Belgium,[A] officially the Kingdom of Belgium, is a country in Western Europe. It is bordered by the Netherlands to the north, Germany to the east, Luxembourg to the southeast, France to the southwest, and the North Sea to the northwest. It covers an area of 30,689 km2 (11,849 sq mi) and has a population of more than 11.5 million, making it the 22nd most densely populated country in the world and the 6th most densely populated country in Europe, with a density of 376 per square kilometre (970/sq mi). The capital and largest city is Brussels; other major cities are Antwerp, Ghent, Charleroi and Liège.

Legally, Belgium is a sovereign state and a federal constitutional monarchy with a parliamentary system. Its institutional organization is complex and is structured on both regional and linguistic grounds. It is divided into three highly autonomous regions:[10] the Flemish Region in the north, Walloniain the south, and the Brussels-Capital Region. Brussels is the smallest and most densely populated region, as well as the richest region in terms of GDP per capita.

Belgium is home to two main linguistic groups or communities: the Dutch-speaking Flemish Community, which constitutes about 60 percent of the population, and the French-speaking Community, which comprises about 40 percent of all Belgians. A small German-speaking Community, numbering around one percent, exists in the East Cantons. The Brussels-Capital Region is officially bilingual (French and Dutch), although French is the dominant language.[11] Belgium’s linguistic diversity and related political conflicts are reflected in its political history and complex system of governance, made up of six different governments.

Historically, Belgium is part of an area known as the Low Countries, a somewhat larger region than the current Benelux group of states that also included parts of northern France and western Germany. Its modern name is derived from the Latin word Belgium, used in Julius Caesar‘s “Gallic War“, to describe the region in the period around 55 BCE.[12] From the end of the Middle Ages until the 17th century, the area of Belgium was a prosperous and cosmopolitan center of commerce and culture. Between the 16th and early 19th centuries, Belgium served as the battleground between many European powers, earning the moniker the “Battlefield of Europe”,[13] a reputation strengthened by both world wars. The country emerged in 1830 following the Belgian Revolution when it seceded from the Netherlands.

Belgium participated in the Industrial Revolution[14][15] and, during the course of the 20th century, possessed a number of colonies in Africa.[16] The second half of the 20th century was marked by rising tensions between the Dutch-speaking and the French-speaking citizens fueled by differences in language and culture and the unequal economic development of Flanders and Wallonia. This continuing antagonism has led to several far-reaching reforms, resulting in a transition from a unitary to a federal arrangement during the period from 1970 to 1993. Despite the reforms, tensions between the groups have remained, if not increased; there is significant separatism particularly among the Flemish; controversial language laws exist such as the municipalities with language facilities;[17] and the formation of a coalition government took 18 months following the June 2010 federal election, a world record.[18] Unemployment in Wallonia is more than double that of Flanders, which boomed after the war.[19]

Belgium is one of the six founding countries of the European Union and its capital, Brussels, hosts the official seats of the European Commission, the Council of the European Union, and the European Council, as well as one of two seats of the European Parliament (the other being Strasbourg). Belgium is also a founding member of the Eurozone, NATO, OECD, and WTO, and a part of the trilateral Benelux Union and the Schengen Area. Brussels hosts several of the EU’s official seats as well as the headquarters of many major international organizations such as NATO.[B]

Belgium is a developed country, with an advanced high-income economy. It has very high standards of living, quality of life,[20] healthcare,[21]education,[22] and is categorized as “very high” in the Human Development Index.[23] It also ranks as one of the safest or most peaceful countries in the world.[24]


Photo Credits
Photo by Daniel Cañibano on Unsplash
Photo by Alex Vasey on Unsplash
Photo by Yeo Khee on Unsplash

Wed June 12th


Pascal Thomas · Director Flexo Business ...

James Quirk from INKISH talking to Pascal Thomas from ESKO about how technology enables customers to have more sustainable productions!

Sun June 9th

De-DE En Es-ES Fi Fr It No Pl Pt-PT Sv

Bert van der Perre · Hybrid Software · t...

Interview in Dutch - subtitles in English. We starten onze reeks - de VIGC talks from drupa 2024 - bij Hybrid Software en hebben een toffe babbel met Bert van der Perre, hun Associate Director of Sales. Wie hebben het o.a. over 3D visualisatie oplossingen, SaaS, grafische automatisaties en natuurlijk ook over één van hun stokpaardjes, Workflow. Enjoy. -- EN -- We start our series - the VIGC talks from drupa 2024 - at Hybrid Software and have a great chat with Bert van der Perre, their Associate Director of Sales. We talk about 3D visualization solutions, SaaS, graphic automation and of course also about one of their favorite subjects, Workflow. Enjoy.

Sun June 9th

De En Es Fi Fr It Nl No Pl Pt-PT Sv

Tom Peire · Four Pees · the VIGC talks f...

Interview in Dutch - subtitles in English. Onze grafische industrie in het algemeen en Drupa in het bijzonder is altijd gedreven geweest door technologie. Hoewel hardwareleveranciers vaak software hebben ingezet, en dat vandaag de dag nog steeds doen om zich te onderscheiden van hun concurrenten, ziet de klant, namelijk de drukkerij, dit nog té vaak als een bijzaak. We zien echter meer en meer dat de bedrijven die hun digitale transformatie centraal stellen in hun bedrijfsstrategie, diegene zijn die onze industrie richting geven en transformeren. We hadden dus wel wat vragen voor Tom Peire, CEO Four Pees. -- EN -- Our graphics industry in general and Drupa in particular has always been driven by technology. Although hardware suppliers have often used software, and still do so today, to distinguish themselves from their competitors, the customer, namely the printing company, still too often sees this as an afterthought. However, we are increasingly seeing that the companies that put digital transformation at the center of their business strategy are the ones that guide and transform our industry. So we had some questions for Tom Peire, CEO Four Pees.

Sun June 9th

De En Es Fi Fr It No Pl Pt Sv

Mike Horsten · AGFA · the VIGC talks fro...

Interview in English - subtitles in Dutch. Ook Agfa heeft er voor gekozen om zonder beursstand, dus beperkt aanwezig te zijn op Drupa. Een wat merkwaardige vaststelling voor velen, maar waarschijnlijk ingegeven door het feit dat ze sinds vorig jaar afscheid hebben genomen van hun Offsetdivisie. Ik ontmoet Mike Hosten dus op neutraal terrein waar we het hebben over zijn DPC onderdeel binnen de Agfa groep en hoe zij Drupa en de evoluties in het grafische speelveld verder vorm zien krijgen. — EN — Agfa has also chosen to have a limited presence at Drupa without an exhibition booth. A somewhat strange observation for many, but probably due to the fact that they said goodbye to their Offset division last year. So I meet up with Mike Hosten on neutral ground where we talk about his DPC part within the Agfa group and how they see Drupa and the developments in the graphic playing field taking further shape.

Sun June 9th

De En Es Fi Fr It Pl Pt Sv

Jan de Roeck· ESKO · the VIGC talks from...

Interview in English - subtitles in Dutch. Jan de Roeck talks passionately about the innovations and cloud strategy that Esko is rolling out with their new online platform. What did they bring to Drupa and what should we pay attention to? Short and clear overview of what you need to know when you visit, and certainly good to get an impression if you can't make it to Düsseldorf. -- NL -- Jan de Roeck vertelt vol passie over de innovaties en cloudstrategie die Esko uitrolt met hun nieuwe online platform. Wat brachten ze mee naar Drupa en waar moeten we op letten? Kort en duidelijk overzicht van wat je moet weten als je langskomt, en zeker goed als eerste ​​indruk als je niet naar Düsseldorf kan komen.

Sun June 9th

De En Es Fi Fr It No Pl Pt Sv

Louis De Nolf · Duomedia · the VIGC talk...

Interview in English - subtitles in Dutch. INKISH Morten Reitoft talks to CEO Louis De Nolf about the ins & outs of preparing and delivering value for a trade fair such as Drupa and as an event partner and advertising agency. -- NL -- INKISH Morten Reitoft gaat in gesprek met CEO Louis De Nolf over de ins & outs van het voorbereiden en leveren van waarde voor een beurs zoals Drupa en als een event-partner en reclamebureau.

Sun June 9th

De-DE En Es-ES Fi Fr It No Pl Pt-PT Sv

Dirk Deroo · Dataline Solutions · the VI...

Interview in Dutch - subtitles in English. Hoe bescherm je de marges het best en hoe pak je een steeds competitievere markt aan? De Multipress MIS-software van Dataline Solutions klinkt – zeker in de Benelux – bekend in de oren. De huidige Print Service Providers (PSP's), printproducenten, hebben vaak zeer specifieke behoeften/eisen. Het zwart op wit kunnen aantonen van de “monetaire” meerwaarde voor een organisatie, van haar investering zeg maar, is iets waar Dataline dan ook trots op is. Dataline geeft een ​​succesgarantie af, na een speciale prestatiescan, “in bloed getekend” aldus een zelfzekere Dirk Deroo. -- EN -- How do you best protect margins and how do you tackle an increasingly competitive market? The Multipress MIS software from Dataline Solutions sounds familiar - especially in the Benelux. Today's Print Service Providers (PSPs), print producers, often have very specific needs/requirements. Being able to proof in black and white the “monetary” added value for an organization, its investment, so to speak, is something Dataline is proud of. Dataline issues a success guarantee after a special performance scan, “drawn in blood” according to a confident Dirk Deroo.

Sun June 9th

De En Es Fi Fr It Nl No Pl Pt Sv

Jeroen Van Bauwel · Xeikon · the VIGC ta...

Interview in Dutch - subtitles in English. Xeikon heeft een aantal nieuwigheden meegebracht naar de Drupa beurs en als partner van VIGC stimuleren zij graag de interactie met haar leden en met de grafische markt in de Benelux. We ontmoeten en maken kennis met Jeroen van Bauwel, Solutions Director bij in Lier(B) gevestigde XEIKON, een onderdeel van de Flint Group Digital. Als iemand met veel ervaring en een langdurige staat van dienst bij Xeikon, is hij dus de geknipte man om ons te updaten waar Xeikon vandaag voor staat. Wat mogen verder nog verwachten in de nabije toekomst inzake de digitale transformatie en duurzaamheid. Je verneemt het hier. — EN — Xeikon has brought a number of novelties to the Drupa fair and as a partner of the VIGC they are happy to stimulate interaction with its members and with the graphics market in the Benelux. We meet and get to know Jeroen van Bauwel, Solutions Director at Lier(B)-based XEIKON, part of the Flint Group Digital. As someone with a lot of experience and a long track record at Xeikon, he is the ideal man to update us on what Xeikon stands for today. What else can we expect in the near future regarding digital transformation and sustainability? You will find out here.

