will form the biggest and the maybe most influential organization in the US printing industry. CEO & President Ford Bowers from SGIA is going to lead the combined organization, that shortly will get a new name. In this 'Over the Skype' session, Ford Bowers talks about the size, the importance of lobbying legislation, NAPCO medias independency and a whole lot of other exciting topics. As with all our ‘Over the Skype’ interviews, quality is limited to bandwidth, web-cams, and ability to literally LIVE mix the conversations. However, it works, and with Over the Skype, we will bring you more than 20 exciting people, and angles on the industry as it is right now. Enjoy!

Tue May 5th


Eric Hawkinson · Over The Skype · Canon ...

Eric Hawkinson is the VP Marketing, Canon Solutions America, and in this, Over the Skype session we get a great insight not only about new products, but also how Canon and their people get input from the industry by visiting printing companies, and from the user-conference thINK Ahead. We also get an insight into how Canon position themself to a future after the corona - GREAT conversation, really fun. As with all our ‘Over the Skype’ interviews, quality is limited to bandwidth, web-cams, and ability to literally LIVE mix the conversations. However, it works, and with Over the Skype, we will bring you more than 20 exciting people, and angles on the industry as it is right now. Enjoy!

Mon May 4th


Ken Garner · Over The Skype · APTech

Ken Garner is the VP Development & Industry Relations for the American organization, APTech, short for Association for PRINT Technologies. APTech used to be the organizer of GraphExpo and Print shows in Chicago but chose in 2019 to team up with Tarsus to continue the show under the name Brand Print Americas. In this, Over the Skype session, we get the chance to hear more about the work of APTech. We also hear about the first larger virtual conference that due to the COVID-19 was moved from being a physical conference to a virtual one - and many more exciting subjects. As with all our ‘Over the Skype’ interviews, quality is limited to bandwidth, web-cams, and ability to literally LIVE mix the conversations. However, it works, and with Over the Skype, we will bring you more than 20 exciting people, and angles on the industry as it is right now. Enjoy!

Mon May 4th


David Pittman · Over The Skype · Digital...

David Pittman is the editor of Digital Labels & Packaging. In this, Over the Skype session he and editor Morten Reitoft talk about the importance of both tradeshows, trade media, and how sometimes trade media's importance is maybe slightly undervalued. As with all our ‘Over the Skype’ interviews, quality is limited to bandwidth, web-cams, and ability to literally LIVE mix the conversations. However, it works, and with Over the Skype, we will bring you more than 20 exciting people, and angles on the industry as it is right now. Enjoy!

Mon May 4th


Cindy Van Luyck · Over The Skype · CHILI...

Cindy Van Luyck is the CMO at CHILI Publish, and in this, Over the Skype session, we talk about SPICYtalks, CHILI publisher, and how to market complex products and services. As with all our ‘Over the Skype’ interviews, quality is limited to bandwidth, web-cams, and ability to literally LIVE mix the conversations. However, it works, and with Over the Skype, we will bring you more than 20 exciting people, and angles on the industry as it is right now. Enjoy!

Fri May 1st


Dayaker Reddy Sripathi · Over The Skype ...

Reddy Dayaker is the President of IPAMA - one of the oldest federations/organisations in the printing industry of India - more than 30 years old. IPAMA is mostly known for the Print Pack India exhibition, previously covered by INKISH. You can find the films from the latest Print Pack India here: In this interview K.S. Ashik from INKISH India have a great conversation about the India industry, IPAMA, and of course the importance of the Print Pack India show - next one is in Feb. 2021. As with all our ‘Over the Skype’ interviews, quality is limited to bandwidth, web-cams, and ability to literally LIVE mix the conversations. However, it works, and with Over the Skype, we will bring you more than 20 exciting people, and angles on the industry as it is right now. Enjoy!

Fri May 1st


Elizabeth Gooding · Over The Skype · Ink...

Elizabeth Gooding is one of the two founding partners of INKJET INSIGHT. Only three years old they have established themselves as the number one go-to resource for inkjet. In this 'Over the Skype' session, Elizabeth Gooding talks about how they are serving their audience and how they get the information that keeps them up-to-date. Great story. As with all our ‘Over the Skype’ interviews, quality is limited to bandwidth, web-cams, and ability to literally LIVE mix the conversations. However, it works, and with Over the Skype, we will bring you more than 20 exciting people, and angles on the industry as it is right now. Enjoy!

Fri May 1st


Yoshihiro Oe · Over The Skype · Horizon ...

In this 'Over the Session' with Yoshihiro Oe, General Manager, Global Business, Horizon International, we get a chance to understand both how IoT and workflow/automation is a tremendously important part of Horizon, but also how the postponing of drupa influence the launch of new products. As usual, it's a pleasure talking to Yoshihiro, so please watch, like, and enjoy. As with all our ‘Over the Skype’ interviews, quality is limited to bandwidth, web-cams, and ability to literally LIVE mix the conversations. However, it works, and with Over the Skype, we will bring you more than 20 exciting people, and angles on the industry as it is right now. Enjoy!

Fri May 1st


Luís Diníz · Over The Skype · Red Panda ...

Luis Diníz has a comprehensive background in the web-to-print industry, and despite the competitive situation, he has chosen to offer a new solution called Arando (Cranberry in Portuguese). The solution is, according to Luis Diníz, is a new and fresh approach, and yes, the solution seems to offer new approaches to web-to-print. In the 'Over the Skype' session, Luis Diníz explains that the driver for work is content creators. Imagine a museum that offers print of posters. By using Arando, the museum can easily integrate their current show to their print supplier and then order work directly from their existing shop with an easy integration - great approach. We expect to cover this when we again can travel. As with all our ‘Over the Skype’ interviews, quality is limited to bandwidth, web-cams, and ability to literally LIVE mix the conversations. However, it works, and with Over the Skype, we will bring you more than 20 exciting people, and angles on the industry as it is right now. Enjoy!

Fri May 1st


Beatrice Klose · Over The Skype · INTERG...

Beatrice Klose is the Secretary-General for INTERGRAF based in Brussels, Belgium. Intergraf organises 20 European Print Federations and do an extremely important job concerning both servicing the local federations, but maybe even more important representing the printing industry concerning legislation suggested by the European Commission. In this 'Over the Skype' session, Beatrice Klose explains the work of Intergraf, which we find is way undervalued - so please enjoy and share. As with all our ‘Over the Skype’ interviews, quality is limited to bandwidth, web-cams, and ability to literally LIVE mix the conversations. However, it works, and with Over the Skype, we will bring you more than 20 exciting people, and angles on the industry as it is right now. Enjoy!

Tue April 28th


Sagen De Jonge · Over The Skype · Tilia ...

In this 'Over the Skype' session, I have the pleasure of talking to Sagen De Jonge from Tilia Labs. Tilia Labs have, in few years, got a lot of recognition from the market for their imposition/planning tool Phoenix. In this session, we talk about AI, API, and how Phoenix help printing companies to become more efficient. As with all our ‘Over the Skype’ interviews, quality is limited to bandwidth, web-cams, and ability to literally LIVE mix the conversations. However, it works, and with Over the Skype, we will bring you more than 20 exciting people, and angles on the industry as it is right now. Enjoy!

Mon April 27th


Carla Menéndez · Over The Skype · El Imp...

This session of 'Over the Skype' I am particularly excited about since this a chat with our new INKISH Mexico Country Manager Carla Menéndez. Carla is the General Manager of the media group El Impresor, which is both several websites as well as a magazine with 50.000+ readers. In this, Over the Skype, we get a chance to talk about the Mexican market and of course a lot of other exciting things. El Impresor was founded by Carla's grandfather, who is 93 and still active in the company. INKISH Mexico will, of course, produce the same high quality of films as you already know, but in Spanish. We can't wait - welcome Carla to you and the entire team! As with all our ‘Over the Skype’ interviews, quality is limited to bandwidth, web-cams, and ability to literally LIVE mix the conversations. However, it works, and with Over the Skype, we will bring you more than 20 exciting people, and angles on the industry as it is right now. Enjoy!

Sat April 25th

En Es-419 Pt-BR

Hamilton Costa · Over The Skype · ANCons...