Sun June 9th

De En Es Fi Fr It No Pl Pt Sv

Piet De Pauw· Enfocus · the VIGC talks f...

Interview in Dutch - subtitles in English. VIGC- én INKISH vrienden sinds jaar en dag zijn de mensen van Enfocus. We vragen aan Piet de Pauw wat de nieuwste trends en mogelijkheden zijn die we moeten onthouden na een bezoek aan de grote en gemeenschappelijke beursstand samen met Esko,Pantone en X-Rite. Als vooraanstaand softwarebedrijf zijn ze goed geplaatst om de actuele stand van zaken te schetsen ivm performant werken in the Cloud en meer. -- EN -- The people of Enfocus have been VIGC and INKISH friends for many years. We ask Piet de Pauw what the latest trends and possibilities are that we should remember after a visit to the large and shared exhibition stand together with Esko, Pantone and X-Rite. As a leading software company, they are well placed to outline the current state of affairs regarding high-performance working in the Cloud and much more.

Fri June 7th


Nele Van Den Haesevelde · Team Lead Cust...

Nele Van Den Haesevelde is responsible for customer success, which essentially means that after a solution has been delivered to a customer, she and her team follow up with the customer to ensure satisfaction. Great approach!

Fri June 7th


Piet De Pauw · Head of Marketing · Enfoc...

In this film, Piet De Pauw from Enfocus shares a view into the 'maybe' future in the ESKO/Enfocus future lab. Enjoy!

Fri April 12th

De-DE En

Investing in Contiweb · Steven Renders ·...

DE Edition Roularta Media Group is a Belgium-based publishing group publishing magazines and news, delivering digitally, making TV, and supporting local and international brands. Roularta is also involved in the printing industry as the group publishes Grafisch Nieuws - but it's also a huge printing company with dedicated objectives of achieving considerable CO2 reductions. As CEO Steven Renders explains, CO2 reductions get harder and harder as the company obviously looks for the easiest targets first. One of these targets was the dryers on Roularta's web-offset presses - they realized that new Contiweb gas dryers could not only use less energy but also considerably reduce the CO2 emissions - so with that, Roularta exchanged all the heaters on their presses, and now the happy owners of three new Contiweb gas-dryers. Roularta is a very automated printing company with clear strategies that enable it to grow, reduce its carbon footprint, and develop more print business through its unique business models. This is a VERY good film to learn from we believe!

Wed March 27th


Dieter Niederstadt · Asahi · Replay · Pr...

LinkedIn Profile:

Thu March 21st


Mike Horsten · AGFA · Intermedia

Interviewed by James Wells from Intermedia, Australia Produced by INKISH. LinkedIn Profile:

Thu February 8th

En Fr-FR

Enfocus · Laurent De Wilde · C!Print 202...

Enfocus est présent dans la maison et a amené ses spécialistes au salon. Laurent nous met à jour, sans effort, tout comme leurs solutions logicielles comme ils le prétendent fièrement. — Enfocus is in the house and they brought their specialists to the show. Laurent brings us up to speed, effortless, like their software solutions as they proudly claim.

Mon February 5th


Atomyx Launch Event · The Boss · Tom Pei...

The owner. The CEO. The Boss, and despite all the titles, he is also the one who has the vision for where his new company and software, atomic, should be in the future. Promises are given, and expectations can be high, yet Tom Peire is humble - maybe because of his Belgian background? Maybe because he and his team recognize that this software COULD be a game-changer, and yet they want the results to speak for themselves. Make your mind up. Listen to Tom!

Mon February 5th


Atomyx Launch Event · Development · Davi...

David van Driessche is the CTO of Atomyx, and in this interview, David, among other things, talks about how difficult it is not to talk about a product you have worked on for a long time. Being the CTO of a software company, of course, requires input - lots of input. Enjoy!

Mon February 5th


Atomyx Launch Event · Product Management...

It was a great pleasure to meet Toon Van Rossum in Gent, now as Product Manager for Atomyx. Many may remember Toon from the many interviews we have done with him while he worked for Enfocus - but now he is back in the printing industry responsible for Atomyx. In this interview, Toon speaks about the platform, but also how he bridges input from customers to developers. Enjoy!

Mon February 5th


Atomyx Launch Event · Marketing & C...

Back in the printing industry, Cindy Van Luyck is now positioning ATOMYX for the future. In this interview, we talk to her about being back in the industry after trying something completely different, but also how she and her team will communicate ATOMYX. This is, of course, part of our Launch Event coverage!

Mon February 5th


Atomyx Launch Event · Welcome by Morten ...

Four Pees is finally revealing its new software platform - ATOMYX, and we are covering the event. During the day, we will share stories about the platform - what it does, its implications, and its potential. More than 100 people from Europe and the US are here to see, learn, and network and I wouldn't be surprised to sign up for the SDK kits that are available for the platform. Read more at

Sun December 17th


Walkthrough AGFA SpeedSet 1060 with Matt...

In this almost 30-minute long walkthrough of the new AGFA SpeedSet 1060, you will learn a lot. According to specialists like Sean Smyth and Jeff Wettersten, it is super interesting technology and a machine that will be a game-changer in the digital packaging industry! Enjoy the walkthrough with Matt Brooks from AGFA and Editor Morten B. Reitoft.

Sun December 17th


Unboxing AGFA SpeedSet 1060 · Rita Torfs...

Rita Torfs is the Product Manager of the new AGFA SpeedSet 1060 inkjet machine, which just launched at the Unboxing SpeedSet 1060 event. In this interview, you'll get a chance to hear about the project and the effort that goes into developing products over the years. Super nice meeting Rita Torfs!

Sat December 16th


Unboxing AGFA SpeedSet 1060 · Matt Brook...

Matt Brooks is the head of AGFA's Digital Packaging Solutions division, and for years, he and his team have been working on the SpeedSet 1060. An amazing technology. In this interview, you will get an overview of the development of the market, and in our Walkthrough, you will learn more about how the machine works and what makes it special - watch both of them!

Sat December 16th


Unboxing AGFA SpeedSet 1060 · Arnaud Cal...

Super interesting interview with Arnaud Calleja from AGFA. As you may recall, AGFA changed strategy a couple of years ago, sold off its offset division (now ECO3), and turned towards an entirely digital strategy - still combined with other business units within chemical, medical, radiology, green hydrogen, and other super interesting areas - in this interview with VP of Digital Printing Solutions Arnaud Calleja, Editor Morten B. Reitoft a chance to understand more about how AGFA is changing. We are sure you will like it :-)

Fri December 15th


Unboxing AGFA SpeedSet 1060 · Mike Horst...

Mike Horsten is the Press & PR Manager for AGFA. He is ALSO very experienced and shares in this interview his views on the success the SpeedSet is expected to have. Enjoy!

Fri December 15th


Unboxing of the AGFA SpeedSet 1060

INKISH is part of the unboxing event in Cambridge - the first time we heard about the SpeedSet 1060 was at ICE in Munich, then a new update at FEFCO in Lyon - and finally, we see the 'beast' in Cambridge. The SpeedSet 1060 is a B1 water-based single-pass inkjet machine made for the folding carton/packaging segment - and excels with high quality at speeds up to 11,000 sheets per hour. The Unboxing event was visited by a number of selected customers from Europe and the US, and here captured by INKISH filmer Jack Fisher. Enjoy - and check also all the interviews we have done.

Fri October 27th


Matt Brooks · AGFA · FEFCO Technical Sem...

SpeedSet 1060 is probably the fastest inkjet printer on the market right now - and still water-based and in high quality - with more than 11,000 B1 sheets an hour - beat that! Obviously, Matt Brooks and his AGFA team are proud of the effort, and judging from the samples and the plan to push the machine to market, why not? It's super interesting to see how inkjet technology keeps evolving and narrowing the gap between analog and digital - I'm looking forward to seeing the machine!

Mon September 11th


New Animal on the Savanah · Xeikon Lion ...

At LabelExpo Xeikon shows off with a range of new products, updates, and a super nice booth. Filip Weymans talk about Xeikon offerings, but of course, we also talk about the new Xeikon Lion.

Thu August 17th


#LearnWithUs MIS · Dataline ·  Robert Ha...

Getting into the hands of Dataline is a safe experience. Covering all aspects of the process, from estimations, planning, web portals, APIs, invoicing, and ERP functions, to mention just a few of the features that make Multipress from Dataline a safe choice. In the presentation, you will see how even complex jobs like hardcover books are calculated, how quick quotations are fast, still comprehensive, and integrated into the entire flow of an order into the production. Dataline is working on extending its presence in the market and has today more than 10,000 users in Europe, but even see other continents as potential play-grounds :-) Enjoy this REPLAY session! LinkedIn Profile: Robert Hartman Christoph Krohn

Thu August 17th


#LearnWithUs MIS · CERM · Fran Boey ...

CERM is by far one of the most thought-after MIS/ERP solutions among label converters - and as we have visited Converters who work with CERM, there is a reasonable reason for the choice. The demos are excellent, the software solves the challenges Converters have and then supports the product, and now the integration to Microsoft Power BI is giving customers options like never before. In this webinar, CERM has decided to focus on the BI functions and the 18 standard reporting tools provided in the optional solution. Fran Boey has a background in the BI-World, and guides us smoothly through how reports can be created, giving customers THE overview! LinkedIn Profile: Fran Boey Steffen Haaga

Fri March 31st


Tom Peire · CEO · Four Pees

Four Pees has set a course to become one of the leading implementations of printing industry related IT-solutions. With huge knowledge, and as CEO and Founder Tom Peire explain, learning from previous mistakes, the company is now ready to execute ambitious plans. As usual, our 'Conversations' format goes behind the scene and gives you an insight into the human side of the top management in companies in our industry. This one is truly great - so please enjoy it!

Tue March 14th


AGFA SpeedSet pass 10,000 sheets an hour...

At Inprint in Munich, we met Global Business Director Packaging Matt Brooks, who brought us up to speed on the new Agfa Speedset B1 printer expected for delivery in Q1, 2024. A machine that promises more than 10,000 B1 sheets an hour in high quality, perfect for micro flute and corrugated

Fri March 3rd


Xeikon · Dimitri Van Gaever · Hunkeler I...

Xeikon introduced the Sirius platform a while back, but at Hunkeler Innovationdays 2023, the SX30000 was presented for the first time at a show. In this film, Market Segment Director Dimitri Van Gaever guides you into the platform why Xeikon has decided to offer a toner-based platform in times when competitors offer inkjet platforms. We also see a charming sample, maybe an answer in itself?

Fri February 3rd


Hunkeler Innovationdays · Xeikon · Dimit...

The ever-recurring question - toner vs. inkjet, and of course, editor Morten B. Reitoft had to ask Dimitri Van Gaever from Xeikon about this. We talk about many other things around the Sirius platform, the applications, and, more importantly, what you can see at Hunkeler Innovationdays. Enjoy!

Fri February 3rd


Hunkeler Innovationdays · Hybrid Softwar...

At Hunkeler Innovationdays, you can meet people from Hybrid Software Group. The company operates in seven segments, delivering software, hardware, and back-end technology to OEMs and developing different kinds of technology, i.e., Inkjet. In 2021, Hybrid Software Group acquired Hybrid Software, one of the leading workflow/automation solution providers today. In this interview, CEO Mike Rottenborn shares what you can expect in Lucern and how beautifully the different entities support each other- now all under one company group name. Exciting to learn about it!

Thu February 2nd

Fr En Fr

FourPees présent au salon CPrint Lyon

Arnaud Tavard est l'interlocuteur en France pour contacter l'intégrateur Four Pees. Cette année, ils n'ont pas de stand eux-mêmes au salon, mais ils font équipe avec certains de leurs principaux partenaires de l'industrie. Dans cette courte interview, Arnaud nous en dit plus.

Thu February 2nd

Fr En Fr

ESKO – produits phares et un nouve...

L'entretien a été vraiment sympathique et détendu avec la grande dame d'Esko France & Benelux. Esko est connu en tant que leader dans le monde des étiquettes et du packaging, et le groupe est présent à C!Print, "le" rendez-vous en France. Isabelle Manche a révélé en première et devant les caméras d'INKISH certaines informations concernant le groupe mère Danaher, actuel propriétaire des marques Esko, Pantone, Xrite et TiliaLabs. Un entretien à ne pas manquer.

Wed February 1st

Fr En Fr

MUTOH se concentre sur la qualité et la ...

Nous retrouvons Nick Decock, Marketing Manager EMEA pour Mutoh, un nom bien connu dans le monde de la signalétique et de l'affichage. Il nous présente la nouvelle gamme de machines SR pro. Bien que Nick fasse partie du département marketing, il entre dans la technicité des nouveaux produits, prouvant que les gens de Mutoh sont des professionnels aux multiples facettes et cherchent toujours à offrir de la qualité à leurs clients. Le marché français est très important pour eux, c'est pourquoi nous les retrouvons ici à C!Print.

Wed February 1st


A World Premiere from C.P. Bourg at C!Pr...

At C!Print, C.P. Bourg presented a new Super Stacker module to its already impressive line of modules and products. In this walkthrough, Armen Snkhtchian will show our viewers a production flow very suitable for book-of-one printers :-)

Wed February 1st

Fr En Fr

Multipress et le Plan Métro

Patrick Bidault est le Directeur Commercial France de Dataline Solutions et il est chez eux depuis près d'un an maintenant. Patrick a été chargé de développer le marché français de l'impression commerciale et de se familiariser avec le fantastique portefeuille de modules Multipress. La solution MIS Multipress intègre de manière transparente des solutions rationalisées, des flux de travail et l'organisation générale d'une entreprise graphique. Le plan de métro illustre de manière efficace les parcours de solutions que Dataline peut apporter aux imprimeries.

Wed February 1st


Partenariat Multigraf et Kongsberg en Fr...

Nous retrouvons et échangeons avec Eric Espinasse, qui nous explique le défi que Kongsberg s'est lancé pour conquérir le marché de la signalétique, du textile et de l'enseigne en France. Un défi relevé grâce aux tables de qualité Kongsberg.

Wed February 1st

Fr En Fr

C.P. BOURG partenaire industriel de livr...

Première mondiale à C!Print et devant les caméras d’ INKISH. Le constructeur belge bien connu dans le monde entier pour ses solutions innovatrices nous présente sa dernière création, le Perfect Stack. Beaucoup de clients, dont Amazon, cherchait à accélérer la production, tout en étant hyper flexibles et automatisés afin de répondre au marché toujours croissant de l'impression à la demande de livres. On vous présente la nouvelle solution et leur vision sur le marché actuel par leur responsable des ventes France, Olivier Beynac. Interview à ne pas manquer!

Tue January 31st


Agfa on Digital, Diversity & Sustai...

Agfa recently sold its offset division, and in this interview, Editor Morten B. Reitoft asked Head of Textiles and Global Press & PR Mike Horsten from Agfa whether this was a bold move. You can hear the answer, but Reitoft also pushes back Horsten on the difference between iterations and bigger strategic moves, which drives the conversation into a chat about diversity, digital, and sustainability. Enjoy!

Mon January 30th


The Benelux Online Print Even · BOPE 23 ...

The Benelux Online Print Event, or BOPE, is amazing. In this chat, Editor Morten B. Reitoft speaks with Managing Director Jos Steutelings from VIGC about what to expect from the event. The program is jam-packed with great speakers and different angles on the online printing industry. Read more about the event here:

Tue January 24th


Hunkeler Innovationdays · Enfocus · Piet...

We have invited ALL exhibitors from Hunkeler Innovationdays to talk to Editor Morten B. Reitoft about what to expect. We are excited to present each company as we get the recordings done - and yes, we will cover INNOVATIONDAYS from the show floor from February 27th to March 2nd - and we can't wait. Interviews, product presentations, and tons of great news. Our first guest is Piet De Pauw from Enfocus. In this chat with INKISH, he explains Switch, Tilia Labs, and what you can expect from them in Lucern.

Sat December 24th


Walkthrough · Xeikon Idera · Daniel Vele...

This walkthrough gives an early view of the new Xeikon Idera, a digital corrugated cardboard printing machine. Daniel Velema is the VP of Corrugated & Solution Services at Xeikon. He is responsible for developing the Idera, so who better to ask about the ideas developed into what is among the first presentations to the public. Enjoy the walkthrough :-)

Sat November 26th


In Tokyo, On Budget & Confident as ...

Outside the Tokyo Big Sight convention center, we met with Kongsberg Precision Cutting Systems President and CEO Stuart Fox. Fox explains in this INKISH film why he is in Tokyo but also reports on the first full fiscal year being on its own. As always, interesting views and an exciting company. Enjoy!

Fri November 18th


Is Marketing Important? · Danny Mertens ...

Danny Mertens is the Corporate Communications Manager for Xeikon. In a short moment between other things, Editor Morten B. Reitoft got the chance to talk to Danny Mertens about marketing and the importance of digital. Enjoy!

Sat October 22nd


Amazing Possibilities with MultiCam Rout...

Kongsberg Precision Cutting Systems acquired MultiCam recently, and at their huge booth at PRINTING United 2022, they showcase both Kongsberg and MultiCam products. In this film, we get a chance to learn from Router Product Manager Russel Boudria, who shows what's possible and explains the difference between the different MultiCam offerings! Excellent samples in our minds!

Thu October 20th


Implementation – The Missing Link ...

Tom Peire is the CEO of the Belgium-based company Four Pees. The company has specialized in implementation, and what the company has learned during the pandemic is that implementation work CAN be done remotely and therefore opens up a global market. At PRINTING United, CEO Tom Peire tell how important the implementation process is as it opens up for further automation using software PSPs often have already. Interesting!

Thu October 20th


Guided Tour with Matt Thackray · VP ...

Kongsberg Precision Cutting Systems recently employed Matt Thackray as the VP and General Manager of Kongsberg Americas. In this film, we did a guided tour of the huge booth and got the chance to see the equipment but also get to know Matt and understand his approach to the growth he expects!

Thu October 20th


On a Journey with a Clear Mission · Stua...

We have been fortunate to follow President & CEO Stuart Fox from Kongsberg Precision Cutting Systems from when ESKO sold Kongsberg. Initially, the focus was on getting the company up and running - which is only natural. At PRINTING United, editor Morten B. Reitoft meets a relaxed and full-of-energy CEO with the energy to take Kongsberg and MultiCam to new levels, explore new market opportunities and continue developing new and exciting products. Great to talk to Stuart Fox again, and we are certain you will enjoy it!

Thu October 13th


Cold Foil, Matthys & the Belgian Pr...

Cold foil embellishment, what is it, how does it work, and what does it do for print? A few weeks ago, Jacques Michiels and Jan Majnik from INKISH visited the city of Turnhout, aka the “Printvallley of Flanders,” in Belgium. What they found was nonother than a concentration of some of the most innovative printing companies, yes even world leaders in their field like Cartamundi, where printing presses have been running already since 1765 and today has become the largest playing cards – and board game manufacturer in the world. Amazing and all originating from this rather small area in central Belgium. Our interest was drawn to one of the pioneers working with the Coldfoil technology for many years, Grafische Groep Matthys. So what is Coldfoil actually, how does it work, and what does it do for print? In this film, we take a deep dive into COLD FOIL. We show you all the different steps and how conventional cold foil is produced in an industrial environment like those operated at Grafische Groep Matthys. We ask our friends from the VIGC (the Flemish innovation center for graphic communication) - an independent organization also residing in Turnhout - how they see print embellishment evolving and to give some recommendations to printers looking into embellishment solutions and these kinds of work. So let’s meet the passionate folks at Matthys, who were willing to open up and share their story and passion in helping their customers SHINE - literally & vibrant! Great film. Watch it, Learn, Like it and Share it.

Sun September 18th


Lights Out Product – The Software ...

On the second day of LabelExpo-Americas, CERM invited Adrian Steele from Mercian Labels, UK, Stuart Morrison from Screen, and Matt Burton from ABG to discuss lights out production of labels, moderated by CEO Geert van Damme. It was interesting to learn from, so I interviewed the four gentlemen afterward about how to do it, what obstacles, and how this can benefit the entire industry. Here you have The Software part by Geert van Damme. Enjoy!

Thu September 15th


Super Quality by Xeikon in both Toner &#...

In this interview, the Director of Marketing, North America, Donna Covannon, shared the history of Xeikon, and yes, Xeikon was the first commercially available digital color press. We get to hear about why Xeikon is an excellent partner for PSPs and converters and get to see some great print samples as well. Super friendly meeting Donna Covannon again - we hope you like the film!

Thu September 15th


DEMO: Xeikon CX330 · James Quan · Demo R...

In this film, we get a presentation of the Xeikon CX330 by Demo Room Manager James Quan. Enjoy!

Thu September 15th


DEMO: Xeikon PX3300 · Ryan Pieratt · Dem...

In this film, we get a presentation of the Xeikon PX3300 by Demo Room Technician Ryan Pieratt. Enjoy!

Wed September 14th


How Esko Makes its CTP super efficient ·...