Hamilton Costa has a long and fascinating history in the Latin American printing industry. Practically born into the printing industry in his father's printing company, being involved with printing companies of all sizes, has given Hamilton Costa a great background for being what he is today. He knows the industry, he knows the trends, and he for sure is a capable speaker and writer. Enjoy the insights from this Over the Skype with Hamilton Costa. As with all our ‘Over the Skype’ interviews, quality is limited to bandwidth, web-cams, and ability to literally LIVE mix the conversations. However, it works, and with Over the Skype, we will bring you more than 20 exciting people, and angles on the industry as it is right now. Enjoy!

Fri April 24th


Stefano De Marco · Over The Skype · Tecn...

Stefano De Marco recently became the new General Manager for Tecnau taking over from his father. Congratulations to him and Tecnau. In this 'Over the Skype', we talk about market opportunities, competitive situation, and of course also the new Revolution50 platform. One of the things I liked about the session is the discussion about the changing needs when high-volume finishing moves from transactional print to commercial print. As with all our ‘Over the Skype’ interviews, quality is limited to bandwidth, web-cams, and ability to literally LIVE mix the conversations. However, it works, and with Over the Skype, we will bring you more than 20 exciting people, and angles on the industry as it is right now. Enjoy!

Fri April 24th


Marion Williams-Bennett · Over The Skype...

Marion Williams-Bennett is a professional PR/Communication woman with clients in the printing industry. In this 'Over the Skype' session, we talk about the role of PR- and how companies can benefit from working with a professional communications person. Great insight. As with all our ‘Over the Skype’ interviews, quality is limited to bandwidth, web-cams, and ability to literally LIVE mix the conversations. However, it works, and with Over the Skype, we will bring you more than 20 exciting people, and angles on the industry as it is right now. Enjoy!

Fri April 24th


Dr Lal Sadasivan · Over the Skype · FHI...

Of course, the coronavirus is a subject that concerns many people. How does the virus spread, and is paper products something you should be worried about? In this 'Over the Skype' INKISH editor and Country Manager INKISH India, K.S. Ashik talk to the recognized Dr Lal Sadasivan from FHI360 based in Washington D.C. about this - so here you get the newest and latest. As with all our ‘Over the Skype’ interviews, quality is limited to bandwidth, web-cams, and ability to literally LIVE mix the conversations. However, it works, and with Over the Skype, we will bring you more than 20 exciting people, and angles on the industry as it is right now. Enjoy!

Fri April 24th

Bernd Zipper · Over The Skype · ZIPCON C...

Bernd Zipper is a well-known name in the printing industry. With his ZIPCON Consulting out of Germany, the writer, consultant, keynote speaker, event organizer, and more, have influenced the printing industry more than most. With a dedicated focus on online printing as well as the newest and latest technologies, how to bring print forward - you can be sure that Bernd Zipper and his team are on the forefront. As with all our ‘Over the Skype’ interviews, quality is limited to bandwidth, web-cams, and ability to literally LIVE mix the conversations. However, it works, and with Over the Skype, we will bring you more than 20 exciting people, and angles on the industry as it is right now. Enjoy!

Wed April 22nd


Andreas Weber · Over The Skype · ValueCo...

Andreas Weber has been a voice in the printing industry for many years. A man with strong opinions, and seen by some as controversial. In this, 'Over the Skype' session, he explains his background, and the values his communication is based upon. Just a few days before this recording Andreas Weber sends an open love letter to the printing community about his relationship to Heidelberg through many years. You can find the story here: It's in German, but it is easy to understand with Google Translate. As with all our ‘Over the Skype’ interviews, quality is limited to bandwidth, web-cams, and ability to literally LIVE mix the conversations. However, it works, and with Over the Skype, we will bring you more than 20 exciting people, and angles on the industry as it is right now. Enjoy!