Esko has a significant market share in CTP for flexo, and in this film, Business Development Manager, Julian Fernandez, explains how Esko achieves faster and better results with the CTP. One of the reasons is that the process is simplified with fewer processes which increases not only the speed but also the quality. Enjoy!

Wed September 14th


The Esko Workflow Walk Through · Geert D...

The eco-system ESKO has developed is vast, and though this is just a fraction of what's being offered, Geert De Proost and Brad Leeds give you a guided tour of some of the products on display - quite cool seeing how the AVT camera system can detect and guide the operator in the QA process.

Wed September 14th


Digital Print Simulation · Frank Wolteri...

This was a truly great session. Frank Woltering from ESKO took me through a software offered by ESKO called Digital Print Simulation. In ten minutes, you'll get an idea of how Digital Print Simulation can help you in not only achieving better digital print of your customer's artwork but, maybe even better, setting the terms for what tolerances your customer accepts based on what technology is available. I've seen similar software before, but Frank Woltering shows how easy it can be done using ESKO.

Wed September 14th


Why ESKO acquired Tilia Labs · Geert De ...

One of our Lunch Break Hour partners is ESKO, and when you approach the ESKO booth, a quite considerable part of the booth is dedicated to the newly acquired company, Tilia Labs. Tilia Labs has often featured on INKISH, as we genuinely believe Scott More and Sagen de Jonge are among the smartest developers in our industry - so here, Director of Product Management, Geert De Proost, explains why ESKO got interested in the company!

Sat June 11th


The Landa Promise · Eddy Hagen & Mo...

When Landa presented the new series of Landa presses at the drupa 2012 already ten years was into the development of the technology. With 20 years in R&D, limited sales, and very close communication, I asked Innovation Coach Eddy Hagen to join me in a chat about the Landa Promises. Eddy Hagen has in a series of articles criticizing both quality and speed - both measures are important, but speed is extremely important when it comes to the expected ROIs. Since Nanography and Landa were introduced at the drupa 2012, the market has undergone tremendous changes. Competition has caught up on many of the Landa promises, and yet Landa has not reached the specs. promised back at drupa 2012/2016 - on the contrary, the expectations have for now been lowered. Enjoy the conversation.

Tue June 7th


FESPA Berlin 2022 · Stuart Fox · Kongsbe...

FESPA Berlin 2022 · Stuart Fox · Kongsberg Precision Cutting Systems

Fri April 29th


Frederik Parrein · Operations · Digi-Paq...

Frederik Parrein found great value in the DURST Expo because the access to the technical people allowed for one-on-one communication. He felt this is not possible at a larger show where there are thousands of attendees. Frederik also was pleased that the selected vendors were label market experts.

Fri April 29th


Benoit Chatelard · President & CEO ...

INKISH loves to hear about opinions and strategies from industry leaders. In this too short interview with Benoit Chatelard, President of Flint group Digital & Xeikon CEO we get to hear about the importance and relevance of the different printing technologies they bring to the market and why they are doing a show like Xeikon Café. A great interview in an open spirit and I feel confident that we will have more interesting stories and initiatives from XEIKON to report on in the future! Enjoy!

Fri April 29th


Jeroen Van Bauwel · Director Product Man...

A state-of-the-art Workflow and easy integration with multiple partners as part of the print value chain are key to conquering the Print industry 4.0 arena. INKISH gets the unfiltered answers to very important building blocks in the strategy Xeikon is betting on. Our own Jacques Michiels conducts this really interesting talk with Jeroen Van Bauwel, Director Product Management of Xeikon.

Thu April 28th


Filip Weymans · VP Marketing · Xeikon · ...

Xeikon’s Vice President Marketing in conversation with Jacques Michiels, proudly showing (off) the new TITON digital printing press and explaining the all-new and unique Dry Toner technology for unique paper-based applications. LinkedIn Profile:

Tue April 26th


Peter Dhondt · Director of Global &...

LinkedIn Profile:

Tue April 26th


Neal Inghelbrecht · Pre-Sales · HYBRID S...

LinkedIn Profile:

Thu April 7th


Wim Brunsting · Kongsberg Precision Cutt...

At Kongsbergs booth the good old VW was once again brought to life and to have some fun Wim Brunsting from Kongsberg Precision Cutting Systems and Editor Morten B. Reitoft went on a ride around the Stockholm area talking business - of course. Really enjoyable ride, and fun to once more meet Wim Brunsting. Until next time Wim!

Wed February 16th


How a Cloud editor and App simplify a fu...

Genscom is a young and ambitious communications agency that focuses on personalized publications. With their online B2C and B2B platforms (, and, they offer companies and private individuals both the technology and the support needed for the creation, personalization, print, and the distribution of their own newspapers and publications, both online and offline. Genscom specializes in personalization and also offers a free mobile app called “Lettr” ( It allows you to create, visualize, print, and distribute a newspaper on the go, together with friends, family, or colleagues. Genscom offers low print runs, starting from just a single copy, and worldwide shipment services.

Thu February 10th


You Name it, We print it · Paul Willems ...

At FESPA 2021, Head of Product Management and Business Development, Paul Willems from Roland DG, talks to Jacques Michiels from INKISH Benelux about the possibilities with Roland equipment. Flat, rounded, wood, plastic, glass, metal - and of course, paper - but also an anniversary product launch - so dig in for more information!

Wed February 9th


Wim Brunsting & David Petit Bayot ·...

This is a fun interview. Wim Brunsting has a background with Canon, and of course, he presented himself through his old company by default, but what I like about this interview is the honesty. We smile, laugh, and deliver SO much valuable information about Kongsberg, where Wim Brunsting today is the Sales Director for EMEA. During the interview, I suggest making a demo. How unfair is that? But Wim's colleague David Petit Bayot accepts the challenge and shows precisely why Kongsberg is the master of precision cutting - LOVE it! LinkedIn Profiles: Wim Brunsvig David Petit Bayot

Wed February 9th


Automation is still uphill · Freddy Piet...

Freddy Pieters from Enfocus is a very straightforward specialist. In this interview with editor Morten B. Reitoft, he reveals that many PSPs continue to see automation as difficult in their business. Enfocus has for years paved its way into thousands of printing companies with PitStop and later on Switch. The challenge is, of course, taking automation and workflow into the next step - it's a profitability opportunity and maybe the essential step to be on par with all the printing companies already there!

Wed February 9th


The Birth of Hybrid Software Group · Mik...

Sweet music arises when two Americans meet in Europe - or more because CEO Mike Rottenheim and Hybrid Software Group share a grand announcement with INKISH Robert Godwin. The companies under Global Graphics decided during FESPA to market themselves under the Hybrid Software Group name - a great name that indicates the hybrid in their offerings.

Wed February 9th


Large Format and Sublimation Paper on th...

High quality and industrial reliability require excellent materials and media. Paola Tiso takes the time to guide us through some of the different types of transfer papers that SAPPI brings to this market. High fashion, sports apparel and even skiing gear get their “skin” through some of these applications.

Mon January 31st


GENSCOM – the agency bringing advanced p...

Genscom is a young and ambitious communications agency that focuses on personalized publications. With their online B2C and B2B platforms (, and, they offer private individuals and companies both the technology and the support needed for the creation, personalization, print, and the distribution of their publications, both online and offline. Genscom specializes in personalization and offers a free mobile app called “Lettr” ( It allows you to create, visualize, print, and distribute a newspaper on the go, together with friends, family, or colleagues. Genscom offers low print runs, from a single copy, and worldwide shipment services.

Fri November 5th


Stuart Fox · President & CEO · Kong...

Many companies grow through mergers and acquisitions - but Kongsberg is an example of the opposite since Kongsberg became its entity after a peaceful separation from Esko. In this Conversations editor, Morten B. Reitoft talks with President & CEO Stuart Fox. Teamwork, innovative technology, and a strong belief in the future are just a few of the takeaways! LinkedIn Profile

Thu November 4th


Julie Dumoulin Wins the VIGC Hackathon 2...

The VIGC Hackathon is an annual event organized by VIGC and EY. The purpose is to develop ideas for future solutions in a fun and competitive environment. In less than 48 hours, an idea changes from just an idea into something that can be presented to a jury and an audience. This year's Hackathon had twelve teams presenting exciting ideas - some more innovative and exciting than others - but the jury unanimously agreed on this year's winner. The winner is Julie Dumoulin with her Opinry. Opinry is a solution to help judge designs before being implemented into products - to ensure consistency and sellability! In this interview, we talk to the winner - and I am sure you will see passion and dedication to the very idea of being a young entrepreneur as well as a young woman that we believe can take Opinry to market. Enjoy! LinkedIn Profile

Wed October 20th


EFI Reggiani presenting the new Terra Si...

Nico Sleeckx guides us while colleagues explain the new Terra Silver printer for very fast direct sublimation printing. Applications to think of are printed fabrics for home furniture, fashion and all sorts of textile applications & more. LinkedIn Profile:

Sun October 17th


Tour de Agfa FESPA Amsterdam 2021 · Koen...

Large format output InkJet devices as the technologies of choice are on everyone's radar in the graphics and printing industry. INKISH set out to investigate these pandemic period whisperings and promises that were in full display at the FESPA2021 Global Expo in beautiful Amsterdam. Walking in through the RAI entrance you could not miss one of the biggest booths in show. This is a comprehensive interview with a keen and knowledgeable Koen Steers, Head of Sales, Europe for AGFA’s Sign & Display segment. The excellent atmosphere in and around the Agfa booth and the rest of Expo show is proof that the interviewee, the many visitors and of course INKISH were eager to mingle, explore, have a good time and talk about everything new. Enjoy! LinkedIn Profile:

Thu September 2nd


Added Value in MIS · Geert Van Damme · C...

CERM is a producer of a Management Information System (MIS) which provides a complete solution in Business Management for the labels and packaging printing industry. Companies achieve their goals through the added value of their total solutions. Cerm’s MIS software helps Label and Packaging printers to better automate and manage their business, interconnecting all components and functions of a print shop from CRM, pre-press software, print presses, finishing equipment, logistics service providers and suppliers. Discover all the advantages of this MIS software for your business & more Company details: CERM Europe (HQ) Siemenslaan 17 8020 Oostkamp (Brugge) Belgium +32(0)50 83 38 83 CERM US 3752 88th Ave Zeeland, MI 49464 United States CERM Australia 17 Highcrest Street Ocean View 4521 QLD Australia

Thu July 8th

De En Es Nl Pt

Call in the experts · David van Driessch...

Calling in an expert can be the missing link to successfully find and implement the right tools or automation for your (printing) business. In this episode we address some of the major questions that arise. Company slogan: More output, less hassleHelping print operations succeed by implementing hassle-free automation. For more than a decade now, Four Pees nv provides solutions that streamline entire print and packaging productions all across the globe.They have sales operations in Belgium, The Netherlands, The United Kingdom and France and also rely on a network of 40+ partners worldwide to give the customer the best service possible. Four Pees was founded in 2007 in the city of Ghent in Belgium.Main goal: automation that flows smoothly. Automation that not only makes work easier but also helps companies thrive.In short: hassle-free solutions to headache-inducing operational challenges. Some facts: 200+ implementations 14 years of experience 40+ tech partners 4,000 recurring customers CTO, David van Driessche

Mon June 14th


Web To Print – do I need one? · Da...

Web to print is a hot topic and can be a game changer to the graphic arts industry. In this episode we address some of the major questions, such as; Is it just a hype?, Who it is for?, and why it is NOT “just another” sales channel… David van Driessche More output, less hassle Helping print operations succeed by implementing hassle-free automation. For more than a decade now, Four Pees nv provides solutions that streamline entire print and packaging productions all across the globe. They have sales operations in Belgium, The Netherlands, The United Kingdom and France and also rely on a network of 40+ partners worldwide to give the customer the best service possible. Four Pees was founded in 2007 in the city of Ghent in Belgium. Main goal: automation that flows smoothly. Automation that not only makes work easier but also helps companies thrive. In short: hassle-free solutions to headache-inducing operational challenges. Some facts: 200+ implementations 14 years of experience 40+ tech partners 4,000 recurring customers CEO, Tom Peire CTO, David van Driessche Marketing, Sam Claeys

Sun May 2nd

En De En Es Fr Nl Pt

Piet Saegeman · Fast Forward · LIVE · St...

This was a project I did with Twintag. That uses unique identifiers like QR codes to link printed products or physical products to live and digital experiences. When everything locked down I got nervous. I was convinced that I needed to be live to be any good. The focus is now more on the quality of content. People are really done with sitting in front of a zoom call. I think a lot of companies were basically not ready for this. A lot of companies had to play catch up. If good content and content creation is not in your DNA as an organization, it's really difficult to just start doing it. So one morning I walked out and I see a little Google car go by. I wrote a SMS to my mother going: Hey Mom, I am famous. I'm on Google Street View. I took like a little audio recorder where I could record ideas. I wasn't really lonely. It got lonely in other moments. I think we have gotten insanely lucky. Mortality rate is not very high. This was a good warning. And we should draw some lessons. But also: how do we communicate about this? Just as I come up a hill. And typically this is where I stopped playing the audio book. And I start recording ideas. The risk is, and I noticed this by myself, is that you start consuming so much media that you no longer process it. I read a lot of books when I was traveling. Even if you don't remember anything about the books you've read, they have changed you. Here we go. This is the one. It's called 'Cognitive Psychology And Its Implications'. This is the one. I'm in my comfort zone. It's unplanned. A lot of the best ideas just come from freewheeling. One of my customers actually forced me to do it. I did some of my best work without ever meeting the customers. There was a bunch of people, lots of excitement. We want to do this live. Because the energy level we get from you online. If that is just a part of what we're getting, we should do this live. I miss travel. I like meeting people in different places. Travel makes you focus on the essential. You take your best shoes, you take your most comfortable sweater. You take your favorite and best equipment. I've grown to do the same thing now. Not just when I travel, but when I leave the house.

Sun April 25th


Replay: Turboboost your print e-business...

E-business has quickly become an integral part of the graphic industry. A web shop today is essential for printing companies to do (more) business. But a print or sign webshop cannot be seen as a standalone activity. Why? Because in a state of the art workflow this webshop is real-time, dynamic in sync with the workflow of your print production company: creating products, setting prices, define delivery times, production capacity… it should all be reflected in the offerings on the webshop, 24/7. Is that possible? Yes it is! By integrating the MultiPress MIS/ERP software with the storefront environment. Creating the products and defining prices is a tedious and time consuming tasks. These also have to be maintained on a regular basis. As all your products and prices are already defined and calculated on the fly in your MultiPress ERP system, so why should you have to maintain 2 systems? That is a huge advantage, for any given storefront in the market. Everything that is defined in the MIS software is reused and as a consequence always up to date. No time loss, no mistakes, and most of all automation from the customer ordering online up to production, payment and delivery. MultiPress MIS/ERP is the #1 European software for print production companies. The extensive web-to-print functionalities and different integrations with 3rd party e-business offerings will be presented during this session by Davy Verstaen, MultiPress Project Manager EMEA. Davy Verstaen

Sun April 25th


Replay: Agfa web-to-print solutions R...

Apogee StoreFront and Asanti StoreFront are the cloud-based web-to-print solutions of Agfa. Apogee StoreFront focuses on commercial printers and offers built-in integration with the Apogee prepress workflow system, whereas Asanti StoreFront is geared towards large-format printers. Both solutions can however also be used stand-alone, offering a wide range of product types and features. Laurens Leurs

Mon April 19th

De En Es Fr Nl Pt

Sam Claeys · Fast Forward · Home Office ...

Working at Four Pees was, for me, a bit of an eye opener. When I started, a lot of people were actually asking me: OK, but you're going into the print industry and doing marketing there. But isn't print dead? What I wanted to do is just show people that even from your own home office, you don't even have to stand up from your desk. And you see already 10 things that are printed. And some of those things are surprising. I've got laminate flooring in my house. And suddenly you see that that's actually printed. The same for the tabletop. And that is a bit of an eye opener. And the moment you start explaining that in your own personal network, friends and family. You also see their eyes opening. Saying that this is a lot bigger than just paper and print. No, I think mainly what we've done now. Especially with the rebranding of Four Pees. That we've gone away from being a software vendor to being an integration partner. That is kind of related to the second picture I showed you. Simon Sinek's book: "Start With Why". Is that we're starting really to focus on our 'why'. The printer himself wants to know: how can this help me? I think there are a lot of challenges that the printers have nowadays. Raising from web to print is coming in. So they have to do a quick technological turnaround. For bigger printers that's easier than for the smaller ones of course. It is difficult because you're going from product selling to something else. And then making your marketing on a different level. They're selling advantages to people. So the whole company as well started thinking about: what is our why? We want to help printers. Because we know that these are challenging times. Even before Covid. The moment you start telling that story and bring it into the open, a lot of people are thinking: right! So this is actually something that is still here. And is actually even growing and evolving.

Mon January 25th

De En Es Fr Nl Pt

Tomas Van Rossom New Enfocus GM · Enfocu...

Tomas Van Rossom has just been appointed as General Manager for Enfocus, and though new in the position, Rossom has worked with Enfocus since 2017 as Global Sales Director. In this conversation, we talk about family, Covid, subscription vs. license sales, setting goals, and how Tomas van Rossom will fit the new role after his predecessors. A very open-minded and great conversation that we are sure you will like - so why not just watch?

Sun December 6th


Smart Factories require Smart ERP soluti...

Smart Factories need powerful MIS systems to automate & communicate, where is it going?

Fri November 27th

De En Es Fr Nl Pt

Gold to Luca School of Arts at the VIGC ...

In the VIGC Hackathon, the goal is to come up with an innovative solution or an innovative business model for the printing industry in a limited amount of time. The next step is a pitch where the participants (in this case 13 teams) present their prototypes to a professional jury, who will analyse and pick the winners. GOLD: Team Interaction Design - Luca School of Arts (Ghent, Belgium) Winning Project: SMILES The team of 5 students of the Luca School of Arts won the very first Graphic Arts Hackathon. “Smiles” uses the digital content from your smartphone for the content of a printed book. In this case, photos of smiling faces on the smartphone are detected via 'smile detection' software. Both the front camera picture from the person taking the snapshot as well as the actual back camera picture are being recorded and used in this smiles photobook. These memories are then collected in a personalized book along with all the content that made that person laugh. This winning 'Smiles' project with their clever idea also brought a smile on the faces of the jury, amongst our own Morten B. Reitoft from INKISH. A well-deserved victory! SILVER: Team “Print Quality Map” a team from Esko / AVT. Represented by Dries Vandenbussche (Director of Ideation – Software / ESKO) The second place is for Team “Print Quality Map”. This is a solution that visualises quality problems in print runs and visualizes this on a screen in a way like a weather / heat map shows, for example, storm or heat areas. These Print- “heat maps” are generated by cloud-based algorithms that use the data from the press inspection systems and communicate in real time. This advanced measuring software optimizes the colour stability in packaging printing on the actual printing press by detecting and predicting possible problems early on in the printing process. BRONZE: Team “Textiveroo” with members from DSN Artwork Systems, Conics and Hybrid Software. Represented by Dries Maerten – Owner Conics Third place goes to Textiveroo and is a solution for automatic text & barcode extraction. This artificial intelligence-driven software package ensures automatic conversion to other languages and the corresponding positioning of information on packaging. The files are analysed, and the relevant text is extracted from existing packaging artwork files. The benefit of this is the reusability of these elements for publications on online web portals or for streamlining the translation processes. *Next year’s VIGC graphic arts Hackathon is scheduled for October 11th and 12th 2021.

Fri November 27th

De En Es Fr Nl Pt

Best Virtual Event in 2020 · Jos Steutel...

Technology development in the graphics arts sector is in full expansion. Smart factory, Print Industrie 4.0 focuses on digital technologies that stimulate the inter-connectivity between printing companies, promote and bring them together with “strategic” partners. Classic models that acted as intermediaries between supply and demand, buyers and sellers, are being replaced by scenarios of transparent networked digital technology. The result: Suppliers, producers and consumers find each other (to a large extent) automatically. Business processes, services, product offering and communication will also become transparent and interactive in equal measure. What does this mean in concrete terms for the graphics industry in the Benelux and in Europe? INTERVIEW with some of the speakers at the VIGC congress 2020 Jan De Roeck (Marketing Director ESKO) Dirk Deroo ( Founder & CEO Dataline solutions) Toon Van Rossum ( Product Manager Enfocus) Jos Steutelings ( Managing Director VIGC ) *Next year’s VIGC CONGRESS is scheduled for October 14th 2021. --- NL: De technologieontwikkeling in de grafische sector is in volle expansie. Smart factory, Print Industrie 4.0 legt de focus op digitale technologieën die de inter-connectiviteit van grafische bedrijven onderling, en die met “strategische” partners bevorderen en samenbrengen. Klassieke modellen die fungeerden als intermediair tussen vraag en aanbod, kopers en verkopers, worden vervangen door scenario’s van transparant genetwerkte digitale technologie. Het resultaat: Leveranciers, producenten en consumenten vinden elkaar (voor een groot deel) automatisch. Bedrijfsprocessen, diensten, productaanbod en communicatie worden in gelijke mate ook transparant en interactief. Wat betekent dit nu concreet voor de grafische industrie in de Benelux en in Europa? INTERVIEW met enkele sprekers van het VIGC congres 2020 Jan De Roeck (Marketing Director ESKO) Dirk Deroo ( Founder & CEO Dataline solutions) Toon Van Rossum ( Product Manager Enfocus) Jos Steutelings ( Managing Director VIGC ) * Het VIGC-CONGRES van volgend jaar staat gepland op 14 oktober 2021.