Tue April 21st


Wim Fransen · Over The Skype · Enfocus

Wim Fransen is one of our frequent guests here at INKISH, so of course, we were very curious to hear more about Enfocus these days. That was good. First of all both PitStop and Switch are being updated to 2020 editions - and quite some features are revealed. I.e. PitStop got a new feature that enables it to look into the document processed and compare, i.e. logos, etc. for being the right version. This is of course, truly amazing, but it's just one of more features. For the API people Switch got a major make-over in their scripting language, that we now know, is a feature that IT people have been wanting for a long time. AND - One More Thing. Wim Fransen reveals the frame-work of new software that Enfocus is currently developing. Though details are still limited, it's the first new product from Enfocus in years (besides the many major updates of PitStop and Switch of course.) As with all our 'Over the Skype' interviews, quality is limited to bandwidth, web-cams, and ability to literally LIVE mix the conversations. However, it works, and with Over the Skype, we will bring you more than 20 exciting people, and angles on the industry as it is right now. Enjoy!

Tue April 21st


Chris Knighton · Over The Skype · HP Sol...

Chris Knighton is the PSP Global Head of Sales at HP Solutions, and that is actually a role that is relatively new to him. Together with a business partner Chris Knighton ran his own company from 2013 where the vision was to create a software solution that would enable global brands to connect to their PSP's wherever located. More than 600 companies and global brands have already taken this path, and recently HP acquired the company and merged it into the software solutions already known. Great story and great to understand what HP Site Flow is capable of plus great to hear what the visions have been throughout the years. As with all our 'Over the Skype' interviews, quality is limited to bandwidth, web-cams, and ability to literally LIVE mix the conversations. However, it works, and with Over the Skype, we will bring you more than 20 exciting people, and angles on the industry as it is right now. Enjoy!   For further information - please reach out to

Tue April 21st


Christoph Gamper · Over The Skype · Durs...

Durst Group is a company with an amazing 80 years history. Though the company today produces amazing print-technology with inkjet printers for several applications, like ceramic, corrugated cardboard, textile, label, and more - the legacy is deep in the roots. Christoph Gamper several times in this Over the Skype session speaks over the values and the fact that being a privately owned company also in these coronavirus times is a huge advantage. Great session and we are sure you will like. As with all our 'Over the Skype' interviews, quality is limited to bandwidth, web-cams, and ability to literally LIVE mix the conversations. However, it works, and with Over the Skype, we will bring you more than 20 exciting people, and angles on the industry as it is right now. Enjoy!

Tue April 21st


Sean Smyth · Over The Skype · Analyst fo...

Data and access to the same are today more essential ever. Fortunately, companies like Smithers, and people like Sean Smyth work every day collecting the needed data from an incredible number of sources. In this (long), but VERY exciting Over the Skype, Sean Smyths share his view on the importance of data and why the data is needed. As with all our 'Over the Skype' interviews, quality is limited to bandwidth, web-cams, and ability to literally LIVE mix the conversations. However, it works, and with Over the Skype, we will bring you more than 20 exciting people, and angles on the industry as it is right now. Enjoy!

Tue April 21st


Jonathan Malone-Mcgrew · Over The Skype ...

When you produce a huge amount of pages, the size of the files has a huge influence on processing speed and equipment efficiency. Solimar Systems have for decades been up-to-beat with innovative technology enabling slimmer files, better output management, and workflow around the printing presses. In this Over the Skype Jonathan Malone-McGrew explains what Solimar is offering, as well as sharing some of the values that have given Solimar Systems a really high level of customer satisfaction. As with all our 'Over the Skype' interviews, quality is limited to bandwidth, web-cams, and ability to literally LIVE mix the conversations. However, it works, and with Over the Skype, we will bring you more than 20 exciting people, and angles on the industry as it is right now. Enjoy!

Tue April 21st


Franz Repp · Over The Skype · Scodix

Franz Repp is responsible for the Scodix sales in the DACH countries (Germany, Switzerland, and Austria), and with a broad background in the printing industry and an always positive go-to- strategy I think he is one of the reasons why Scodix is successful. In this film, we talk, of course, a little about the coronavirus, how Scodix helps the customers to increase customer value and therefore also profit. As with all our 'Over the Skype' interviews, quality is limited to bandwidth, web-cams, and ability to literally LIVE mix the conversations. However, it works, and with Over the Skype, we will bring you more than 20 exciting people, and angles on the industry as it is right now. Enjoy!

Thu April 16th


Brian Euclide · Over The Skype · TEC Mai...