Wed November 11th

A State of Affairs in Europe – Jac...

English Subtitled. Technology development in the graphic arts sector is in full expansion. Smart factory, Print Industry 4.0 focuses on digital technologies that facilitate the inter-connectivity between printing companies among themselves and those with their preferred “strategic” EXTERNAL partners. Classic models that acted as intermediaries between supply and demand, buyers and sellers, are being replaced by scenarios of transparent networked digital technology. The result: Suppliers, producers and consumers find each other (to a large extent) automatically. Business processes, services, product offerings and communication will also become transparent and interactive in equal measure. What does this mean in concrete terms for the graphic arts industry in Europe? Well, the focus is shifting from the usual INTERNAL optimizations and digitization of our value creation and production processes (rather the 3.0 model), to OPEN and EXTERNAL networked Industry 4.0-compliant “Partnerships”, with those who can deliver added value, expertise and connectivity in the graphic value chain. All this under the collective name “Print 4.0”. For those looking for more information on this topic, I invite you to read our articles about this on INKISH.NEWS: Also watch our video series “Replays” about the INKISH Smart Factory - PRINT4.0 Webinar, packed with valuable insights and interviews with specialists and Industry leaders: --- De technologieontwikkeling in de grafische sector is in volle expansie. Smart factory, Print Industrie 4.0 legt de focus op digitale technologieën die de inter-connectiviteit van grafische bedrijven onderling, en die met “strategische” EXTERNE partners bevorderen en samenbrengen. Klassieke modellen die fungeerden als intermediair tussen vraag en aanbod, kopers en verkopers, worden vervangen door scenario’s van transparant genetwerkte digitale technologie. Het resultaat: Leveranciers, producenten en consumenten vinden elkaar (voor een groot deel) automatisch. Bedrijfsprocessen, diensten, productaanbod en communicatie worden in gelijke mate ook transparant en interactief. Wat betekent dit nu concreet voor de grafische industrie in Europa? Wel, de focus wordt verlegd van de gebruikelijke INTERNE-optimalisaties en digitalisering van onze waarde creatie en productieprocessen (eerder het 3.0-model), naar OPEN en EXTERN genetwerkte Industrie 4.0-compliant “Partnerships”, met diegene die meerwaarde, expertise en connectiviteit kunnen leveren in de grafische waardeketen. Dit alles onder de verzamelnaam “Print 4.0”. Voor wie meer informatie zoekt over dit onderwerp, nodig ik uit om onze artikels hierover te lezen op INKISH.NEWS: Bekijk ook onze videoreeks in “Replays” over het INKISH Smart Factory - PRINT4.0 Webinar, boordevol waardevolle insights en interviews met specialisten en Industry leaders:

Thu September 24th


Geert Van Damme · Geert Van Damme · Smar...

Smart Factories need powerful MIS systems to automate & communicate, where is it going? - By Geert Van Damme, CERM.

Thu September 24th


What is the Smart Factory? · Smart Facto...

The Smart Factory and the Industrial Revolution - by Yves d’Aviau de Ternay, Jacques Michiels & Morten B. Reitoft

Thu September 24th

En En Nl-BE

How to start and what steps to take · Lu...

How to start and what steps to take in order to grow a Smart Factory & can it be a game changer in the printing industry? By Luc Peeters, Drukkerij Peeters nv.

Sun September 13th


Jos Steutelings · Over The Skype · VIGC...

In this Over the Skype session, Jacques Michiels from INKISH Benelux talks to an exciting gentleman, Jos Steutelings. Jos Steutelings is the Managing Director of VIGC, who, among other things, does events that have become very popular. In this interview, we discuss the Hackaton event; an event developed together with Ernst & Young. Innovation for the industry, and due to the COVID-19 virtual. Virtual enables this to be an event with a broader potential, so listen to the exciting conversation, and prepare yourself for a great event.

Wed August 12th

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David Benoit · Over The Skype · Grafoc

In this 'Over the Skype' session, Manager Advice, Marketing & Communication David Benoit of talks to Jacques Michiels of INKISH Benelux about the most recent developments in the graphic labor market in Flanders. Important and interesting topics that concern all Printers and graphic companies in Flanders include: How to find or train operators for Web to print/digital printing machines/inkjet presses? Impact of Covid19 on our graphics sector from a GRAFOC standpoint. - Information from the sector regarding vacancies, possible upward or downward spiral with regard to employment and challenges for the sector. What bonuses can a graphics company obtain for training Workers PC130 (sectoral training bonus)? How do graphic training centers deal with the partial switch from traditional graphic (offset) machines to digital tools and production resources? The various services and (subsidy) possibilities via GRAFOC to support the graphics industry. And much more… Watch, Like, and Share as usual. (NL) In deze 'Over the Skype'-sessie spreekt Manager Advies, Marketing & Communicatie David Benoit van met Jacques Michiels van INKISH Benelux over de recenste ontwikkelingen op de grafische arbeidsmarkt in Vlaanderen. Belangrijke en interessante onderwerpen die alle Drukkerijen en grafische bedrijven in Vlaanderen aanbelangen en aan bod komen zijn onder andere: Hoe vinden of opleiden van operatoren voor bv. Web to print/digitale drukmachines/inkjet persen ? Impact van Covid19 op onze grafische sector vanuit standpunt GRAFOC. - Info uit sector ivm vacatures, mogelijke op- of neerwaartse spiraal mbt tewerkstelling en uitdagingen voor de sector. Welke premies kan een grafisch bedrijf bekomen voor opleiding van Arbeiders PC130 (sectorale opleidingspremie)? Hoe gaan de grafische opleidingscentra om met de gedeeltelijke switch van traditionele grafische (offset)machines naar digitale tools en productiemiddelen ? De diverse diensten en (subsidie)-mogelijkheden via GRAFOC ter ondersteuning van de grafische industrie. En meer… Kijk, “like” en deel zoals gewoonlijk!

Mon August 10th

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Xavier De Coker · Over The Skype · Drukk...

In this 'Over the Skype' session, Manager Xavier De Coker from Drukkerijgroep AlbeDeCoker talks with Jacques Michiels from INKISH Benelux about the challenges and preparations for a “generational change” within a medium-sized graphic company. A tough subject that many printing companies are confronted with or will face in the (near) future. Xavier also provides insights into what he believes can be important distinguishing factors for a modern graphics company in which a win-win model in pursuit of cost savings and efficiency are important. Furthermore, the purchasing philosophy adapted by AlbeDeCoker regarding Sustainability and Green and Lean Supply chain / suppliers is up for discussion AND becoming a part of their strategy, even further than, for example, FSC and PEFC certified raw materials. An important signal / message to the graphics supply industry ?! Watch, like and share as usual ! In deze 'Over the Skype'-sessie spreekt Manager Xavier De Coker van Drukkerijgroep AlbeDeCoker met Jacques Michiels van INKISH Benelux over de uitdagingen en voorbereidingen van een “generatiewissel” binnen een middelgroot grafisch bedrijf, een pittig onderwerp waar vele drukkerijen mee geconfronteerd worden of zullen worden in de (nabije) toekomst. Xavier geeft verder nog inzichten in wat volgens hem belangrijke onderscheidende factoren kunnen zijn voor een moderne grafisch bedrijf waarin een win-win model bij streven naar kostenbesparing en effeciëntie belangrijk zijn. Verder staat de door AlbeDeCoker aangepaste inkoopfilosofie met betrekking tot Duurzaamheid en Groene en Lean Supply chain / leveranciers ter discussie als onderdeel van hun strategie, zelfs verder dan de FSC en PEFC gecertificeerde grondstoffen. Een belangrijk signaal / bericht naar de grafische toeleveringsindustrie ?! Kijk, “like” en deel zoals gewoonlijk!

Thu May 28th


Piet Saegeman · CHILI publish · Learn Wi...

As always Piet Saegeman from CHILI publish gave an excellent presentation. In this 'Learn with us' session, he talks about Smart Templates, the subscription solution recently introduced, and as usual a great insight into what CHILI Publisher can offer its users.

Thu May 28th


Toon Van Rossum · Enfocus · Learn With U...

In this 'Learn with us' session, Toon Van Rossum from Enfocus gives you an insight on how to see your future automation. This presentation is not about products, but about the process that can lead to any software investment, you are looking into.

Tue May 26th


Laetitia Reynaud · Learn With Us –...

In this 'Learn with Us' session Policy Advisor Laetitia Reynaud from INTERGRAF explain the legislative processes in the European Union. She also explains how INTERGRAF have influenced legislation to support printing companies. A truly great presentation about a quite hard to understand the subject served in a very nice and easy way to comprehend. Thank you!

Mon May 4th


Cindy Van Luyck · Over The Skype · CHILI...

Cindy Van Luyck is the CMO at CHILI Publish, and in this, Over the Skype session, we talk about SPICYtalks, CHILI publisher, and how to market complex products and services. As with all our ‘Over the Skype’ interviews, quality is limited to bandwidth, web-cams, and ability to literally LIVE mix the conversations. However, it works, and with Over the Skype, we will bring you more than 20 exciting people, and angles on the industry as it is right now. Enjoy!

Fri May 1st


Beatrice Klose · Over The Skype · INTERG...

Beatrice Klose is the Secretary-General for INTERGRAF based in Brussels, Belgium. Intergraf organises 20 European Print Federations and do an extremely important job concerning both servicing the local federations, but maybe even more important representing the printing industry concerning legislation suggested by the European Commission. In this 'Over the Skype' session, Beatrice Klose explains the work of Intergraf, which we find is way undervalued - so please enjoy and share. As with all our ‘Over the Skype’ interviews, quality is limited to bandwidth, web-cams, and ability to literally LIVE mix the conversations. However, it works, and with Over the Skype, we will bring you more than 20 exciting people, and angles on the industry as it is right now. Enjoy!

Tue April 21st


Wim Fransen · Over The Skype · Enfocus

Wim Fransen is one of our frequent guests here at INKISH, so of course, we were very curious to hear more about Enfocus these days. That was good. First of all both PitStop and Switch are being updated to 2020 editions - and quite some features are revealed. I.e. PitStop got a new feature that enables it to look into the document processed and compare, i.e. logos, etc. for being the right version. This is of course, truly amazing, but it's just one of more features. For the API people Switch got a major make-over in their scripting language, that we now know, is a feature that IT people have been wanting for a long time. AND - One More Thing. Wim Fransen reveals the frame-work of new software that Enfocus is currently developing. Though details are still limited, it's the first new product from Enfocus in years (besides the many major updates of PitStop and Switch of course.) As with all our 'Over the Skype' interviews, quality is limited to bandwidth, web-cams, and ability to literally LIVE mix the conversations. However, it works, and with Over the Skype, we will bring you more than 20 exciting people, and angles on the industry as it is right now. Enjoy!

Mon December 16th


CHILI Publisher flies high at Airbus · T...

The European aircraft manufacturer Airbus has chosen to use CHILI Publisher as part of their delivery of brand consistent marketing. At SPICYtalks 19 in Berlin Digital Project Manager Thomas Julé from Airbus gave a quite impressive presentation of what they are doing. It was also very nice to experience the openness of Airbus and how they show the application. Great design, great implementation, and here you can hear and see for yourself some of the motivations for working with CHILI.

Mon December 16th

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CHILI Publisher Roadmap · Ward De Langhe...

CHILI publish CTO Ward De Langhe was VERY busy during the SPICYtalks event in Berlin. Most can probably understand what a great opportunity it is for partners and customers to get a chance to talk with the CTO of a company that develops software all are relying on? We do at least. Ward De Langhe explains, in this interview, that at the beginning of 2019, a lot of changes was developed. However, most changes were not so visual since it was part of an updated backbone of CHILI Publisher. In the past three months, however, every new release has delivered significant new features - and of course, version 6.0 is a major update. Enjoy the opportunity to listen to Ward De Langhe right here on INKISH.TV

Mon December 16th

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CHILI Publisher version 6 preview at SPI...

Kevin Goeminne is the CEO of CHILI publish and in this film from SPICYtalks 19 in Berlin he expresses his happiness over his team and the achievements his team has done. CHILI publish is successful and more and more customers are using the software to create, not only print campaigns, but also online campaigns. At SPICYtalks CHILI publish used CHILI Publisher to generate hundreds of individual banners that were targeted users online. Kevin Goeminne, as usual, deliver both as CEO and as host in Berlin. Enjoy.

Mon December 9th


CHILI has Quite an Aggressive Growth Pla...

One of our absolute favourites in the industry is Piet Saegeman from CHILI publish. He controls words like no other and can even use the words as a playground for kids. He is always serious when talking to him, of course, but he also knows the power of the word. In his presentation at SPICYtalks 19 in Berlin, he spoke about how the porn-industry has been a test field for many of the technologies used today. He continues with his second slide, spelling porn wrongly (pron) and jokes about that his colleagues at CHILI publish didn't even proofread his slides. There is no need to proofread his slides - Piet Saegeman has an enormous knowledge, and he knows exactly how to sell CHILI - so that is exactly what he does. I LOVE this film. Enjoy!

Sun December 8th


Fabian Prudhomme at the INKISH NON-EVENT...

INKISH hosted for the first time ever our NON-EVENT. The Non-event is celebrating the people that have been in front of the camera, or been supporting INKISH during the past years. This is a new recurring event, and the idea is to give space for the people we have featured to connect in a new way. We invited 150 people, and 32 decided to join us. Our guests came from Japan, Canada, USA, UK, Belgium, Sweden, and Denmark - and we are confident that next year, even more, will come. We asked most of our participants to talk LIVE during the dinner - and here is Fabian Prudhomme from Belgium. Fabian Prudhomme is the Global VP Sales & Alliances at CHILI publish. With a broad background within the printing industry and maybe even more on the side that deals with software, Fabian Prudhomme is a well-known and recognized person. We had the pleasure working with Fabian Prudhomme both when he worked at Enfocus, and even more since he joined the CHILI publish team. Enjoy!

Sun December 8th


Maya Staels at the INKISH NON-EVENT 2019...

INKISH hosted for the first time ever our NON-EVENT. The Non-event is celebrating the people that have been in front of the camera, or been supporting INKISH during the past years. This is a new recurring event, and the idea is to give space for the people we have featured to connect in a new way. We invited 150 people, and 32 decided to join us. Our guests came from Japan, Canada, USA, UK, Belgium, Sweden, and Denmark - and we are confident that next year, even more, will come. We asked most of our participants to talk LIVE during the dinner - and here is Maya Staels from Belgium. Maya Staels has worked with PR for many years, and both with established PR-companies, leading to developing her own PR-company. Among the customers from the printing industry, you find Kornit, Memjet, and CHILI publish. Enjoy!

Fri November 8th


SPICYtalks19 · CHILI publish User Event ...

Second day from SPICYtalks19 in Berlin is over, and basically SPICYtalks19 is now history. What a show, and what a great event to be part of. Enjoy our second day coverage, and stay tuned for interviews shortly!

Thu November 7th


SPICYtalks19 · CHILI publish User Event ...

First day from SPICYtalks19 in Berlin is over, and we are awaiting another exciting day. The first day is always about meeting people you know, to check out the location, and to figure out what tracks to follow. INKISH was asked by CHILI publish to cover the event, which we really like - exciting people, amazingly great technology, and new network opportunities are just a few of the ingredients to make this soup SPICY. Enjoy our coverage of the first day, and stay tuned for Day 2. We will also have a range of great interviews (full length) with Kevin Goeminne, Theresa Regli, Thomas Julé, and Alan Dixon.

Tue November 5th

Automation & Awards · Adam Seiz · D...

Once in a while, you meet printing companies that stand out from the crowd, and one of them is for sure Bennett Graphics in Atlanta, GA. The printing company is a family-owned company, and the first things that strike you when you enter the building are the awards. Every wall is covered with awards recognizing Bennett Graphics for its excellence in printing. That established the next thing is what makes the company stand out. The litho printing machine? No. The Scodix? No. The Highcon? No. HP Indigos? No. Since we are sponsored by Enfocus to talk with Adam Seiz about Enfocus Switch, of course, this is part of the success, but the people are the real differentiators. So when you meet dedication and a commitment on all levels, you understand how technology is used to utilize the work, the quality, the awards, and the special touch that makes Bennett Graphics not just famous in Georgia, but among customers in the entire US. In this film, we do, however, focus on workflow and automation, and Bennett Graphics is a transformation process moving from analogue to digital. One thing is the production. But the entire workflow where Enfocus Switch is used to connect the web-store-fronts to the production workflow, to the two-ways integration to the Tharstern MIS system, and to how the company also uses Switch to increase the productivity internally in sales/estimation/production. Adam Seiz is certain that Enfocus Switch is one of the technical key-elements in the success of Bennett Graphics, and when said by Adam Seiz, we believe him. Watch this - in our opinion - brilliant video from Atlanta. We are sure you can learn from it.

Thu October 31st

It Starts With an Analysis, then Demo...

At PRINTING United INKISH was broadcasting daily. On October 24th, we spend the day with CHILI Publish trying to understand more about their products, services, and offerings. Spending time with specialists gives you a deeper insight, and therefore it's a pleasure to welcome Gabriel Flippo here on INKISH.TV where he talks about customers, and what kind of products/services they use CHILI Publisher for.

Thu October 31st


How Do CHILI-Publish Approach the Market...

Every company, of course, have a go-to-market strategy. In this film Fabian Prudhomme from CHILI Publish explains how they use various channels to market CHILI Publisher. The interesting part is, of course, also how important the various types of partners are for CHILI. Fabian Prudhomme has a broad background in the printing industry where he has had positions like VP for Enfocus, worked for Kodak, and have a great insight in the value-chain in the industry. Listen, and learn!

Thu October 31st


DEMO: Entourage Yearbooks · Sean Crowe &...

One of the best ways to learn is to experience. Here you'll see a LIVE presentation of Entourage Yearbooks, a US-based Yearbooks producer. Using CHILI-Publisher as engine enables the company to deliver a great user experience to the users and enables them to produce complex yearbooks online. Watch the demo and get an insight into the how-to.

Wed October 30th


CHILI Understanding the Customer Needs ·...

Understanding the go-to-market approach by vendors may make it easier for most to understand the value proposition. In this interview, Global VP Sales and Alliances, Fabian Prudhomme explains how CHILI address future prospects. Actually quite interesting, and the amazing part is the vast value that CHILI-Publish apparently gives the customers who understand it. Remember to watch the two demos.

Wed October 30th


CHILI is Online Editing of Smart Templat...

CHILI-Publish is maybe one of the worlds leading software when it comes to online mass-customization, and we are so happy that we are broadcasting LIVE from CHILI-Publisher. Not only will it give you an insight into the product, but also to get to know the people behind the company. In this film with Global Vice President Sales & Alliances, Fabian Prudhomme introduces us to CHILI. Enjoy and see the other interviews with Fabian Prudhomme as well.

Wed October 30th


Why CHILI-Publish has such an enourmous ...

PRINTING United is, of course, about products, services, and network, but it's also about knowledge, sharing, learning, education, and sales. At PRINTING United we broadcasted LIVE from CHILI-Publisher's booth October 24th which was really cool. One of the inspiring people we spoke with was Director of Sales Operations, Seth Kane. In this film, he envisions the potential of CHILI in north-America, and we really liked talking with him, but dig in, and listen for yourselves.

Wed October 30th


LIVE DEMO: CHILI Publish · Sean Crowe · ...

At PRINTING United we did 2 hours LIVE TV daily, and October 24th was dedicated to the great people from CHILI Publish. During the day we got interviews with the people from the booth, but also a chance to get a presentation of the software by Solutions Expert Sean Crowe. Here is the first one, where editor Morten Reitoft from INKISH.TV is getting a quick tour, including walk-through of some of the new features. Excellent presentation, great software, and whau - awe-inspiring.

Fri October 25th


PRINTING United 2019 Day 2 · CHILI Publi...

One of the companies that have always continued to surprise us is CHILI Publish from Belgium. The company has one product on the shelf called CHILI Publisher and the first thing that comes to mind when you see it is Adobe InDesign in an online-version. However, CHILI Publisher is way more. It's an online templating and collaboration tool that enable users to create a stunning design online with sources from off-line to PIM's, DAM's and other data sources. October 24th we broadcasted LIVE from their booth at Printing United, and here is it. The un-edited version will shortly be trimmed into easier to consume 'bites' - however until then below is an approx. time-line. Enjoy! 7:56 Introduction and Interview with Fabian Prudhomme 17:18 LIVE demo with Sean Crowe incl. presentations of a few new features! 35:07 Interview with Seth Kane (issues with sound the first five/six seconds) 50:06 Print Sample TV LIVE with Pat McGrew 1:07 Interview with Fabian Prudhomme 1:20 LIVE demo/presentation by Sean Crowe and Elias Jo from Entourage Yearbooks 1:39 Interview with Fabian Prudhomme 1:52 Interview with Gabriel Flippo

Sat October 19th


Chili in the Hot-Spot for Mass-Customiza...