TEC Mailing Solutions is, according to Brian Euclide, the only provider in the US, able to provide mail data-cleaning, and other services related to addresses in the US, online. Not only online but also via an intensive set of API's that enable their customers to integrate their own systems. Being a cloud-based supplier, you may have seen both Brian Euclide and his colleague Scott Eganhouse at various trade-shows where it's become kind of trade-mark to see the company's employees dressed in cloud-patterned suites. Great gimmick. Great guys, and well - sounds like their solutions could be interesting for more to dig into. As with all our 'Over the Skype' interviews, quality is limited to bandwidth, web-cams, and ability to literally LIVE mix the conversations. However, it works, and with Over the Skype, we will bring you more than 20 exciting people, and angles on the industry as it is right now. Enjoy!

Thu April 16th


Jamie McLennan · Over The Skype · DMR Gr...

Jamie McLennan is known by some people as Jamie the Printer, and for sure he is. In this, Over the Skype episode, he explains how he got the nickname. But he also tells about how much work his company DMR Graphics has despite the coronavirus. He also talks about an amazing screen printed poster for a jazz-festival printed in 19-colours. You can see the poster at - simply amazing, and minutes before this film is published, the festival is unfortunately cancelled :-( However, Jamie the Printer is still on - so sit in and listen to his great words! As with all our 'Over the Skype' interviews, quality is limited to bandwidth, web-cams, and ability to literally LIVE mix the conversations. However, it works, and with Over the Skype, we will bring you more than 20 exciting people, and angles on the industry as it is right now. Enjoy!

Thu April 16th


Nidihi Agrawal · Over The Skype · Design...

Nidhi Agrawal is the CEO and co-founder of Design'n'Buy. Over the years, the Indian based software company have become an international player in the web-to-print industry. In this Over the Skype Nidhi Agrawal tells about the advantages she sees working from home, and of course, also about the new products/features that were supposed to be presented at the now postponed drupa. As with all our 'Over the Skype' interviews, quality is limited to bandwidth, web-cams, and ability to literally LIVE mix the conversations. However, it works, and with Over the Skype, we will bring you more than 20 exciting people, and angles on the industry as it is right now. Enjoy!

Thu April 16th


Mike King · Over The Skype · Eagle Syste...

Whau - what a story. Mike King is the President and CEO of New Jersey-based Eagle Systems. In this, Over the Skype episode, he tells how his father and him, worked in New York City, and how the interest for foils eventually became Eagle Systems. With a more than 30+ years knowledge about both hot- and cold-foil, not strange that their website is As with all our 'Over the Skype' interviews, quality is limited to bandwidth, web-cams, and ability to literally LIVE mix the conversations. However, it works, and with Over the Skype, we will bring you more than 20 exciting people, and angles on the industry as it is right now. Enjoy!

Thu April 16th


Ingi Karlsson – Over The Skype · S...

Ingi Karlsson used to operate printing presses, and back in 2003, he started thinking about how impossible it was to match colours across gamuts, substrates, and output devices. At that time he began developing the Spot Matching System, which essentially is a colour-bridge that guarantee even colours on coated and uncoated paper, as well as electronic devices, i.e. video, screens, etc. The idea is simple since SMS colours are defined about the combined gamut that RGB/CMYK can offer and therefore guarantee an even output when standards such a G7/Gracol/Fogra etc. is used. Dedicated, I must admit - and yes, he is on to something, so take a look, and reach out for further information. As with all our 'Over the Skype' interviews, quality is limited to bandwidth, web-cams, and ability to literally LIVE mix the conversations. However, it works, and with Over the Skype, we will bring you more than 20 exciting people, and angles on the industry as it is right now. Enjoy!

Thu April 16th

Datta Deshpande · Over the Skype · Prath...

Datta Deshpande is the CEO and Owner of Pratham Technologies out of Pune, in India. Pratham Technologies is focusing on the production of folding machines for thin-paper, and small formats - with a focus on the inlay notes found in pharmaceutical packages. Datta Deshpande has a strong focus on a quality product, and mention in the interview, that Pratham Technologies only see two-three competitors in this segment. With over 5.000 installations globally, the company have to build a reputation for delivering high-quality folding machines. Sit in and listen - very interesting. As with all our 'Over the Skype' interviews, quality is limited to bandwidth, web-cams, and ability to literally LIVE mix the conversations. However, it works, and with Over the Skype, we will bring you more than 20 exciting people, and angles on the industry as it is right now. Enjoy! Thank you to INKISH India and Country Manager K.S. Ashik

Wed April 15th


Mark Stephenson · Over The Skype · Fujif...