At the recent LabelExpo, we got the chance to talk to Fabian Prudhomme from CHILI publish. Some may recognize Fabian Prudhomme, who used to be the VP of Enfocus. His new position with CHILI publish is Global Vice President Sales & Alliances. In the interview, we talk with Fabian Prudhomme about the opportunity Chili has in a time where everybody talks about mass-customization, personalization, etc. We also asked Fabian Prudhomme whether the marketing- and storytelling isn't becoming more complex when a product becomes more and more complex. See and hear his answers in this short interview from LabelExpo and stay tunes for a full day of coverage from CHILI publish's booth #11657 at Printing United 2019 in Dallas.

Mon October 14th


Enfocus Switch Rewards Their Customers ·...

Enfocus is one of the maybe most known names in the printing industry. In this interview Managing Director, Wim Fransen goes as far as calling PitStop almost a house-hold name in Europe and the US. In this interview directly ask Wim Fransen whether their in-direct sales channel is the right one for software such as Enfocus Switch. Wim Fransen, who has been Managing Director for a couple of years, tell that this business model is such an important core of Enfocus that he almost compared as important as PitStop itself. As usual watch, like, and share this film.

Sun December 2nd


Why Everybody Needs Automation · Toon Va...

Many believe automation is only for the bigger or for the few. In this interview, we asked Product Manager Toon Van Rossum from Enfocus why automation is something everybody should consider. We actually ask Toon Van Rossum the same question three times but in perspective; the small printing company, the medium size printing company and finally the large printing company and well - listen to Toon Van Rossum's answers and consider whether this applies to you and your printing company!

Wed August 22nd


How Public Procurement is done in Antwer...

Public Procurement is complicated and tedious, and many printers simply have given up on selling to public companies and organizations. Things are not always easy and here is an insight into how Public Procurement is seen from the buyer's side and how the city of Antwerpen has streamlined their buying process. Here Director of Media & Communication Joris Heirbaut presents the route from then to now - enjoy!

Mon August 20th


Printers still have a huge un-released p...

Recently the Federation of Printers in Denmark, Grakom, and Medit Consult - a highly acclaimed consulting company in the graphics industry hosted a one day conference about 'Automation and Workflow.' One of the speakers was Freddy Pieters from Enfocus. We got the chance to catch up with him during one of the breaks and spoke about the un-released potential for many printers. Workflow is one of the major topics in the global printing industry so always good to hear an opinion from one of the market leaders. Enjoy!

Mon August 13th


Roland VersaUV printers at Work · Jeroen...

Roland DG has always been considered a work-horse and in the upper segment of their segment and at Argos Inspiration Days we got the chance to talk to Business Development Manager Jeroen Kooij from Roland DG Benelux. In this short film, you can the amazing products and what opportunities i.e. the VersaUV offer printing companies and their customers.

Tue June 19th


Endless Branding & Endless Possibili...

Peter Janssen is the CEO of Endless Branding from Beek, The Netherlands - and one of the interesting things Peter Janssen emphasize in his speech from Benelux Online Print Event 18 in Brussels is that we "pretty much produce the same things we have always done, however, the way we do it has changed a lot"... This is interesting since this is what a lot of printers experience and some are successful others are still struggling. Listen and learn!

Tue May 8th


INKISH.TV Proudly presents: Filip Roose ...

Filip Roose got roots in the printing. industry and together with his brother and father they started developing Slimbox some time ago - and now Slimbox is available - and in our humble opinion worth the wait. Take a look at Slimbox and listen to CEO Filip Roose - recorded at Argos Inspiration Days in Brussels.

Sat April 21st


INKISH.TV proudly presents: Luc Augustin...

Luc Augustinus is head of Business Development for Peleman Industries in Belgium and if that doesn't ring a bell for you, it may be because they are way more known for their Unibind products. At Argos Inspiration Days in Brussels, we got the chance to talk to Luc Augustinus about their latest invention - the Vpaper Tower. The Vpaper Tower is a machine that adds a double crease to a paper making it possible to use in Lay-flat bound products, like photo-books, textbooks and well - pretty much every application you can think of. Take a look at the video and see for yourself what Vpaper is all about.!

Tue March 27th

INKISH.TV proudly presents: Post Card fr...

INKISH covered the Argos Inspiration Days in Brussels this year and we have already published many hours of speeches recorded live during the show. When we cover events we always make a postcard from the event to give a taste of the event and to inspire you to go next time. Enjoy!

Tue March 20th


INKISH.TV proudly presents: Kevin Goemin...

At the SpicyTalks18 in Amsterdam CEO Kevin Goeminne from Chili-Publish spoke with INKISH.TV about partnerships, the new Universal Graphics Engine (UGE) and how Chili-Publish looks ahead of a bright future for its products and services. Great conversation - thank you Kevin :-)

Wed March 14th


INKISH.TV proudly presents: Post Card fr...

Chili Publish is one of the most recognized software companies in the printing industry. With their successful Chili platform, the company has enabled customers to handle their brand-identity on the internet and allowed hundreds if not thousands of printers to offer even complex services online. For the fourth year in a row, Chili Publishing is hosting their SPICY talks - this time in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Almost 200 people from all over the world attended the conference that gave tremendous options to talk techniques, business, development and, networking. INKISH was attending only on the last day - but it was great and we hope to cover the full event at SPICY talks19. Shortly we will bring an interview with Don Schminkey from Channel Fusion and a Conversation with CEO Kevin Goeminne.

Sun March 11th


INKISH.TV proudly presents: Jos Claes · ...

At the Argos Inspiration days 2018, Owner Jos Claes gave a great presentation of the 2Imagine web-platform that enable brand owners to manage and maintain their design identity.

Sun March 11th


INKISH.TV proudly presents: Harm Jan Hul...

At the Argos Inspiration Days 2018, Area Manager Harm Jan Hulleman gave a presentation of Tecnau's ingenious products made for commercial book production as well as on-demand production.

Sun March 11th


INKISH.TV proudly presents: Luc Augustin...

At the Argos Inspiration Days 2018, Luc Augustinus from Peleman Industries and Erik Keuppens from Imaging Solutions gave a great presentation about Lay-Flat binding. According to the two gentlemen, Lay-Flat binding is an opportunity to create better value on printed books - see for yourself.

Sun March 11th


INKISH.TV proudly presents: Laurent De W...

At the Argos Inspiration Days 2018, Trainer and Application Specialist Laurent De Wilde gave a great presentation about the benefits of automation using Enfocus Switch.

Sun March 11th


INKISH.TV proudly presents: Fons Put · S...

At the Argos inspiration Days 2018 Senior Innovation Consultant Fons Put share his in-depth knowledge about colors and finishing.

Sun March 11th


INKISH.TV proudly presents: Didier Haaze...

At the Argos Inspiration days 2018 Senior Innovation Consultant Didier Haazen spoke about the evolutions of the PDF.

Sun March 11th


INKISH.TV proudly presents: Tom Moulaert...

At the Argos Inspiration Days 2018, Trainer & Application Specialist Tom Moulaert gave the audience a range of tips- and tricks for the Adobe CC suite of programs. Really cool.

Mon February 19th


INKISH proudly presents: Wim Fransen · M...

In this CONVERSATIONS Managing Director Wim Fransen from Enfocus have a conversation with editor Morten Reitoft. In this 11 minute program, they talk about the DNA of Enfocus, how to remain passionate about your work even when you change position and also about a shared codebase, future development, and expectations in general. Wim Fransen is passionate about his work and it was a truly great pleasure to talk with him at the HQ in Gent, Belgium.

Thu February 15th

RolandDG@Argos Inspiration Days · March ...

RolandDG is one of the leading companies in the printing industry for large format, contour cutting, and machines that extend the boundaries of what's possible. See for yourself at in Brussels

Tue February 13th


INKISH.TV proudly presents: Tony Michiel...

Argos Solution is a company developing and producing UV-coaters and more. In this INKISH episode, we talk to Tony Michiels about the Argos Inspiration Days that he is the organizer of. Tony Michiels is very open about that the inspiration for Argos Inspiration Days comes from Hunkeler Innovation Days - and we are certain that the participants will enjoy the knowledge, the network and the inspiration that you can experience yourself March 6th-8th 2018.

Fri October 6th


INKISH.TV proudly presents: Wim Fransen ...

Please welcome the new Managing Director Wim Fransen from Enfocus. Enfocus has for many years been a leader in workflow and automation and we have on several occasions here at INKISH.TV made films about Enfocus and the nice people from there. In this short film from Print17 we got the chance to meet Wim Fransen for the first time - and with the passion that you clearly see in his eyes and body language - no doubt, that he will be a great leader and a great ambassador for the company.

Mon July 17th


INKISH.TV proudly presents: VP Fabian Pr...

Please welcome Fabian Prudhomme from Enfocus. Enfocus is a software developer that has specialized in workflow and automation and is well known for software like PitStop and Switch. As part of the X-treme Switchover project that INKISH.TV is covering we went to Belgium to visit Enfocus. We will soon publish more episodes about Switch and from the winner of the X-treme Switchover competition Sign-Age.

Wed February 22nd


INKISH.TV Proudly presents: Vice Preside...

Enfocus is one our favorite companies in the printing industry - inventing great software products, that enable printers to be more effective and more productive. At GraphExpo we had the opportunity (once again) to talk to Vice President Fabian Prudhomme. Automation is still key for Enfocus and with the Switch App Store introduced at Drupa, both Enfocus and third-party vendors will be able to add functionality to Switch and the customer's workflow. A new feature soon available is PDF proofing - really cool, but see for yourself.

Wed February 15th


INKISH.TV Proudly presents: CEO Kevin Go...

Chili Publish is the company behind Chili Publisher which for years have been the locomotive and Rolls Royce in the web-to-print industry. We at INKISH.TV was so lucky to catch up with CEO Kevin Goeminne at GraphExpo in Orlando. Great company - both Kevin and Chili Publish, so enjoy our episode.

Thu January 26th


INKISH.TV proudly presents Tony Michiels...

At GraphExpo we had a chance to talk to CEO and Founder Tony Michiels from Argos Solutions - and that was great. First of all, he is a very nice guy, but the flat coater he presented at GraphExpo was also really cool. Using LED-UV reduces not only energy consumption, but also reduce the amount of UV-Varnish needed for the jobs - and that leads to lower production cost and faster return on investment. Cool - but see for your self!