Mark Stephenson is the Product Manager for the Jetpresses in Europe. In this conversation, we speculate over the future of drupa. One reason is obviously Fujifilm's own presence at the show, but also because Mark Stephenson has a crush on the drupa-songs, so he has created a Facebook page with all the songs - you can find that here: As with all our 'Over the Skype' interviews, quality is limited to bandwidth, web-cams, and ability to literally LIVE mix the conversations. However, it works, and with Over the Skype, we will bring you more than 20 exciting people, and angles on the industry as it is right now. Enjoy!

Tue April 14th


Michel Hunkeler · Over The Skype · Hunk...

Hunkeler is by far the leading innovator in roll-based finishing, and with an increased focus on digital inkjet, the company seems to have a golden future. We got the chance to catch up with a good friend and INKISH supporter, CEO Michel Hunkeler, so here is his view on the current situation, and future.. Exciting, right? As with all our 'Over the Skype' interviews, quality is limited to bandwidth, web-cams, and ability to literally LIVE mix the conversations. However, it works, and with Over the Skype, we will bring you more than 20 exciting people, and angles on the industry as it is right now. Enjoy!

Tue April 14th

Pat McGrew · Over The Skype · Timeshare ...

Pat McGrew is one of the most experienced people in the printing industry, with a history as the owner of a software company, an analyst with Keypoint Intelligence/infotrends, and also with HP, among others. Now she is on her own, but offer her services in convenient packages. Introducing timeshare Pat McGrew. As with all our 'Over the Skype' interviews, quality is limited to bandwidth, web-cams, and ability to literally LIVE mix the conversations. However, it works, and with Over the Skype, we will bring you more than 20 exciting people, and angles on the industry as it is right now. Enjoy! Don't forget to read Pat McGrew's article on NEWS about her view on working with analyst companies.

Sat April 11th


Raymond Duval · Over The Skype · Ultimat...

Ultimate TechnoGraphics is a Canadian based software company known for Impostrip and software within workflow/automation. In this, Over the Skype conversation editor, Morten Reitoft talks to Raymond Duval about workflow/automation, the market potentials, and what drives the decisions to invest in workflow/automation solutions. As with all our 'Over the Skype' interviews, quality is limited to bandwidth, web-cams, and ability to literally LIVE mix the conversations. However, it works, and with Over the Skype, we will bring you more than 20 exciting people, and angles on the industry as it is right now. Enjoy!

Sat April 11th


Elisha Kasinskas · Over The Skype · Roch...

Elisha Kasinskas is the Marketing Director of Rochester Software Associated or in short RSA. RSA developed one of the very first web-to-print solutions more than 15 years ago dedicated to in-plants. In the conversation, Elisha Kasinskas explain some of the needs in-plants have and why RSA has focused on this particular segment. However, RSA does also produce software for the broader commercial print market - but listen to the conversation for your self. As with all our 'Over the Skype' interviews, quality is limited to bandwidth, web-cams, and ability to literally LIVE mix the conversations. However, it works, and with Over the Skype, we will bring you more than 20 exciting people, and angles on the industry as it is right now. Enjoy!

Thu April 9th


Kairit Parker · Over The Skype · ION Pri...

Almost exactly a year ago we met ION Print and Kairit Parker for the first time. It was literally days before version 1 of ION Prints print broker platform was released. The software is made to help print brokers utilize printers, and instead of asking printers for quotes, ION Print automatically calculate the prices based on a large number of parameters. ION Print is out of Estonia, and for those who don't know, Estonia is one of the most developed IT-nations in the world. Now a year later, ION Print has been launched, and customers are using the platform daily. Listen and learn! As with all our 'Over the Skype' interviews, quality is limited to bandwidth, web-cams, and ability to literally LIVE mix the conversations. However, it works, and with Over the Skype, we will bring you more than 20 exciting people, and angles on the industry as it is right now. Enjoy!

Thu April 9th


Diego Diaz · Over The Skype · The King o...

Diego Diaz is a well-known person in the workflow/automation environment, and he has his own channel on INKISH.NEWS where he shares his insights. One of the best things about his insights is that it's based on actual work in a printing plant, so the solutions are built to serve a working environment. With a lot of equipment, software solutions, and legacy systems, Diego Diaz makes sure to ensure a consistent and effective workflow. Diego Dias works at Bernard Group as Vice President of Manufacturing. Diego Diaz has also given speeches at workflow conferences in the US and abroad. As with all our 'Over the Skype' interviews, quality is limited to bandwidth, web-cams, and ability to literally LIVE mix the conversations. However, it works, and with Over the Skype, we will bring you more than 20 exciting people, and angles on the industry as it is right now. Enjoy!

Thu April 9th


Jutta Hendrikx & Hayco van Gaal · O...

In this conversation with Jutta Hendrikx and Hayco van Gaal from Canon Europe, we get a chance to talk about the new iX-series sheetfed inkjet printers from the global print-giant. We also get the very first view of the machine in action, filmed by Hayco van Gaal from their experience centre - so that's all very cool. As with all our 'Over the Skype' interviews, quality is limited to bandwidth, web-cams, and ability to literally LIVE mix the conversations. However, it works, and with Over the Skype, we will bring you more than 20 exciting people, and angles on the industry as it is right now. Enjoy!

Tue April 7th


Deborah Corn · Over The Skype · Stages o...

If Mohamed can't come to the mountain, the mountain will come to Mohamed and, so is the situation in these coronavirus times. Skype is the tool we are using to connect various influencers, industry leaders, and other nice people from the printing industry. Zoom, Skype, Teams, and other solutions connect people, and using these tools enables communication. We are busy connecting people every day during the coronavirus. Embrace it by watching our films. In this episode, you will meet the Intergalactic Ambassador to the Printerverse, Deborah Corn, who gives her insights on how to see the different patterns in crisis communication slash marketing. Enjoy!   Join the Print Production Professionals Group and enjoy the upcoming event Deborah Corn speaks about:

Tue November 24th

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Down to the Copy of One · Volker Leonhar...

The printing industry is all too measured by the developments in printing technology. Ultimately, however, postpress determines the quality, quality and effectiveness of a print production. All the more exciting the Over the Skype conversation between Volker Leonhardt, President and Member of the Board, Müller Martini AG, with Andreas Weber, CEO INKISH D-A-CH. From the provider of mass production solutions i. e. in the newspaper sector, the solution provider based in Zofingen, Switzerland, has become a top player in on-demand and short run productions. Target markets range from on-demand productions to the manufacture of digitally printed books. Made in Switzerland is becoming a quality mark all over the world. What sounds like squaring the circle is explained by Volker Leonhardt as a logical consequence of turning to Industry 4.0. The digital know-how is used in new, ultimate solutions and in the handling of services and spare parts delivery. --- Die Druckbranche misst sich all zu sehr an den Entwicklungen in der Drucktechnik. Doch letztlich bestimmt die Weiterverarbeitung die Güte, Qualität und Wirkungsweise einer Druckproduktion. Umso spannender die Over the Skype-Konversation von Volker Leonhardt, President and Member of the Board, Müller Martini AG, mit Andreas Weber, CEO INKISH D-A-CH. Vom Anbieter von auf Massenproduktion ausgelegten Lösungen v. a. im Zeitungsbereich hat sich der in Zofingen, Schweiz, beheimatete Lösungsbieter zum Top-Player bei On-Demand und Short Run-Produktionen. Zielmärkte sind anspruchsvolle Produktionen bis bin zum Fertigen von Büchern. Made in Switzerland wird zum Gütezeichen in aller Welt. Was wie die Quadratur des Kreises klingt, erläutert Volker Leonhardt als logische Konsequenz in der Hinwendung zu Industrie 4.0. Das Digital-Knowhow findet Anwendung bei neuen, ultimativen Produkten/Lösungen und im Handling der Services und Ersatzteillieferung. LinkedIn profile